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Food Service Staff Education and Training

Information for the new School Nutrition Program (SNP) professionals and an overview of the School Nutrition and Summer Nutrition Programs, online trainings, resources, and program contact information.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers the federal Child Nutrition Programs (CNP); the California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) is the oversight agency for the following CNPs in California: the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), NSLP Afterschool Snack Program (NSLP ASP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Special Milk Program (SMP), Food Distribution Program (FDP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and NSLP Seamless Summer Option (SSO). Additionally in concert with the NSLP and SBP, the state of California has a state meal mandate often referred to as the Universal Meals Program (UMP) which requires public school districts, county offices of education and charter schools to offer, at no cost, a nutritiously adequate breakfast and lunch that complies with the SBP and NSLP meal standards to all students each school day.

The successful implementation of these programs requires a strong understanding of the federal and state laws, policies, and procedures that govern and direct them. To that end, the CDE has assembled key resources and recommendations to help orient new food service staff to these requirements. While there are additional CDE NSD resources, trainings, and supports available on a broader range of school nutrition topics, this page provides a starting point for new staff by highlighting only the critical elements.

Food Service Staff Web Guide

The purpose of this web guide is to help acquaint newly hired food service directors and staff operating the SNPs with the content on this web page and to act as a gateway to other important NSD web pages.

Link▲▼ Activity▲▼

Overview of SNPs tab

Review the short overviews of the SNPs to become familiar with the programs. This tab also provides a link to each of the nutrition programs’ main web page.

Nutrition What's New web page

Check the Nutrition What's New web page for recent news and announcements relating to SNPs, such as disasters, food recalls, training opportunities, state and federal policy requirements, management bulletins, funding and recognition, and more. This is where the CDE posts all newly released information related to the SNPs after it has been emailed to the SNP Mailing List.

SNP Mailing List web page

Sign up for the SNP Mailing List to receive communications from the NSD.

Summer Food Service Program Mailing List web page

Sign up for the Summer Food Service Mailing List to receive SFSP communications from the NSD.

NSD Town Hall Meetings

Attend the monthly SNP Town Hall meetings facilitated by the NSD. The Town Hall meetings review policy, provide reminders about upcoming deadlines, share best practices, announce funding opportunities, and address questions. These Town Halls are announced in the CDE Nutrition What's New web page under the Training tab. Live Town Halls are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. On the day of the Town Hall, the draft PowerPoint slide deck is posted in the Download Forms Section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) website by 10 a.m. After the meeting, the PowerPoint slide deck is posted under the Town Halls tab in this Food Service Staff Education and Training web page.

CNIPS website

Become familiar with the CNIPS. The CNIPS is the web-based system for claiming, reimbursement, and administering reviews for the federal and state child nutrition programs. The CDE also houses a number of important programmatic forms and documents in the CNIPS Resources section. For general information about the CNIPS and for training videos, visit the CDE CNIPS web page. For questions and username and password information, email the CNIPS Help Team at

School Nutrition Programs Management Bulletins web page

Review federal and state policy information on the School Nutrition Programs Management Bulletins web page by topic. Examples of topics include: Meal Pattern Requirements, Competitive Foods, Compliance, Procurement, Farm to School, Financial and Resource Management Guidance, Administrative Reviews, and more.

Summer Food Service Program Management Bulletins web page

Review federal and state policy information on the Summer Food Service Program Management Bulletins web page by topic. Examples of topics include: meal pattern requirements, compliance, financial management standards, meal site types and requirements, outreach, site reviews, and more.

Training tab

Select the Training tab in this Food Service Staff Education and Training web page to review a list of recommended trainings and tips to assist with prioritizing trainings based on your operations; this list is geared towards new program operators, including food service directors and staff.

Course Catalog web page

Once completing the list of recommended trainings on the Training tab, visit the CDE Course Catalog online trainings database for an extensive library of additional continuing education opportunities for food service directors and staff operating the SNPs.

Resource Library web page

Visit the CDE Resource Library for free resources related to Nutrition Education, Recipes, Cooking in the Classroom, and Physical Activity.

Grants, Recognition, and Appropriations web page Frequent this funding and recognition web page for grant opportunities, recognition programs, and appropriations available to program operators of the SNPs. Note that this listing contains opportunities for all of CDE; the NSD What’s New web page will list opportunities specific to nutrition services.

Administrative Reviews (AR)

Review information, regulations, procedures, and updates on the SNP administrative review. Also includes the current SNP AR schedule.

Rates, Eligibility Scales & Funding

Find annual reimbursement rates and eligibility scales for the Child Nutrition Programs as well as a listing of available grant opportunities. Find annual reimbursement rates and eligibility scales for the Child Nutrition Programs as well as a listing of available grant funds.

Definitions tab

Select the Definitions tab in this Food Service Staff Education and Training web page to reference definitions, acronyms, and commonly used terms in the SNPs.

Contacts tab

Select the Contacts tab in this Food Service Staff Education and Training web page, to find a list of NSD staff members that are available to answer your specific questions.


Education and Nutrition Policy Unit | 800-952-5609
Town Hall Team |

Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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