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SACS2010ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2010ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2010ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2010-11 budget and interim, and the 2009-10 unaudited actual, components of the SACS software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes, with minimal enhancements, as summarized below. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

General Software Changes

Cache Memory—Cache memory within the SACS software application has been increased to provide for faster processing of data.

Revised Fund Forms
  • Expenditures by Object worksheet
    • All applicable fund forms—Modifications relating to flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009):
      • Deleted Object 8995, Categorical Education Block Grant Transfers (expired 2008-09).
      • Deleted Object 8998, Categorical Flexibility Transfers (expired 2008-09).
      • Deleted Object 8480, Charter Schools Categorical Block Grant (expired 2008-09).
      • Deleted Object 8435, Class Size Reduction, Grade Nine (expired 2008-09)
      • Deleted individual resources/lines for programs included in the flexibility provisions of SBX3 4, and included them in the following lines in the Other State Revenue section, as applicable:
        • All Other State Apportionments – Current Year, Object 8311
        • All Other State Apportionments – Prior Years, Object 8319
        • All Other State Revenue, Object 8590
        • Unshaded 2010-11 columns for Resource 2430, Community Day Schools, in individual resource/lines for objects 8311 / 8319, All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years.
        • Deleted Resource 6350, ROC/P Apportionment (08-09), from individual resource/lines for objects 7221 / 7222 / 7223, Transfers of Apportionments to Districts or Charter Schools / County Offices / JPAs, and included it in the All Other Transfers of Apportionments objects 7221-7223 line in the Other Outgo section, and relabeled related section and line titles.
        • Deleted Resource 6350, ROC/P Apportionment (08-09), from individual resource/lines for objects 8791 / 8792 / 8793, Transfers of Apportionments from Districts or Charter Schools / County Offices / JPAs, and included it in the All Other Transfers of Apportionments lines in the Other Local Revenue section, and relabeled related section and line titles.
        • Shaded 2010-11 columns for Budget / Unaudited Actual, and deleted from Interims:
          Resources 7155 / 7156 / 7157 / 7158 / 7160 / 7170, Instructional Materials: Grades K-8 (Includes Disaster Funding and
          Fast Growth) (09-10) / Instructional Materials Realignment, IMFRP (AB 1781) (09-10) / Instructional Materials: English Language Learners (09-10) / Instructional Materials - Williams Case (09-10) /
          Instructional Materials: Grades 9-12 (09-10) / Instructional Material: Braille & Large Print (09-10), in the individual resource/line for Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, in the Other State Revenue section.
        • Form 11—Shaded Resource 6390, Adult Education Apportionment (09-10), from individual resource/lines for objects 8311 / 8319, All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years.
        • Form 11I—Deleted Resource 6390, Adult Education Apportionment (09-10), from individual resource/lines for objects 8311 / 8319, All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years, and included it in the All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years objects 8311 / 8319 lines in the Other State Revenue section.
        • Form 14—Shaded 2009-10 column for the Deferred Maintenance Allowance, Object 8540, line in the Other State Revenue section.
        • Form 14I—Deleted Deferred Maintenance Allowance, Object 8540, line in the Other State Revenue section.
  • Form 01/01I—Added new Object 8046, Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF), to allow districts to account for SERAF revenue. Applicable for districts only.
    • NOTE: The new Object 8046 was not available in the 2009-10 software during the budget and interim reporting periods. Districts must reclassify their 2009-10 SERAF revenues to Object 8046 for the
      unaudited actuals reporting period.
  • Form 01I—Added lines for Resource 2430, Community Day Schools, in individual resource/lines for objects 8311 / 8319, All Other State Apportionments – Current Year / Prior Years.
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Forms A/AI— Average Daily Attendance
    • Shaded programs for which ADA is no longer collected as a result of flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009).
    • Modified lines for Community Day School 5th & 6th Hour ADA to reflect ADA for Mandatory Expelled Pupils only.
  • Form CA—Unaudited Actuals Certification
    • Modified the NCMOE determination extractions to pull from the new Section IV, lines H and I in Form NCMOE.
  • Form CAT—Schedule of Categoricals
    • State worksheets—Deleted Block Grant Transfers (Object 8995) line.
    • State worksheets—Deleted Cat Flex Transfers (Object 8998) line.
  • Forms CEA/CEB—Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added to the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a:
      • Resource 4045, NCLB: Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology, Formula Grants; Resource 4047, NCLB:
        • ARRA Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology; Resource 4048, NCLB: ARRA Title II, Part D, Enhancing Education Through Technology, Competitive Grants; Resource 5037, Child Development: ARRA Quality Improvement Activities; Resource 5314, Child Nutrition: Equipment Assistance Grants; Resource 5370, Child Nutrition: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
  • Form CEFB—Components of Ending Fund Balance
    • Modified the pick list to not display fund by resource combinations with an ending fund balance of zero.
  • Form CORR—Adults in Correctional Facilities
    • Section III, Indirect Costs—Updated the 2nd prior year statewide average rate from 4.90% to 4.42%.
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2.
    • Section C, State Aid Received.
      • Updated resource and object codes to reflect unrestricted status due to flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009).
      • Modified affected lines to no longer extract; values must be key entered.
    • Section B, Current Year Gann ADA. District only. Shaded lines for ADA no longer collected due to flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009).
    • Section C, Line 11, Community Redevelopment Funds.
      • District only.
      • Added Object 8046, Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF) to include SERAF amounts in local proceeds of taxes.
      • NOTE: The new Object 8046 was not available in the 2009-10 software during the budget and interim reporting periods. Districts must reclassify their 2009-10 SERAF revenues to
        Object 8046 for the unaudited actuals reporting period.
  • Form ICR—Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
    • Incorporated changes from recently renegotiated indirect cost plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education, designed to limit and smooth the effects of the carry-forward adjustment.
    • Moved calculation of the carry-forward adjustment from Part III, Line A9, to new Part IV.
    • Revised calculation of the carry-forward adjustment to limit the adjustment for over-recovery by using the lesser of the approved rate or the highest rate the LEA actually used to charge indirect costs to
      any program, if the highest rate used was less than the approved rate.
    • Added new worksheet within Form ICR to calculate and display the indirect cost rate actually used to charge each program, by fund and resource, including a pop-up advisory message if the highest rate used is
      greater than the approved rate.
    • Added functionality for LEAs whose carry-forward adjustment is negative, giving them the option of allocating the carry-forward adjustment over more than one year if the negative carry-forward
      adjustment would cause the proposed rate to be negative or would reduce the rate at which the LEA could recover indirect costs to such an extent that the LEA would sustain significant fiscal harm.
  • Form L—Lottery
    • Line B8, Interagency Transfers Out—Separated into two lines to separately account for transfer to other districts / county offices / charter schools and JPAs.
    • New Section D, Comments—Added new comments box for LEAs to provide an explanation if any values appear in the shaded areas of column Lottery: Instructional Materials (Resource 6300).
    • Added new internal form check requesting an explanation if any values appear in the shaded areas of column Lottery: Instructional Materials Resource (6300). As with all other internal form checks, the
      user can still close the form without fixing the condition. This condition does not have to be fixed to complete an official export.
  • Forms MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    • Adjusted the dollar amounts used in the Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet, Reserve Standard Percentage Level (Line F3d for county only) and Reserve Standard – By Amount (Line F3f for county and district, and
      Line F7 for JPA), based on the COLA adjustment changes made to the Criteria and Standards Review form.
    • Added the following form checks. As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the conditions. These conditions must be fixed to complete an official export.
    • Restricted worksheet—Section D.
      • Requires input revision if Fund Balance Reserves (Line D3a[D3c]) is negative.
    • Restricted worksheet—Section F.
      • Requires explanation if negative restricted ending fund balances are projected on Line D2. Explanation should detail program(s) and projected ending fund balance amount(s).
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Section F.
      • Requires response to “Do you choose to exclude from the reserve calculation the pass-through funds distributed to SELPA members?” (Line F1a) if one is not provided.
      • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Columns E and C, Section E.
      • Prompts if Negative Restricted Ending Balance (Line E1c) is positive or blank. A negative amount must be entered for all restricted resources projecting a negative balance, or zero if applicable.
        (If Line D2 in the Restricted Worksheet is negative, a negative must be entered.)
      • Added the following internal form checks. As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the conditions. These conditions do not have to be fixed to complete an
        official export.
    • Unrestricted worksheet—Section D.
      • Requires designation revision if Undesignated/Unappropriated Balance (Line D3D) is negative due to excessive designations.
    • Restricted worksheet—Section D.
      • Requires designation revision if Undesignated/Unappropriated Balance (Line D3D) is negative due to excessive designations.
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Section D.
      • Requires designation revision if Undesignated/Unappropriated Balance (Line D3D) is negative due to excess designations. Applicable for JPAs only.
  • Form MYPIO—Multiyear Projections—Other Funds
    • Added the following internal form checks. As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the conditions. These conditions must be fixed to complete an official export.
      • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Section D.
        • Prompts to revise input if Fund Balance Reserves (Line D3a[D3c]) is negative.
      • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Section E.
        • Prompts to provide explanation if expenditure adjustments are projected in Other Adjustments (Line B10).
        • Added the following internal form checks. As with all other internal form checks, the user can still close the form without fixing the conditions. These conditions do not have to be fixed to complete an
          official export.
        • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Columns A, C, and E. Section D.
          • Prompts if Total Components of Ending Fund Balance (Line D3e) does not equal Ending Fund Balance (Line D2).
        • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet—Section D.
          • Prompts to revise designation if Undesignated/Unappropriated Balance (Line D3D) is negative .due to excessive designations.
  • Form NCMOE—No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
    • Shaded Section II, Line B, Supplemental Instructional Hours Converted to ADA. Supplemental Instructional Hours are no longer collected due to flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009).
    • Added new Section IV, ARRA State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Expenditures to Meet MOE Requirement. This new section allows LEAs that fail both the aggregate and per pupil expenditure MOE tests to include ARRA SFSF expenditures in an effort to pass the MOE requirement.
  • Forms RL/RLI—Revenue Limit Summary
    • Updated revenue limit deficit factors and modified related TRCs accordingly.
    • Added additional Principal Apportionment data ID number 3103 to Community Day Schools Additional Funding lines to reflect the separate amounts generated for "Mandatory Expelled ADA" and "All Other ADA."
    • Added Principal Apportionment data ID number 0660 to the existing Property Tax line (Line 25) in the Revenue Limit-Local Sources section of the district form to account for the new Supplemental Educational
      Revenue Augmentation Fund (SERAF) dollars.
  • Form TRAN—Annual Report of Pupil Transportation Schedule II, Cost Data section.
    • Removed Resource 7394, Targeted Instruction Improvement Block Grant 08-09) and Resource 7397, Discretionary Block Grant – School District (08-09), from the Home-to-School extractions since both resources were closed as a result of flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009).
    • Modified lines C1, C6, and C6a to separately identify Object 5100, Subagreements for Services, expenditures.
    • Modified Line K, Indirect Costs, to exclude Object 5100, Subagreements for Services, from the allowable indirect costs calculation.
  • Revised Criteria and Standards
    • Forms 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review—Budget and Interim
      • Adjusted deficit spending and fund balance levels for counties and reserve levels for all LEAs based on prior year's revenue limit COLA.
      • Deficit Spending Criterion—Budget (8A for district and JPA, 6A for county).
      • Unshaded and added extraction to the Second Prior Year (2008-09) column, Line 1c, for negative restricted ending fund balance by resource used in the available reserves calculation effective 2008-09.
      • Reserves Criterion—County Budget and Interims
      • Section 8A, Step 3, Calculating the County Office’s Available Reserves from Regional Occupational Centers/Programs. Removed Resource 6350, ROC/P Apportionment, from the reserve calculation since SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009) eliminates this resource for a five-year period from 2008-09 through 2012-13.
Revised Reports
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI—Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
    • LEA MOE Calc and SELPA MOE Calc worksheets. Eliminated the interdependence between Test 1 and 2 to allow Test 2 regardless of the results of Test 1. Previously, Test 2 was performed only when Test 1 failed.
    • Form SEMA, LE-CY worksheet.
      • Renamed “Less: ARRA 08-09 Expenditures” column to “Plus: ARRA 08-09 Expenditures.” Changed data extraction from current year actuals to preloaded data from 2008-09 unaudited actual submissions.
      • Modified total column to add ARRA calculation instead of subtract it.
    • Form SEMB, LE-B and LB-B worksheet.
    • Form SEMAI, LP-I and LA-I worksheet.
      • Deleted “Less: ARRA 08-09 Expenditures” column and removed the ARRA calculation from the Total column.
Technical Review Checks—Deleted
  • Deleted the following import and general ledger TRCs for actual data types within the budget and unaudited actual periods. Effective 2009-10 the programs subject to SBX3 4, Section 15 categorical flexibility were reported
    in Resource 0000, thus transfers using Object 8998, Categorical Flexibility Transfers, no longer apply. Last year these TRCs were inactivated for budget data types within the budget and unaudited actual periods, and for
    all interim data within the interim periods.
  • BLOCK-GRANT-TRANSFER—Deleted fatal/warning TRC for all periods and data types. Effective 2009-10 the programs subject to SBX3 4, Section 15 categorical flexibility were reported in Resource 0000, thus transfers using Object 8995, Categorical Education Block Grant Transfers, no longer apply.
  • DAY-ADA—Deleted fatal/warning TRC for all periods and data types. This TRC required that LEAs reporting Community Day School ADA on Form A also have general ledger data in Resource 2430, Community Day Schools, and complete Form Day. Currently, due to flexibility provisions of SBX3 4 (Chapter 12, Statutes of 2009), LEAs potentially may not code any Community Day School funding to Resource 2430, Community Day Schools, if their Revenue Limit Community Day ADA dollars are generated by "All Other" ADA (Resource 0000, Object 8590) as opposed to "Mandatory Expelled" ADA (Resource 2430, Object 8311).
Technical Review Checks—Revised
  • RL-STATE-AID—Changed check severity from fatal to warning.
    • County only.
    • This TRC has been modified temporarily from fatal to warning due to the addition of the amount on Form RL Line 30, Other Adjustments, to the total on Line 39, State Aid, for counties receiving excess property axes.
      This adjustment was necessary to allow COEs to appropriately reflect 2009-10 per-ADA reduction amounts.
  • SPECIAL-ED-GOAL—Excluded Resource 3318 Special Ed: IDEA
    • Part B, Sec 619, Preschool Grants Early Intervening Services; Resource 3322, Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Local Assistance Early Intervening Services; Resource 3329 Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 619, Preschool Grants Early Intervening Services; Resource 3332 Special Ed: IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Preschool Local Entitlement Early Intervening Services; and Resource 3334 Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Preschool Local Entitlement Early Intervening Services from this check. These resources were established to account for Early Intervention Services (EIS) expenditures allowed with ARRA and IDEA Part B funds, which are provided to pupils that have not yet been identified as Special Education.

Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause

Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.


Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.


GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause

The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.


Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 18, 2024
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