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Nutrition to Grow On

An innovative curriculum for grades four through six that offers teachers a direct link between the garden and nutrition education.


Nine lessons are designed to teach children and their families about nutrition by relating each lesson to a garden activity. The curriculum uses the garden to integrate disciplines, including science, mathematics, language arts, history, environmental studies, nutrition, and health, while reinforcing some of the California academic content standards. School gardens are wonderful sources of food and beauty and outlets for physical activity; they can also help students discover fresh food and learn to make healthier food choices. Nutrition to Grow On taps into these instructional gardens to cultivate the students’ talents and skills while enriching their capacities for observation and thinking.

  • Author: California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division
  • User of Resources: Teachers
  • Audience: Grades 4–6
  • Languages Offered: English
  • Date updated: 2013

Note:  Some references in this curriculum are out of date. The External link opens in new window or tab. resources have shifted to External link opens in new window or tab. and the Nutrition Facts labels have been revised. However, the CDE continues to recognize the value of garden-based education and acknowledges the local expertise available to direct relevant updates.


Nutrition to Grow On (PDF; 27MB)


If you have any questions, please contact the Farm to School Team by email at

Questions:   Education and Nutrition Policy Unit | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Thursday, June 20, 2024
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