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CNAC Minutes for the May 9, 2022 Meeting

Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) on May 9, 2022.

Members Present:

Clell Hoffman, Kim Frinzell, Cristine Holmer, Holly Hungerford Cocking, Jane Alvarado-Banister, Carrie Buck, Maryam Shayegh, Jackie Day, Ryan Alvarez, Natalie Cole, Ronald Little

Also Present:

Mike Danzik, Blake Johnson, Jackie Richardson, Ellen Sweeney

CNAC Administrative Activities

Call to order by Clell Hoffman

Pledge of Allegiance

Approve May 2022 CNAC agenda:

Motion to move item 1 to 1 p.m. Motion approved.

Motion to approve May agenda. Seconded. May agenda approved.

Approve March 2021 CNAC meeting minutes

Motion to approve March meeting minutes. Seconded. Minutes approved.

Mike Danzik requested everyone sign their copy of the oath and turn it in before leaving.

Travel forms, including payee data record and other travel info in packet should be completed and submitted to Mr. Danzik.

Agenda Items

Item 1

Subject: Nutrition Services Division (NSD) Director’s Update

From NSD, Kim Frinzell, Director

Kim Frinzell shared information about the upcoming implementation of Universal Meals, including a new universal meals web page and email box (; the new Introduction to School Nutrition Program Administration (ISNPA) trainings for food service staff; and Quick Reference Guides that include tips, policy reminders, and links to child nutrition program subject areas.

Ms. Frinzell shared additional funding opportunities including the Kitchen Infrastructure and Training (KIT) Funds, Supply Chain Assistance (SNA) Funds, Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program (LFS) Grant, National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Equipment Assistance Grant, and School Breakfast and Summer Meals Expansion Grant.

Ms. Frinzell also discussed the upcoming White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health occurring in September 2022.

She also discussed waiver updates related to COVID for the 2022 summer and 2022–23 school year.

Item 2

Subject: State legislative update

From Blake Johnson

Blake Johnson discussed AB 558, AB 2640, AJR 8, SB 20, SB 364, and the issues relating to schools in the State Budget.

Mr. Johnson included his contact info if anyone has questions:

Item 3

Subject: Members finalize CNAC priority recommendations

Members voted and agreed to address and create a deliverable for all three top priorities:

  • Access to nutrition during the out-of-school time period, especially during summer.
  • Increasing access to school breakfast by adopting strategies that make breakfast more accessible.
  • Increase lunch time for students so that all students have time to receive and eat a nutritious meal. [Members agreed to delete increasing lunch to one hour and focus on ensuring adequate seat time.]

Item 4

Subject: Members identify and vote on CNAC recommendations for deliverables for chosen priorities

Members completed a deliverable brainstorm activity.

Members voted on their top choices:

  • Nutrition training for teacher and admin programs (1st choice)
  • Educate school leadership (2nd choice, tied)
  • Explain the “why” (2nd choice, tied)
  • Web page (3rd choice)

Additional inputs:

  • Successful strategies
  • Best practices
  • Address challenges

Nutrition as a benchmark
Update state meal mandate
Promote best practices
Parent education
Promote existing programs
Incorporate as a part of school assessment and planning
Financial incentives
Links to learning
Health education partner
Student campaign
Share best practices
Student involvement and engagement
Statewide task force on increasing access
Gather evidence of impact of meal service during COVID
Teacher survey of nutrition practices
Letter (best practices)
Inquire re: definition of “whole child”
Increase participation (focus on non-dairy, plant-based)
Extend Universal Meals to summer program
Professional development training
Data gathering

Item 5

Subject: Members develop recommended action plan and timelines for completing deliverables

Meeting ended before starting Item 5 – will be completed at next meeting.

Request for public comment

There was no public comment.

Clell Hoffman, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 06, 2024
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