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California Professional Standards by Position

A summary of California specific professional standards and policies for School Nutrition Program employees by position.

SY = School Year; CDE = California Department of Education; LEA = Local Educational Agency; USDA = U.S. Department of Agriculture; HHFKA = Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act

*The food safety hiring requirement is in addition to the annual training requirement of 12 hours.

**Ongoing food safety training can be credited towards the 12-hour annual training requirement.

***May show compliance over one or two school years.

****Acting directors are on an interim basis only.

Position Hiring Standards:
Educational Requirements
Hiring Standards:
Food Safety Hiring Requirements*
Training Standards:
Annual Training Hours***
(starting SY 2016-17)
Training Standards:
Ongoing Food Safety Training**
Current Director
(hired before July 1, 2015)




Either maintain food safety certification or complete eight hours of food safety training every five years

New Director
(hired on or after July 1, 2015)

Hiring flexibility for LEAs with < 500 students

Eight hours within five years before start date or 30 calendar days after start date


Either maintain food safety certification or complete eight hours of food safety training every five years

Acting Director****




(CDE Policy)

Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties





Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties

(working 20 hours or more per week)




Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties

(working less than 20 hours per week)




Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties

Temporary, Acting or Substitute Staff



No minimum hours, recordkeeping, or documentation requirement
(CDE policy)

Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties
(CDE policy)

Volunteer Staff



No minimum hours, recordkeeping, or documentation requirement
(CDE policy)

Strongly recommend food safety training related to the job duties
(CDE policy)

Training Records

Training records for each employee must include trainee's first and last name, job category (director, manager, part-time staff, or full-time staff), training title, date training completed, credited training hours, and professional standards learning objective code.

In California, key area and training topics are optional as they can be inferred from the learning objective code.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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