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California School Parent Survey

The California School Parent Survey (CSPS) assesses the perceptions of parents related to school climate, parent outreach, and student achievement in comparison to staff and student perspectives.

The California Parent Survey (CSPS) is a companion tool to the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) for students and the California School Staff Survey (CSSS) for staff. Together, they form the California School Climate, Health , and Learning Survey (CalSCHLS) System, a comprehensive set of integrated surveys designed to provide schools with valuable data for school improvements.

The CSPS is designed to provide teachers, administrators, and other school staff with information directly from parents that can be used to foster positive learning and teaching environments, parent involvement, and student achievement, health, and well-being. The act of asking parents to provide their perceptions of the school is in itself an empowering parent-involvement activity. The survey is an effective tool to assess parent involvement in the Local Control and Accountability Plan and is great to be used along with the CHKS and CSSS to compare parent, student, and staff perceptions.

The CSPS can be administered online or on paper, or both, and is available in different languages. Schools can also customize it and add their own questions.

Technical Assistance for School Districts

The California Department of Education contracts with WestEd to assist districts in administering the CSPS. WestEd provides training and technical assistance to districts online and by phone, email, and virtually. To get more information or to sign up for CSPS, check out the CalSCHLS External link opens in new window or tab. Web site and/or contract your regional technical advisors.

Questions: Hilva Chan | | 916-319-0194 
Last Reviewed: Monday, January 06, 2025