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Description of Infant Data Report

Description of Infant Reallocation and Growth Data report for fiscal year (FY) 2023–24.
Sparsity Status – Section (1)

Line (1) displays sparsity eligibility. Per California Education Code (EC) Section 56432(g), sparsely-impacted special education local plan areas (SELPA) may submit waivers to request exemption from the release of units. If the California Department of Education (CDE) has on record that a SELPA qualified as sparse in fiscal year 2022–23, a "Yes" is listed on Line (1). Otherwise, a “No” is indicated.

Infant Pupil Count – Section (2)

Lines 2(a)–(e) display the SELPA’s 2022 infant pupil count from the LEA(s) operating the infant program for each of the instructional settings as reported through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).

2022–23 P-2 Infant Freeze (FRZ) Units – Section (3)

Lines 3(a)–(d) display the number of instructional personnel service units (units) the SELPA is currently operating, as calculated at the 2022–23 Second Principal Apportionment (P-2).

Computed Loading (Pupils per Unit) – Section (4)

The computed loading displayed in Lines 4(a)–(d) is the average number of pupils per unit. It is calculated by dividing the infant pupil counts in Section (2) by the 2022–23 P-2 units in Section (3) for each instructional setting. Duplicated Designated Instruction and Services (DIS) loading is the result of dividing the duplicated DIS count by DIS units. These averages are compared to the minimum loading standards for each classroom setting of:

Minimum Loading Standard Classroom Setting


Special Day Class (SDC)


Resource Specialist Programs (RSP)


Unduplicated for DIS


Duplicated for DIS

Realignment of Units for Loss – Section (5)

Lines 5(a)–(d) display the units the SELPA is allowed to operate based on the minimum loading standards. This number was calculated by dividing the pupil count for each instructional setting (Section 2) by the minimum loading standards (12–24–12–39).

Units to be Released – Section (6)

Lines 6(a)–(d) display the units to be released for each instructional setting. Specifically, each SELPA’s units (Section 3) are compared with the minimum number of units needed to operate (Section 5). Units are to be released only if Line 6(d) is a negative number, indicating the SELPA currently operates more units than is necessary. A positive number indicates no change. Units scheduled for release will be automatically waived for one year, until July 1, 2024. Exemption from the release of units may be requested by submitting the Infant Program Waiver Request Form (PDF).

Realignment of Units for Growth – Section (7)

Lines 7(a)–(d) display the units the SELPA needs to operate at the growth loading standard for each instructional setting. This number was calculated by dividing the pupil count for each instructional setting (Section 2) by the growth loading standards of 16 for SDC, 24 for RSP, and 16 for DIS.

Infant Growth Units Available – Section (8)

Lines 8(a)–(d) display the SELPA’s growth units. Specifically, each SELPA’s units (Section 3) are compared with the realigned units for growth (Section 7). Units are to be added only if Line 8(d) is a positive number, indicating the SELPA needs additional units to operate at the growth loading standards. A negative number indicates no change. (Note: no growth units will be funded in fiscal year 2023–24 because the 2023 Budget Act did not provide an appropriation for growth.)

Waiver Information – Section (9)

Lines 9(a)–(b) display the waiver status for the SELPA. These lines assist the SELPA to determine if a CDE approved waiver is on file with the CDE for the current fiscal year. A "Yes" is displayed on Line 9(a) if a SELPA has units to be released (Line 6(d) is a negative number). Otherwise, a “No” is displayed. If a SELPA has units to be released and a CDE approved waiver on file for the current fiscal year a “Yes” is displayed on Line 9(b). Otherwise, a “No” is displayed. A SELPA that has a CDE approved waiver currently on file with the CDE will not need to submit a waiver.

Questions: Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541 
Last Reviewed: Friday, April 19, 2024
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