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Curriculum Guidance

Provides information on curriculum and how to obtain curriculum for loan.

Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group

California Healthy Kids Resource Center External link opens in new window or tab.

The California Healthy Kids Resources Center provides access to educational resources that can be borrowed at no cost.

The California Healthy Kids Resource Center, together with the Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group, conducted an intensive review of growth development and sexual health curriculum in accordance with the California Healthy Youth Act. Below is a table (access by clicking the arrow under the California Healthy Youth Act heading) that lists the curriculum reviewed along with the information on where it can be borrowed or purchased. The Compliance Assessment Tools below are specific to each curriculum that was reviewed. Also included is a California Healthy Kids Curricula Review Introduction Methodology that describes the law, review process and the Compliance Assessment Tool grading.

These reviews should not replace local reviews by educators. These reviews do not reflect any endorsement from the agencies participating in the review process, including but not limited to the CDE.

The California Healthy Kids Resource Center is a product of the California Department of Education and is maintained by the San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Checklist for Guest Speakers
Criteria to determine if an outside consultant is adhering to the CHYA for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education.

Questions:   School Health Office | 916-319-0914
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 30, 2025