Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Marin County Superintendent of Schools and San Diego County Office of Education:
Third Apportionment for the
In-Person Instruction Grant
Fiscal Year 2020–21
This apportionment, in the amount of $181,797, is made from the General Fund pursuant to Section 2 of Assembly Bill (AB) 86 (Chapter 10, Statutes of 2021), as amended by Section 34 of AB130 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021) and Section 12 of AB 167 (Chapter 252, Statutes of 2021), in support of In-Person Instruction (IPI) Grant. The amounts paid in this apportionment reflect the remaining expended balance of Willow Creek Academy’s and Albert Einstein Academy Charter Elementary’s revised allocation calculated pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 43521(c). The funds are being released because the California Department of Education (CDE) has received documentation to validate funds were used appropriately, expenditures were made prior to closure, and IPI program and audit requirements were met.
General information regarding the IPI Grant, including frequently asked questions and other program requirements is available on the CDE’s COVID-19 Relief and School Reopening Grants web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/hn/covidreliefgrants.asp. Detailed calculations of local educational agency (LEA) IPI Grant allocations are available on the CDE’s Funding Results web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/ipielo20result.asp.
The IPI Grant provide funding to support school districts, county offices of education and classroom-based charter schools for any purpose consistent with providing in-person instruction for any pupil participating in in-person instruction, including, but not limited to, COVID-19 testing, cleaning and disinfection, personal protective equipment, ventilation and other school site upgrades necessary for health and safety, salaries for certificated or classified employees providing in-person instruction or services, and social and mental health support services provided in conjunction with in-person instruction.
The revised allocation for eligible entities is based proportionally on each LEA’s Local Control Funding Formula entitlement as of the 2020–21 Second Principal Apportionment. IPI Grant were reduced by one percent for each calendared instructional day from April 1 to May 15, inclusive that an LEA did not offer in-person instruction for all required groups. IPI Grant were forfeited if an LEA did not offer in-person instruction pursuant to EC Section 43521(c)(3) for all required groups by May 15, 2021, or if in-person instruction was not offered continuously through the end of the scheduled 2020–21 school year, unless otherwise ordered by a state or local health officer or due to a natural disaster.
A warrant will be mailed approximately three weeks from the date of this letter. For standardized account code structure coding, use Resource Code 7422, In-Person Instruction Grant, and Revenue Object Code 8590, All Other State Revenue.
The Marin County Superintendent of Schools and the San Diego County Office of Education were notified of this apportionment by email sent to its CDEfisc email address. The CDE requested that the email be forwarded to representatives for Willow Creek Academy and the Sausalito-Marin City School District, the charter school’s former authorizer in Marin County and Albert Einstein Academy Charter Elementary in San Diego County. The email included the links to this letter and the accompanying apportionment schedule posted on the CDE web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r14/ipielo20result.asp.
For questions regarding programmatic requirements, use of funds, and expenditure reporting, please contact the In-Person Instruction Grants Office by email at InPersonGrants@cde.ca.gov. For questions concerning this apportionment or the IPI Grant allocation amount, please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by email at CAAR@cde.ca.gov.
Elizabeth Dearstyne, Director
School Fiscal Services Division