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Reports of SARB Outcomes

School Attendance Review Board (SARB) recommended format for school districts to use to gather and transmit outcome data to the county superintendent of schools.

One of the duties of a SARB is to review school attendance data to inform SARB policy decisions. This duty is especially important for county SARBs which receive information about local SARBs through a SARB report to the county superintendent required by state statute. SARB decisions about referrals and case management must be driven by data that is easily understood and analyzed.

The State SARB has created two formats for school districts to use in compliance with California Education Code (EC) Section 48273. Both sample forms require SARBs to gather and transmit outcome data to the county superintendent of schools. Using a uniform format for this report within a county will enable SARBs to regularly and accurately assess their local programs for reducing truancy and improving attendance in the county. The ongoing assessment required by EC Section 48273 also provides the county superintendent and the SARB members with constructive data to inform their decisions regarding dropout prevention.

Basic SARB Report Form

Basic SARB Report Form (DOC)
Complies with EC Section 48273 but provides only basic information about SARB referrals.

Extended SARB Report Form

The second sample format provides more information that can drive the strategic decisions of the SARB. SARBs have long recognized that decisions about school attendance intervention must be based on a review of school attendance data and that early identification of attendance problems is critical to the success of SARBs. The form below provides a new sample EC Section 48273 that includes irregular attendance data because the identification of students who are missing more than ten percent of the days enrolled is critical to SARB success. Including both excused and unexcused absence, irregular attendance, or chronic absence is a well-recognized early warning of school drop out, whether it occurs in elementary, middle school or high school. Unfortunately, many school districts and schools do not know whether large numbers of students are affected by this issue because tracking only truancy and average daily attendance can mask a serious problem with irregular attendance or chronic absence. The good news is that irregular attendance or chronic absence can be significantly reduced when schools, communities, and families join together to monitor and promote attendance, as well as to identify and address the factors that prevent young students from attending school every day. Irregular attendance varies greatly among student populations, and it is critical for SARBs to identify which grade levels or schools have a problem so that the causes of poor attendance can be addressed and interventions can be targeted where they are needed most. The extended Report of SARB Outcomes is considered excellent for measuring and reporting outcomes in the Model SARB application process.

Extended SARB Report Form (XLS)

Questions:   Educational Options Office |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 05, 2025