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NSLP and SBP Meal Patterns

Includes meal pattern requirements, online trainings, resources, compliance, policy guidance, and questions and answers for sponsors participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.


Program operators of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) are required to use meal patterns and dietary specifications established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to develop menus and to serve meals to students; program operators must also follow California-specific requirements for foods served as a part of school meals. On April 25, 2024, the USDA, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), posted the Final Rule for Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. As of July 1, 2024, the final rule offers new flexibilities for School Nutrition Programs (SNPs) to phase in over the next three school years to meet the needs of vegetarian diets and other dietary preferences, as well as to other program areas to support local food procurement. The final rule also made significant updates to nutrition standards, most notably for added sugar and sodium. Further, foods sold or served in schools are also subject to state laws and regulations including the California Food Safety Act and the California School Food Safety Act.

Meal Pattern Requirements for Breakfast and Lunch


Breakfast Meal Pattern for Infants External link opens in new window or tab.
A reference chart with the SBP meal pattern requirements for infants.

Lunch Meal Pattern for Infants External link opens in new window or tab.
A reference chart with the NSLP meal pattern requirements for infants.

Note: Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Operators should refer to the CACFP Meal Patterns web page External link opens in new window or tab. on the California Department of Social Services website for information on CACFP meal pattern requirements.


Breakfast Meal Pattern for Preschoolers External link opens in new window or tab.
A reference chart with the SBP meal pattern requirements for preschoolers.

Lunch Meal Pattern for Preschoolers External link opens in new window or tab.
A reference chart with the NSLP meal pattern requirements for preschoolers.

Note: CACFP Operators should refer to the CACFP Meal Patterns web page External link opens in new window or tab. on the California Department of Social Services website for information on CACFP meal pattern requirements.

Grades K-12

Breakfast Meal Pattern for Grades K-12
A quick reference chart with the meal pattern requirements for the SBP for grades K-12.

Lunch Meal Pattern for Grades K-12
A quick reference chart with the meal pattern requirements for the NSLP grades K-12

Breakfast Meal Pattern: Short and Long Weeks
A quick reference chart with the meal pattern requirements for regularly operating short and long weeks for the SBP for grades K-12.

Lunch Meal Pattern: Short and Long Weeks
A quick reference chart with the meal pattern requirements for regularly operating short and long weeks for the NSLP for grades K-12.

Additional Meal Pattern Requirements

In addition to ensuring federal requirements for meals served as a part of the Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) are met, program operators must also meet state requirements. Recently two new acts were passed in California that impact foods served in schools:

California Food Safety Act External link opens in new window or tab. (Health and Safety Code Section 109025)

Prohibits the manufacture, sale, or provision (delivering, distribution, holding, and offering) of food products that contain brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben, and red dye number 3 beginning January 1, 2027.

California School Food Safety Act External link opens in new window or tab. [California Education Code (EC) sections, 49431, 49431.2, 49431.5, 49501.5, and 49531]

Amends the definition of a nutritionally adequate breakfast and a nutritionally adequate lunch found in EC 49501.5, as of December 31, 2027, to meals that do not contain any of the following substances: Blue 1 (CAS [Chemical Abstract Service] 3844-45-9), Blue 2 (CAS 860-22-0), Green 3 (CAS 2353-45-9), Red 40 (CAS 25956-17-6), Yellow 5 (CAS 1934-21-0), and Yellow 6 (CAS 2783-94-0). Additionally, the act amended EC sections 49431 and 49431.5 to prohibit, effective December 31, 2027, the same additives in competitive foods sold in elementary, middle and high schools.

Additional Meal Pattern Information

Vegetable Subgroup List for Breakfast and Lunch for Grades K-12
The list of vegetables found in each of the required vegetable subgroup categories for the NSLP and SBP.

Milk Requirements in the Child Nutrition Programs
The milk requirements for the child nutrition programs, including the meal pattern requirements, types of milks offered, milk substitute forms, nutrient standards for milk substitutes, policy guidance, frequently asked questions, and contacts.

Online Trainings

This section includes online trainings that assist participants in the NSLP and SBP in implementing the meal pattern requirements.



Course Number Course Name Training Topic
Food Production

Additional Online Training Databases

To find additional online training databases, visit the:

For more related meal pattern online trainings, you can visit the California Department of Education (CDE) Child Nutrition Program Course Catalog.


Guides, Manuals, and Worksheets
Whole Grain Resources
Recipe Resources
Salad Bar Resources
Nutrition Education Resources
General Resources

Guides, Manuals, and Worksheets

Resource Description
USDA Nutrient Analysis Protocols: How to Analyze Menus for USDA’s School Meals Programs (NAP Manual) External link opens in new window or tab. The online manual includes processes for selecting nutrient analysis software, obtaining nutrient analysis of menus, and guidance for calculating nutrient analysis of menus offered in the NSLP and SBP.
The online manual assists sponsors in buying the appropriate amount and type of food and to determine the specific contribution each food makes toward the meal pattern requirements for the NSLP and SBP.
The online manual for School Year 2015–16 assisting with the implementation of Offer Versus Serve (OVS). OVS allows students to decline some of the food offered in a reimbursable lunch or breakfast. This is the latest version of the OVS manual.
This toolkit provides various resources to assist program operators interested in establishing or expanding breakfast service. The toolkit includes implementation and marketing information on various innovation service delivery methods.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Serving Up a Successful School Breakfast Program External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)


The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction developed a guide for implementing school breakfast programs called Serving Up a Successful School Breakfast Program.
The certification worksheets to assist in determining if your menu is meeting the requirements.
A list of nutrient analysis software approved for use in the NSLP and SBP.
Fact sheets categorized by food type that describe the items expected to be available for schools participating in the NSLP and SBP.


Resource Description
California Department of Education (CDE) Menu Production Record (MPR) Forms
Example forms used by food service personnel to determine the amount of food to serve for menu production.
The USDA requires sponsors to maintain MPRs documenting that the meals as planned, prepared, and served meet the meal pattern requirements. This web page lists the elements that must be included on the MPR.
These example forms are used by food service that describes the exact, measurable amount of ingredients and the method of preparation needed to consistently produce a high-quality food product.
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodation
The CNP-925 (CDE Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations Form) form identifies the information required to implement a sound nutrition plan for children with food-related disabilities The form is located in the Download Forms Section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System.

Whole Grain Resources

Resource Description

USDA Whole Grain Resource for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs A Guide to Meeting the Whole Grain-Rich Criteria External link opens in new window or tab.

A guide for meeting the whole grain-rich criteria for school meals. It includes exercises on identifying products that meet the whole grain-rich criteria and calculation examples.

USDA Exhibit A: Grain Requirements for Child Nutrition Programst External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

Exhibit A provides a list of grains and quantities to determine the ounce equivalents of whole grain and whole grain-rich food items used in the NSLP and SBP.

Recipe Resources

Resource Description
A collection of California school district culinary center recipes. Each recipe includes a photo, student taste tasting score, contribution to the meal pattern, and nutrient analysis.
The Institute for Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Recipe Box External link opens in new window or tab.
A collection of standardized recipes, including vegetable subgroup crediting information as well as recipes made with legumes, whole grains, and/or dark green, red, and/or orange vegetables.
A collection of student-tasted and approved plant-forward recipes, which includes the ingredients, instructions, and contribution to the meal patterns.

Salad Bar Resources

Resource Description
CDE Salad Bars in School Nutrition Programs Information about salad bars in the NSLP and SBP, including policy changes, resources, website links, and updated USDA Questions and Answers (Q&A).
An assortment of information, resources, and training materials to assist with salad bar implementation.
Chef Ann Foundation Salad Bars to Schools External link opens in new window or tab. Information about applying for funding to receive salad bar equipment.
This webinar shares food safety best practices to ensure proper safety measures for school gardens and salad bars.
This resource provides best practices for handling fresh produce on salad bars during preparation and set up, ensuring proper temperature control and supervision of the salad bar as well as clean up.

Nutrition Education Resources

Resource Description
California Department of Public Health Communication Resource Library Harvest of the Month Curricula web page External link opens in new window or tab. Teacher Guides and Student Workbooks featuring six produce items. This resource provides lesson plans and activities that support access to fruits and vegetables, participation in physical activity, preferences of fruits and vegetables, encourages consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables, and familiarizing students with California-grown fruits and vegetables.
USDA Team Nutrition External link opens in new window or tab. Information and resources to support the child nutrition programs (CNP) through training and technical assistance for foodservice and nutrition education. Free USDA Team Nutrition materials are available to school nutrition professionals and are designed to motivate children into making healthier choices in the cafeteria and beyond.

General Resources

Resource Description
USDA Kosher and Halal Foods in CNPs External link opens in new window or tab. This webinar is for state and local agencies administering CNPs on serving halal and kosher meals to observant students.
USDA Recipe Standardization Guide for School Nutrition Programs – Culinary Institute of Child NutritionExternal link opens in new window or tab. This is a “how-to” guide on recipe standardization for school nutrition recipe developers. The guide is designed to be a complete source of information on recipe standardization from recipe conception to implementation.
USDA Reducing Added Sugars at School Breakfast External link opens in new window or tab. This training guide for school nutrition professionals presents how to identify sources of added sugars and specific ways to reduce the amount of added sugars in school breakfast meals to align with new final rule added sugar limits, beginning in July 1, 2025 and beyond.
USDA Crediting Tip Sheets in Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. These five tip sheets address CNP requirements for fruits, grains, meats/meat alternates, fluid milk, and vegetables. Each crediting tip sheet provides basic component crediting information and includes a skills based test to test your component crediting knowledge.

USDA Offering Meats and Meat Alternates at School Breakfast External link opens in new window or tab.

This training guide shows school nutrition professionals how to offer meats and meat alternates at school breakfast by providing menu planning ideas, crediting information, sample menus, and more.
Information and resources for preventing plate waste.
Information and resources to implement the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement principles that use low or no-cost solutions to promote healthful eating behaviors and reduce waste.
Information and resources for preventing plate waste.
State of California CalRecycle School Waste Reduction web page External link opens in new window or tab.
Information and resources for waste reduction and recycling.
Information about the rules for competitive foods in California.
Information about accommodating children with disabilities in the SNPs.
CDE Milk Requirements in the Child Nutrition Programs web page Information about the milk requirements for the CNP, including the meal pattern requirements, types of milks to offer, milk substitute forms, nutrient standards for milk, policy guidance, frequently asked question (FAQ)s, and contacts.


The California Department of Education (CDE) monitors compliance of the meal pattern during the SNP Administrative Review (AR) in accordance with Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations 210.18. When conducting the SNP AR, CDE follows the guidance in the USDA’s most current AR manual. USDA Food and Nutrition Service provides general guidance to state agencies and school food authorities on the areas of review. To download the AR Manual in CNIPS, select SNP, select applications, download forms, and Form ID MANUAL AR. For meal pattern information, refer to pages 66-109.

For more information regarding SNP ARs, please visit the CDE’s School Nutrition Programs Administrative Review web page.

Policy Memoranda Guidance

The USDA and the California Department of Education (CDE) issued the following policy memoranda related to the NSLP and SBP meal patterns. When merited, the CDE will release a subsequent management bulletin to include state specific policy guidance and/or further explain or clarify the topic. Note that this is not a comprehensive listing of all state and federal guidance.

To view all of the policy memos related to the SNP, visit the USDA School Meals web page External link opens in new window or tab..

To view all management bulletins related to SNP, visit the CDE School Nutrition Programs Management Bulletins web page.

Calendar Year 2024

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
12/2024 The CDE Final Rule Fluid Milk Final Rule: Fluid Milk Substitutions - School Nutrition SNP-11-2024
10/2024 The USDA Vegetables at Breakfast Substitution of Vegetables for Fruit Flexibility in the School Breakfast Program: Questions and Answers for Program Operators External link opens in new window or tab. SP 02-2025
10/2024 The USDA Fluid Milk Fluid Milk Requirements for School Meals External link opens in new window or tab. SP 01-2025
9/2024 The CDE Special Dietary Needs Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the School Meal Programs SNP-07-2024
4/2024 The USDA Final Rule Final Rule - Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA)s External link opens in new window or tab. 0584-AE88

Calendar Year 2022

Calendar Year 2020

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
2/2020 The CDE Smoothies Smoothies Offered in Child Nutrition Programs CNP-04-2020
11/2020 The CDE Salad Bars

Salad Bars in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program


Calendar Year 2019

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
9/2019 The USDA Salad Bars Salad Bars in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program External link opens in new window or tab. SP 41-2019
8/2019 The USDA Crediting Updates for Child Nutrition Program (CNP)s Crediting Coconut, Hominy, Corn Masa, and Masa Harina in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 34-2019
7/2019 The USDA Donated Traditional Foods and Civil Liability Farm Bill Implementation Memo: Donated Traditional Foods and Civil Liability External link opens in new window or tab. SP 31-2019


Crediting Updates for CNPs Crediting Pasta Products Made of Vegetable Flour in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 26-2019
4/2019 The USDA Crediting Updates for CNPs Crediting Tempeh in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 25-2019
4/2019 The USDA Crediting Updates for CNPs Crediting Surimi Seafood in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 24-2019
4/2019 The USDA Crediting Updates for CNPs Crediting Popcorn in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 23-2019
4/2019 The USDA Crediting Updates for CNPs Crediting Shelf-Stable, Dried and Semi-Dried Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Products in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 21-2019

Calendar Year 2018

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
12/2018 The USDA Meal Pattern Crediting Update of Food Crediting in the Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. SP 08-2019, CACFP 02-2019, SFSP 02-2019
2/2018 The CDE Donation of Leftover Food Guidance on the Donation of Leftover Food in the Child Nutrition Programs CNP-02-2018
2/2018 The CDE The Use of Share Tables Share Tables CNP-03-2018

Calendar Year 2017

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
9/2017 The CDE Meal Pattern Crediting Tofu and Soy Yogurt Products in the Child Nutrition Programs CNP-09-2017
2/2017 The CDE Potable Water Availability of Potable Water to Children and Allowable Costs SNP-05-2017

Calendar Year 2015

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
11/2023 The USDA CNPs and Traditional Foods Crediting Traditional Indigenous Foods in Child Nutrition Programs External link opens in new window or tab. TA 01-2024
7/2015 The CDE Product Documentation Guidance for Accepting Processed Product Documentation for Meal Pattern Requirements CNP-07-2015
5/2015 The CDE Product Documentation Child Nutrition (CN) Labels Copied with a Watermark CNP-08-2015

Calendar Year 2014

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
1/2014 The CDE Meals Variations in Meal Requirements for Religious Reasons: Jewish Schools, Institutions, and Sponsors CNP-04-2014

Calendar Year 2013

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
3/2013 The USDA Final Rule Nutrition Standards in the NSLP and the SBP - Final Rule External link opens in new window or tab. 0584-AD59

Calendar Year 2012

Release Date Issued by Topic Subject Reference Number
7/2012 The CDE Meal Pattern Crediting Formulated Grain Fruit Products USDA-SNP-31-2012

Questions and Answers (Q & A)

Release Date Issued
Subject Reference Number
9/2019 The USDA

Smoothies Offered in Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) External link opens in new window or tab.. This memorandum provides updated guidance on smoothies served in the CNP and supersedes all previous guidance on smoothies including SP 10-2014 (v.3), CACFP 05-2014 (v.3), SFSP 10-2014 (v.3). Additionally, this guidance contains Questions & Answers on offering smoothies in the CNPs.

SP 40-2019, CACFP 17-2019, SFSP 17-2019



For questions email your School Nutrition Program meal pattern questions to To join the Nutrition Services Division's mailing list, you can subscribe to the School Nutrition Program Mailing List.

Follow @CDENutrition on Twitter.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 14, 2025
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