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SACS2007ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2007ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2007ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2007-08 budget and interim, and the 2006-07 unaudited actual components of the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here. Again this year much of our efforts were focused on the revised criteria and standards – providing for extraction of multiyear projections like the interim period reports, as well as other enhancements to make completion easier.

Other software enhancements and modifications are summarized below. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

General Software Changes

Fiscal Year Display – To conform to California Department of Education (CDE) standards, changed fiscal year display within the software and on all forms from having slashes to dashes (i.e., 2007/08 to 2007-08), including export data files. Note: If SACS software data files are used in your financial system or any other system in your office, you may want to let your programmers know about this change.

Blank Forms – Blank forms have been discontinued because of the amount of time to maintain them compared to the benefit; they nearly doubled the time needed to maintain the forms and they are not being used by many Local Educational Agencies (LEA). We determined through a field survey that an alternative procedure to produce the equivalent of blank forms would be acceptable for those that do use the blank forms. Therefore, five new "Blank LEA" codes have been established from which only blank forms can be printed:

  • 00-00001-000000, Blank County Form
  • 00-00001-000001, Blank County Charter School Form
  • 00-00002-000000, Blank District Form
  • 00-00002-000001, Blank District Charter School Form
  • 00-00003-000000, Blank JPA Form

To print the equivalent of blank forms, select the applicable "Blank LEA" from the Preferences list, then open the Table of Contents from the Forms menu. It is from the Table of Contents window that the blank forms can be printed. All other functionality for the "Blank LEAs" has been disabled. Note: Forms printed from the "Blank LEAs" may contain zeros where extractions or calculations normally take place.

Cache Memory – Cache memory within the SACS software application has been increased to provide for faster processing of data, especially for resolving delays experienced when importing 2nd interim data files.

Revised Fund Forms
  • Expenditures by Object Worksheet (changes are effective 2006-07 unless otherwise noted)
    • All interim period fund forms: Added back the “amount difference” column.
    • All applicable fund forms: Modified titles of the following object codes per the latest California School Accounting Manual updates:
    • 3701 and 3702 – OPEB, Allocated
    • 7141 – Other Tuition, Excess Costs, and/or Deficit Payments to School Districts or Charter Schools
    • 7211 – Transfers of Pass-Through Revenues to Districts or Charter Schools
    • 7221 – Transfers of Apportionments to Districts or Charter Schools
    • 7651 – Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs
    • 8791 – Transfers of Apportionments from Districts or Charter Schools
    • 8965 – Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs
    • 9664 – Net OPEB Obligation
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, 12/12I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 15/15I, 18/18I, 19/19I, 21/21I, 25/25I, 30/30I, 35/35I, 40/40I, 49/49I, 57/57I, 61/61I, 62/62I, 63/63I, 66/66I, 67/67I, 71/71I, and 73/73I: Added rows for new object codes 3751 and 3752, OPEB, Active Employees and Object 5100, Subagreements for Services, effective 2007-08.
  • Forms 01/01I: Added four rows in the Other State Revenue section under Other State Apportionments for resources 0000 and 2430, objects 8311 and 8319, Supplemental Instruction Programs and Community Day School Additional Funding for the new revenue limit definition, effective 2007-08.
  • Forms 01/01I: Shaded cells for Object 7280, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes, which will be obsolete beginning 2007-08.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, and 62/62I: Shaded cells for Object 8780, Transfers from Sponsoring LEAs to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes, which will be obsolete beginning 2007-08.
  • Forms 01/01I: Shaded cells for ROC/P Apprentice Hours, Resource 6350, Object 8091, in the Revenue Limit Transfers section, which will be obsolete beginning 2007-08.
  • Forms 09/09I, 11/11I, and 62/62I: Shaded cells for objects 8011, Revenue Limit State Aid—Current Year, and 8019, Revenue Limit State Aid—Prior Years budget and percent difference columns.
  • Forms 11/11I: Shaded cells for objects 8091, Revenue Limit Transfers—Current Year, and 8099, Revenue Limit Transfers—Prior Years, budget and percent difference columns.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, and 62/62I: Added row for new Object 8096, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes in the Revenue Limit Transfers section, effective 2007-08.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, and 62/62I: Added row for new Resource 7080, Supplemental School Counseling Program, with Object 8590 in the Other State Revenue section.
  • Forms 01/01I: Added Resource 7296, Staff Development: Teachers of English Language Learners, to the Staff Development resource codes with Object 8590 in the Other State Revenue section.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, and 62/62I: Added row for new Resource 7400, Quality Education Investment Act, with Object 8590 in the Other State Revenue section, effective 2007-08.
  • All applicable funds: Deleted obsolete Resource 7315, Staff Development: School Development Plans, from the Staff Development resource codes in the Other State Revenue section.
  • Forms 11/11I: Added two rows for Resource 6390, Adult Education Apportionment, objects 8311, Other State Apportionments—Current Year, and 8319, Other State Apportionments—Prior Years in the Other State Revenue section under Other State Apportionments, effective 2007-08.
  • Forms 09/09I and 62/62I: Added rows for Object 8965, Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs, in the Sources section, and Object 7651, Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs, in the Uses section.
  • Forms 11/11I, 12/12I, 13/13I, 14/14I, 18/18I, 19/19I, 21/21I, 25/25I, 30/30I, 35/35I, 40/40I, 53/53I, 56/56I, 57/57I, 61/61I, 63/63I, 66/66I, 67/67I, 71/71I, and 73/73I (counties only): Deleted rows for Object 8965, Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs, in the Sources section, and Object 7651, Transfers from Funds of Lapsed/Reorganized LEAs, in the Uses section.
  • Forms 12/12I and 62/62I: Unshaded Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance, in the Fund Balance, Reserves section.
  • Forms 14/14I: Added row for Object 8919, Other Authorized Interfund Transfers In, in the Interfund Transfers section.
  • Forms 14/14I: Deleted row for Object 6100, Land, in the Capital Outlay expenditures section.
  • Forms 19/19I: Shaded Object 9740, Legally Restricted Balance, in the Fund Balance, Reserves section.
  • Forms 21/21I: Deleted row for Object 8545, School Facilities Apportionments, in the Other State Revenue section.
New Supplemental Form
  • Form MYPIO – Multiyear Projections
    • Added new interim period multiyear projection form for funds other than the general fund, to be completed pursuant to the criteria and standards for all other funds projecting a negative ending balance. Although a multiyear projection is required for any negative ending fund balance, this SACS software format is optional.
  • Deleted Supplemental Form
    • Form JUV-A – Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account Deleted the one-time only form used for 2005-06 unaudited actuals during transition to the new reserve transfers calculations in Form JUV that went into effect in 2006-07.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form A/AI – Average Daily Attendance
    • Deleted lines 2b and 5b, Special Education Skilled Nursing Facility, per the Principal Apportionment Revenue Software changes (district only).
    • Changed line 24a, Charter Schools Sponsored by Unified Districts, to include only those to which EC Section 47660 applies, per the Principal Apportionment Revenue Software change (district only).
    • Separated "County Operated Charter Schools" into "Revenue Limit" and "Block Grant" (county only).
  • Form CA – Unaudited Actuals Certifications
    • Removed the check boxes. They were a carryover from the J-200 software.
    • Modified the certification statements by LEA type (bold type is new) for clarification to more closely reflect the Education Code language:
    • County – This report is hereby prepared and filed by the County Superintendent of Schools pursuant to E.C. Section 41010 and E.C. Section 1628.
    • District – This report was prepared in accordance with E.C. Section 41010 and is hereby approved and filed by the governing board of the school district pursuant to E.C. Section 42100
    • JPA – This report was prepared in accordance with E.C. Section 41010 and is hereby approved and filed by the governing board of the JPA pursuant to E.C. Section 42100.
    • Charter Schools – This report has been approved, and is hereby approved and filed by the charter school pursuant to Education Code Section 42100(b).
    • Added Form NCMOE determination and expenditure data to the data summary worksheet (district only).
    • Removed Form JUV Amount in Excess of Allowable Transfers data since fatal checks have been added to prevent excess transfers (county only).
  • Forms CB, CC, and CI – Budget, Worker's Compensation, and Interim Certifications
    • Made miscellaneous text changes for clarification, including in the Criteria and Standards Summary section.
  • Forms CEA/CEB – Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added resources 6377, 6761, 7022, 7026, 7056, 7080, 7386, 7396, 7397, and 7398 to the reductions in column 4a and line 12a.
    • Added objects 3751, OPEB, Active Employees, certificated positions and 3752, OPEB Active Employees, classified positions, to applicable extractions in Part I, Employee Benefits, and Part II, lines 12 and 13a, plus added a row in the Part II object extractions for objects 3751 and 3752.
    • Modified to show District's Current Expense of Education data (Part III, line 4) for all districts, whether or not they have a deficiency or are exempt.
  • Form CORR – Education of Adults in County Correctional Facilities
    • In Section I, added Retiree Benefits, objects 3701-3702.
    • In Section II, added Teachers’ Salaries, Object 1100.
    • In Section II, added Retiree Benefits, objects 3701-3702.
    • In Section II, added Travel and Conferences, Object 5200.
    • In Section II, added Communications, Object 5900.
    • In Section II, changed Transfers of Direct Costs to Transfers of Direct Support Costs and changed object codes from 5710, 5750 to 7370, 7380.
    • In Section III, updated 2nd year statewide average rate to 4.92%.
  • Form DAY – Community Day Schools
    • Added the following clarifying message: "The program revenues extracted from the general ledger data (Line A) and the difference between the net revenues and the program costs (Line D) are for informational purposes only. The California Department of Education (CDE) will use the program revenues obtained from the CDE’s Principal Apportionment Unit to determine compliance with Education Code Section 48660.2(b). (See the SACS Software User Guide for more details)."
  • Form DEBT – Schedule of Long-Term Liabilities
    • Replaced “Other Postemployment Benefits” text with “Net OPEB Obligation” in the Governmental Activities and Business-Type Activities sections.
  • Form GANN – Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • In Section C, Local Proceeds of Taxes Data, added new Object 8096, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes and shaded Object 8780, Transfers from Sponsoring LEAs to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes and Object 7280, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes, for current year; shaded objects will be removed next year.
    • In Section C, State Aid Received, added Supplemental Instruction for current year (Resource 0000, Object 8311) and prior year (Resource 0000, Object 8319) now that they are no longer part of revenue limit (Object 8011).
    • In Section C, State Aid Received, added Community Day School Additional Funding for current year (Resource 2430, Object 8311) and prior year (Resource 2430, Object 8319) now that they are no longer part of revenue limit (Object 8011).
    • In Section C, shaded "Supplemental Instruction Funds Included Above" for current year; will be removed next year.
    • In Section D, Preliminary Appropriations Limit, updated the inflation factor for current year to 1.0442.
  • Form ICR – Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    • Replaced the outdated Part II, Data Processing Services section with new section "Subagreement for Services (manual adjustment in 2006-07 only)". Although Object 5100, Subagreements for Services, will not be in effect until 2007-08, we need this data from LEAs in 2006-07 so that it can be included in their 2006-07 Form ICR calculations.
    • Added a warning message box to display upon exiting the form if the new subagreement section has not been completed.
  • Form JUV – Juvenile Court and County Community Schools Account
    • Made available for 2006-07 unaudited actuals the revised form used last year for 2006-07 budget and interim periods.
    • Preloaded Designated for Economic Uncertainties and Capital Outlay prior year ending balances as current year beginning balances, with no overwrite capability (for unaudited actuals only).
    • Added deferred maintenance contributions (Function 9300, Object 7615) as allowable expenditures.
    • Made miscellaneous text changes for clarification.
  • Form MYP/MYPI – Multiyear Projections
    • Deleted data extractions from the budget period Criteria and Standards Review form so the Criteria and Standards Review form can extract Form MYP data, if available (except in the county office Restricted worksheet where JUV/CCS/ROP reserves amounts are still extracted from the Criteria and Standards Review form)(budget only, interim done last year).
    • Added a row for ADA since some ROP JPAs do have ADA (JPAs only).
    • Added a new row for Restricted Ending Fund Balance (line E1c) in the combined Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet to use, if negative, in the calculation of the available reserves.
    • Added a fatal internal form check and pop up message if any of the amounts in the subsequent fiscal year columns for Fund Balance Reserves or Fund Balance Designations (lines D3a or D3c) in the Unrestricted worksheet are negative.
  • Form NCMOE – No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
    • In Section III, Line A, preloaded base expenditures from prior year Form NCMOE.
    • In Section III, added new line for adjustments to preloaded prior year base expenditures.
    • In Section III, Line E, MOE Determination, added a check for ADA and prior year data. If data do not exist "MOE Calculation Incomplete" will display. (This was done mostly for charter schools that did not report ADA.)
    • In Section IV, added a button to delete rows that were added for charter school adjustments.
    • Added new Section V, for detail of adjustments to preloaded prior year base expenditures.
  • Form PCR – Program Cost Report
    • Hid rows for goals that are not valid, by LEA type.
    • Moved goals 7110 and 7150 from "Instructional Goals" down to "Other Goals" to match the reclassification of these goals that occurred in CSAM 2005.
    • Added Goal 4630, Adult Vocational Education, for JPAs.
    • Updated Schedule DCC (direct charged costs) to include general administration functions 7000-7999 (except 7210) costs that are direct charged to Nonagency Activities (goals 7110, 7150) or County Services to Districts (Goal 8600), leaving only Goal 0000 in Schedule CAC for central administration costs functions 7200-7700.
    • Updated Schedule CAC (Central Administration Costs) text and extraction for Line A1, Board and Superintendent, to pull only goals 0000-6999 and 9000.
  • Form PCRAF – Program Cost Report Allocation Factors
    • Hid rows for goals that are not valid, by LEA type.
    • Added Goal 4630, Adult Vocational Education, for JPAs.
  • Form RL/RLI – Revenue Limit Summary
    • Added new section at the bottom of the form titled Other Non Revenue Limit Items for the programs that are no longer part of the revenue limit calculation. For districts they are: Core Academic Programs, California High School Exit Exam, Pupil Promotion and Retention and Low STAR Score Programs, Apprenticeship Funding, and Community Day School Additional Funding. For counties they are: Apprenticeship Funding, Community Day School Additional Funding, Adult Education, Core Academic Programs, and Remedial Program.
    • Shaded and locked the lines for the programs that are no longer part of the revenue limit calculation (that were added to the bottom of the form in the new Other Non Revenue Limit Items section described above) for 2007-08 columns; 2006-07 estimated actuals and unaudited actuals columns are still open for input. These items will be removed from the Other Revenue Limit Items section in next year's software.
    • District only – Shaded and blocked the cells for One-time Equalization Adjustments since they are no longer applicable or used in the Principal Apportionment Revenue Software. The line will be removed in next year's software.
    • District interim form only – Removed lines 43 and 44 for Revenue Limit State Aid Apportionment Receipts; they are not applicable during interims.
  • Form SEA – Special Education Revenue Allocations
    • Moved the "Mental Health Apportionment" amount out of the "Grand Total Apportionment, Taxes, IDEA, and Excess ERAF" line since the apportionment is done outside of the principal apportionment. The Mental Health Apportionment line is now beneath the grand total apportionment line.
  • Forms SIAA/SIAB – Summary of Interfund Activities—Actuals/Budget
    • Added Fund 12, Child Development Fund, in combination with interfund transfer objects for JPAs.
  • Form TRAN – Annual Report of Pupil Transportation
    • Deleted Centralized Data Processing from Schedule II, Line E1.
    • In Schedule II, Cost Data, added Resource 7397, Discretionary Block Grant - School District.
  • Criteria and Standards
    • Forms 01CS/01CSI – Criteria and Standards Review, General Fund
      • Criteria and standards forms will now open from the Criteria and Standards menu selection within the Forms menu, rather than having to select it from the sub menu.
      • Disabled the "Enter" key; the cursor will enter the values or text keyed but will not move when the Enter key is pressed. Because of the design of this form, using the Enter key to move about the form was not effective. Instead the Tab key, to move vertically to the next entry field, and arrow keys, to move to the next cell in any direction, should be used.
      • Modified budget forms to extract data from Form MYP, if available, as is done in the interim forms.
      • Modified to take negative restricted ending fund balances into consideration for the available reserves calculation.
      • Adjusted deficit spending and fund balance levels for counties and reserve levels for all LEAs based on prior year's revenue limit COLA (per Budget Act).
      • Miscellaneous adjustments to fix various calculations for issues such as divide by zero problems.
      • Modified OMMA/RMA contributions to only pull from Fund 01, Resource 8150 (see CSAM Procedure 650 for accounting guidance on facility maintenance programs).
      • Made one-time adjustments to reduce prior year (2006-07) revenue limit amounts by amounts that will be coded to Object 8311 beginning in 2007-08 to ensure that revenue limit coding changes do not cause an LEA to not meet certain standards.
Deleted/New Reports
  • Program by Resource Reports
    • Replaced the Resource by Function (Report FNC) and Resource by Object (Report OBJ) reports with one new merged report format, Program by Resource (Report PGM).
      • Instead of a two-step process in which the user chooses either Expenditures by Function or Expenditures by Object and then selects the resource(s) for inclusion in the report, it is now a one-step process whereby the user selects the resource(s) and then all four versions of the report (Expenditures by Function, summary and detail, and Expenditures by Object, summary and detail) are automatically generated in one workbook with four worksheet tabs.
      • Added fund and project year to the resource selection screen to provide for reports by fund, resource, and project year. The report no longer automatically includes all funds.
      • Added new Object 5100, Subagreements for Services, to the Expenditures section, and revised the Indirect Costs As a Percentage of Eligible Expenditures section to use objects 1000-5999 less objects 5100-5199.
Revised Reports
  • Government-wide Reports
    • Changed Object 9664, Postemployment Benefits, to Net OPEB Obligation.
    • Report ENTRY, Entry CE010 – Changed text to include payments on structured legal settlements or revenue repayment plans, and added new rows for revenue accounts.
    • Report ENTRY, Entry CE014 – Added row and extraction for Object 9664, Net OPEB Obligation.
    • Report CNVRT, in the General Revenue and Program Revenue sections, Entry Amounts column, modified extraction to include new revenue accounts added to Entry CE010.
    • Report CNVRT, in the Liabilities section, Entry Amounts column, modified extraction to include Object 9664 from CE014.
    • Report GSA, Reconciliation, modified extraction of the “Other liabilities not normally liquidated with current financial resources” item to include revenue accounts added to CE010.
    • Report GSA, Reconciliation, changed text of OPEB item to read, “Postemployment benefits other than pensions (OPEB): In governmental funds, OPEB costs are recognized when employer contributions are made. In the statement of activities, OPEB costs are recognized on the accrual basis. This year, the difference between OPEB costs and actual employer contributions was:”
  • Report SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI – Special Education Maintenance of Effort
    • Changed extractions for resources 6500 and 6510 to resources 6500 through 6540 for the new state resources that were in the federal object range, for current year.
    • Added a form check and warning message upon exiting the forms to verify that amounts added in the adjustments column net to zero, where applicable. (The total of the state, local, and federal sections must equal the total expenditures section.)
    • Added a form check and warning message upon exiting the forms to verify that unduplicated pupil count has been entered, where applicable.
Technical Review Checks—General Changes
  • Added the ability to print selected technical review checks; the default is print all checks.
  • Made miscellaneous text changes to the Passed and Exception messages for further clarification.
Technical Review Checks—New Fatal Checks
  • ICR-SUBAGREEMENT-DATA—Added a new fatal supplemental check for all LEAs during the unaudited actuals period to check for a 2006-07 Object 5100 amount in Form ICR if it was indicated on Form ICR that 2006-07 expenditures would have been coded to Object 5100 had the code been available.
  • NCMOE-ADA—Added a new fatal supplemental check for districts and charter schools during the unaudited actuals period to check for completion of ADA data in Form NCMOE.
Technical Review Checks—New Warning Checks
  • JUV-CAP-OUTLAY – Added a new Warning check to compare Form JUV capital outlay current uses with juvenile court and county community schools general ledger data, applicable for counties and county charters only, for budget period/budget data only, unaudited actuals period/unaudited actuals data only, and interim periods/projected year totals data only, with a $10 rounding allowance.
  • MYPIO-PROVIDE—Added a new warning check for counties, districts, and JPAs during the 1st and 2nd interim periods to check for the existence of Form MYPIO if there is a negative balance in any fund other than the general fund. This is a warning check because Form MYPIO is an optional format.
Technical Review Checks—Warning with Calculation Changed to Warning
  • JUV-END-BAL – Changed severity from Warning with Calculation to Warning.
Technical Review Checks—Warning Changed to Fatal
  • CHK-GOALxFUNCTION-B – Changed severity from Warning to Fatal for actuals data in the budget and unaudited actuals periods; now fatal for all periods and data types.
  • The severity of the following general ledger technical review checks was changed from Warning to Fatal for interim periods, original budget and projected year totals data types. These checks are already fatal for all data types during the budget and unaudited actuals periods.
Technical Review Checks—Fatal Changed to Warning
  • AR-AP-POSITIVE – Changed severity from Fatal to Warning for budget period, estimated and unaudited actuals data; now only fatal for unaudited actuals period, unaudited actuals data.
Technical Review Checks—Warning Changed to Informational
  • CURRENT-CALC-EXP – Changed the severity from Warning to Informational.
Technical Review Checks—Revised
  • A-PROVIDE – Changed name to ADA-PROVIDE for clarification.
    • Added Form MYPIO dependencies on all funds except the general fund[county school service fund].
    • Added Form CA dependency on Form NCMOE since Form NCMOE has been added to the data summary worksheet of Form CA (districts only).
    • Modified the exception message and added Attachment G to the user guide to further clarify the order in which form dependencies should be cleared.
  • CHK-RESOURCEXOB-8998 – Modified to check for transfers out for resources 7090, 7091, 7365, and 7366. These Economic Impact Aid and Foster Youth Supplementary programs only allow Section 12.40 transfers in, not out.
  • CHK-UNBALANCED-DATA – Renamed and split into two separate TRCs:
    • CHK-UNBALANCED-A – This will continue to be a Warning check to check for unbalanced or incomplete data in the supplemental forms and reports, except Form JUV. Next year the forms in this check will be reviewed to see if any of them should be moved to the fatal check.
    • CHK-UNBALANCED-B – This will be a new Fatal check to check for unbalanced or incomplete data, at this time, in Form JUV only (county only).
  • CS-EXPLANATIONS – Added Supplemental Information item 6, Long-term Commitments for JPAs to explain when long-term commitments increase in the budget or subsequent years.
  • GANN-PROVIDE – Modified to verify that budget data have been provided, in addition to the existing check for unaudited actuals data.
    • Excluded from the check Resource 7230 in combination with functions 7200-7999 (JPAs only).
    • Excluded from the check Resource 7386 in combination with functions 7200-7600.
    • Excluded from the check Goal 8600 in combination with functions 7200-7999.
    • Added text to the Exception message stating that "Beginning 2007-08, general administration costs charged to restricted resources will be excluded from the indirect cost pool."
  • IC-NEGATIVE – Changed the title to IC-POSITIVE and modified the passed message to say "should be positive," for consistency with other checks.
  • JUV-END-BAL – Added to budget and interim periods; already in unaudited actual period.
  • OBJ-POSITIVE – Modified to exclude new Object 8096, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes.
  • ROP-IMPORT – Revised to suppress general ledger details from displaying in the Exception message as previously done with other similar TRCs; too much unnecessary data to view and print.
California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) Revisions

Modifications to account codes since the release of the 2007 edition of CSAM:

  • Resource Codes Added
    • 3311 – Special Ed: IDEA Local Assistance, Part B, Sec 611, Private Schools ISPs
    • 3317 – Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Grants, Part B, Sec 619, Private Schools ISPs
    • 3321 – Special Ed: IDEA Preschool Local Entitlement, Part B, Sec 611, Private Schools ISPs
    • 6378 – California Health Science Capacity Building Project
    • 6515 – Special Ed: Infant Discretionary Funds
    • 6520 – Special Ed: Project Workability I LEA
    • 6525 – Special Ed: Cross-Cultural Assessment, Special Project Special Studies
    • 6530 – Special Ed: Low Incidence Entitlement
    • 6535 – Special Ed: Personnel Staff Development
    • 6540 – Special Ed: State Staff Development
    • 7276 – Certificated Staff Mentoring Program
    • 7296 – Staff Development: Professional Development for Teachers of ELL
    • 7386 – Fiscal Solvency Grants
    • 7400 – Quality Education Investment Act
  • Object Code Added
    • 8096 – Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes

Run-time error 429 when trying to open the software.

Probable Cause

MDAC application did not get installed.


Close all applications. Download the mdac_typ.exe file from the SACS2007ALL Known Problems/Fixes Web page. Once downloaded, double-click on the mdac_typ.exe file. When the MDAC setup is complete (be sure to read the prompts thoroughly) the software should open properly.


Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause

Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.


Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.


GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause

The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.


Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 18, 2024
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