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SACS2017ALL Software Readme

The following contains the latest information about the SACS2017ALL software. It is in addition to or supersedes information that may be found in the SACS2017ALL Software User Guide.
What's New

Listed below is a summary of changes made to the 2017–18 budget and interim, and the 2016–17 unaudited actual, components of the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software. We incorporate changes requested by users wherever possible; you may recognize one of your suggestions being implemented here.

This year our efforts were primarily focused on required changes and updating the criteria and standards forms and the special education maintenance of effort reports. For additional information on each of the changes, refer to the relevant sections of this user guide.

Revised Fund Forms
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, and 62/62I—Federal Revenue section, “Vocational and Applied Technology Education” detail line for Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue.
    • Removed resources 3600-3699 from the “Vocational and Applied Technology Education” detail line for Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue, and added resources 3600-3699 to the “All Other” Object 8290 line.
    • Renamed the line from “Vocational and Applied Technology Education” to “Career and Technical Education.”
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 11/11I, and 62/62I—Federal Revenue section. Removed the detail line for resources 3700-3799, Safe and Drug Free Schools / Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue, and moved resources 3700-3799 to the “All Other” Object 8290 line.
  • Forms 01, 09, and 62—Other State Revenue section. Removed the detail line for Resource 7250, School Based Coordination Program / Object 8590, All Other State Revenue, and moved Resource 7250 to the “All Other” Object 8590 line. Budget and Unaudited Actuals periods only.
  • Forms 01/01I, 09/09I, 12/12I, and 62/62I—Federal Revenue section. Renamed the following No Child Left Behind (NCLB) detail lines for Object 8290, All Other Federal Revenue, effective 2016-17, to reflect the title names of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) due to the ESSA reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Although the SACS2017 software transitions from NCLB to ESSA beginning with 2017-18 budget/interim data, the following line descriptions were updated for both actual and budget/interim data:
    • Resource 3010 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title I, Part A, Basic Grants Low-Income and Neglected” to “Title I, Part A, Basic”
    • Resource 3025 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title I, Part D, Local Delinquent Programs” to “Title I, Part D, Local Delinquent Programs”
    • Resource 4035 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title II, Part A, Teacher Quality” to “Title II, Part A, Educator Quality”
    • Resource 4036 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “No Child Left Behind” to “Title II, Part A, Administrator Training (NCLB).” Form 01/01I, JPAs only.
    • Resource 4201 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title III, Part A, Immigrant Education Program” to “Title III, Part A, Immigrant Education Program”
    • Resource 4203 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title III, Part A, Limited English Proficient (LEP) Student Program” to “Title III, Part A, English Learner Program”
    • Resource 4610 x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “NCLB: Title V, Part B, Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP)” to “Title V, Part B, Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) (NCLB)”
    • Remaining NCLB resources x Object 8290 detail line—Updated line description from “Other No Child Left Behind” to “Other NCLB / Every Student Succeeds Act”
  • Form 71/71I—Other Sources/Uses section. Removed the line for Object 7699, All Other Financing Uses, effective 2016-17.
Renamed Supplemental Form
  • Form NCMOE—No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
  • Form ESMOE—Every Student Succeeds Act Maintenance of Effort
    • Effective 2017-18 interim periods, renamed Form NCMOE to Form ESMOE, due to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
Revised Supplemental Forms
  • Form CEA/CEB—Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation
  • Part I, Current Expense Formula; and Part II, Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Added the following resource code to the reductions in Column 4a and Line 13a: Resource 7085, Learning Communities for School Success Program.
  • Part II, Minimum Classroom Compensation
    • Line 13a. Modified to no longer extract goals 7100-7199 (Nonagency) and 8100 (Community Services) to avoid duplication of amounts already subtracted in Line 12.
  • Form GANN—Appropriations Limit Calculations
    • Updated inflation adjustments on Line D2.
    • Section C, Local Proceeds of Taxes/State Aid Received 
    • Shaded Line 16/15, Transfers to Charter Schools in Lieu of Property Taxes (Object 8096), and no longer allow data extraction, effective 2016‑17. The reason for this change is to capture all taxes in the GANN calculation; before this change, taxes transferred to charter schools reporting separately were not included.
  • Form MYP/MYPI—Multiyear Projections
    • Unrestricted/Restricted worksheet.
      Line F2, District ADA. Modified to include Charter School ADA corresponding to financial data reported in Fund 01. Districts only.
  • Form NCMOE—No Child Left Behind Maintenance of Effort
    • Effective 2017-18 interim periods, renamed Form NCMOE to Form ESMOE, due to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).
Revised Criteria and Standards
  • Form 01CS/01CSI—Criteria and Standards Review—Budget and Interim periods
  • Average Daily Attendance, Criterion 1, County Office of Education (COEs) only—Budget and Interim periods
    Sections 1B-1 and 1B-2 (Budget period)
    Section 1A (Interim periods)
    Modified to no longer include Charter School ADA corresponding to financial data reported in funds 09 and 62.
  • Average Daily Attendance, Criterion 1, Districts only—Budget period only
    Enrollment, Criterion 2, Districts only—Budget period only
    ADA to Enrollment, Criterion 3, Districts only—Budget and Interim periods
    Third Prior Year Row. Expanded ADA extraction lines to separately display District Regular ADA and Charter School ADA.
  • Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Revenue, Criterion 2, COEs only—Budget period
    • Reinstated this criterion, which was disabled for COEs during transition to full LCFF implementation.
    • Added a new fatal internal form check prompting users to select an LCFF Revenue Standard and an LCFF Revenue Funding Status. Users can still close the form without making the selections, but the selections must be provided in Form 01CS to complete an official export.
  • LCFF Revenue, Criterion 4, Districts only—Budget period
    Added a new fatal internal form check prompting users to select an LCFF Revenue Standard. Users can still close the form without making the selection, but the selection must be provided in Form 01CS to complete an official export.
  • Facilities Maintenance Criterion 5/7, COEs/Districts—Budget and Interim periods
    Modified the minimum contribution requirement of the Ongoing and Major Maintenance/Restricted Maintenance Account, per Education Code Section 17070.75 as amended by AB 104 (Chapter 13, Statutes of 2015), to calculate as the greater of the following, effective 2017–18:
    1. Two percent of the total unrestricted (COEs only) general fund expenditures and other financing uses for the current year; or
    2. The lesser of: a) the amount the COE/district contributed into the account for the 2014-15 fiscal year, or b) three percent of the total unrestricted (COEs only) general fund expenditures and other financing uses for the current year.
  • ADA to Reserves, Criterion 10, Districts only—Budget and Interim periods
    • Modified to include Charter School ADA corresponding to financial data reported in Fund 01.
    • Modified ADA extraction for 1st and 2nd Subsequent Years: If Form MYP/MYPI exists, then extract from Form MYP/MYPI Line F2 (District ADA) and lock cells. If Form MYP/MYPI does not exist, then allow key entry.
Technical Review Checks—Revised
  • PASS-THRU-REV=EXP—Modified pass-through revenues to other agencies to no longer look for obsolete Resource 3328, Special Ed: IDEA County Mental Health Services, Part B, Sec 611 (08-09).
    • Modified to no longer include obsolete Resource 7240, Transportation: Special Education (Severely Disabled/Orthopedically Impaired) (12-13).
    • Modified to no longer exclude obsolete resources 3322, Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Local Assistance Early Intervening Services (11-12); 3329, Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 619, Preschool Grants Early Intervening Services (11-12); and 3334, Special Ed: ARRA IDEA Part B, Sec 611, Preschool Local Entitlement Early Intervening Services (11-12).
Revised Reports
  • Reports SEMA/SEMB/SEMAI––Special Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
    • LEA MOE Calc worksheets
      Section 3
      Part A––Combined State and Local Expenditures Method
      Part B––Local Expenditures Only Method
      Removed the automatic extraction of prior year expenditure data, requiring LEAs to manually enter expenditure and special education unduplicated pupil count data for the comparison year under all four methods. The intent of this change is to facilitate the data collection for the separate Subsequent Year Tracking (SYT) worksheet and to provide clear presentation of which method(s) the maintenance of effort is/are met.
    • The federal Subsequent Years Rule and Maintenance of Effort Calculation are not applicable at the SELPA level. As a result, the following worksheets were removed from the SACS2017ALL software release:
      • SELPA Exps PY (SE-PY), within Report SEMA
      • SELPA MOE Calc (SMC-A) worksheet, within Report SEMA
      • SELPA Exps (SE-B) worksheet, within Report SEMB
      • SELPA MOE Calc (SMC-B) worksheet, within Report SEMB
      • SELPA Actual (SA-I) worksheet, within Report SEMAI
      • SELPA MOE Calc (SMC-I) worksheet, within Report SEMAI
    • CDE will continue to collect information on current year expenditures from SELPAs, so the following worksheets will remain in the SACS2017ALL software release:
      • SELPA Exps CY (SE-CY) worksheet, within Report SEMA
      • SELPA Budget (SB-B) worksheet, within Report SEMB
      • SELPA Projected (SP-I) worksheet, within Report SEMAI

Problem: Formatting problems sometimes occur when printing forms from the Table of Contents. For instance, all of the grid lines will print in the upper left hand corner.

Probable Cause: Printer drivers. Unfortunately we have not found one printer driver that works for all components of the SACS software.

Resolution/Workaround: Various printer drivers work differently with the SACS software. Try changing the printer driver or print from the open form rather than from the table of contents.

Problem: GPF error or system runs very slowly.

Probable Cause: The computer runs out of physical/virtual memory.

Workaround: Avoid opening too many windows concurrently. If the error is received, shut down the application and reboot the machine.

Problem: Known Printing Issues Relating to Windows 7

After the SACS software was modified to mitigate the worst of its incompatibilities with Windows 7, many software testers encountered a remaining printing problem where a fund form, supplemental form, or report is sent to the printer, and the SACS software print status window freezes. (This is not an issue when printing the Technical Review Check list (TRC), the import log, or from the User Data Input/Review screen.)

Workaround: Anticipating this problem for all Windows 7 users, CDE’s workaround is to print first to Microsoft XPS Document Writer or Adobe PDF, then send the document to the printer.

Possible Fix: After extensive testing within CDE’s test environment, we are able to send forms and reports directly to printers by using the following print drivers (which are specific to our model printers), and by changing a particular printer setting specifically for HP printers. CDE does not advocate the purchase or use of any specific printer brand or model and provides this information only as a basis for LEAs to test with different print drivers and/or settings if desired.

  • For Samsung printers: Samsung Universal Print Driver 2 PS
  • For HP printers: HP Universal Printing PCL 6 print driver
  • Additional printer settings required for some HP printers:
  • Notes:
  • For some users, these printer settings must be changed outside of the SACS Software (e.g., changed through the Control Panel) or else the printer settings are lost each time the SACS Software is closed.
  • Some users need to reset these printer settings each time they install the SACS software.
  • Some users need to intermittently change these printer settings within the SACS software (i.e., changed through the print prompt) as well.
  • Specific steps CDE uses for HP printer settings:
  • Open SACS software form
  • File menu, Print… option
  • Properties [button]
  • Effects [tab]
  • Click on the radial button “Print Document on:”
  • Then it should default to "Letter" right underneath it.
  • It should also add a checkmark next to "Scale to Fit"
  • Click Apply
  • Then OK to print

Problem: Import, Export, and TRC Menu Options Disabled for Some Windows 7/8/10 Users
Right after installing the Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) software, some users are unable to import, export, or run the Technical Review Check (TRC) because the FileàImport, FileàExport, and TRCàTechnical Review menu options are disabled.

Fix: Some Windows 7/8/10 users have encountered this problem, and applying one or more of the following solutions has been effective:

  • Ensure that the SACS software was installed correctly:
  • Temporarily change the user's level of access to that of the system administrator;
  • Have the user log onto the network;
  • Install the software;
  • Change the user's level of access back to its original setting; and
  • Restart the computer.
  • Register the RICHTX32.OCX file. This should be done by information staff only.
  • Change the SACS software to run in compatibility mode using Windows XP (Service Pack 3). To do this, right-click on the SACS software desktop icon; select Properties; select the Compatibility tab; if not already active, click on the Run this program in compatibility mode: check box; when the drop down menu activates, select Windows XP (Service Pack 3); press the Apply button and then OK.

Questions:   Financial Accountability & Information Services | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 25, 2024
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