2025 California Wildfire Resources
Resources for schools, families, and students impacted by the 2025 California wildfires.2025 Southern California Wildfire Resources
Disaster Relief Fund
The California Department of Education (CDE) has an ongoing partnership with SupplyBank.org to ensure that families, schools, and educators have access to essential resources in times of natural disasters.
Wildfires and Children's Health Resources
Resources provided by the President of the United States of America’s Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children.
Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) Updates
Find out the latest information and resources available in Los Angeles (L.A.) County. Evacuation zones, shelters, school resources, etc.
Shelters Available for Communities Impacted by Wildfires
From the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) web page, find shelter locations and resources for communities affected by wildfires in Los Angeles County.
California Statewide Wildfire Recovery Resources
Comprehensive information for wildfire recovery efforts on the Cal OES web page.
Health and Social Services Wildfire Air Quality Resource
Wildfire air quality resource for schools from the Health and Social Services Task Force.
Cal OES Public Assistance
Apply for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state funding, locate Applicant Briefings, find training for how to apply for FEMA funds, locate documents related to state and federal funding.
California Disaster Assistance Act
The California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA) authorizes the Director of Cal OES to administer a disaster assistance program that provides financial assistance from the state for costs incurred by local governments as a result of a disaster event.
Designated Areas: Disaster 4856
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) public assistance for the 2025 California wildfires.
Cal Fire Current Emergency Incidents
Ongoing emergency responses in California, including all 10+ acre wildfires.
Mental and Behavioral Health Resources
Help for Students in Crisis
Resources for addressing mental health and wellness while school sites are closed.
LA County Wildfires – Resources for Schools
List of wildfire and mental health resources from local, state, and federal agencies.
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Wildfires & Mental Health Resources List
Resources for wildfire victims to help with emotional trauma and other behavioral impacts from the Center for Preparedness and Response.
CDE and Other Statewide Wildfire Resources
Wildfire Resources
Statewide government resources to help understand how to respond to a wildfire and what to do after.
Form J-13A
For local educational agency (LEAs) affected by the 2025 Los Angeles County Wildfires, please check the 2025 L.A. County Wildfires Form J-13A Resources web page.
Expanded Learning Guidance
- After School Education and Safety/21st Century Community Learning Center
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Form 471 E-Rate Filing Deadline Extension for Wildfire Impacts
The FCC issued an order
(PDF) on Thursday, January 17, 2025 to extend the Form 471 filing deadline and invoice deadline for applicants impacted by the wildfires.
Air Quality Guidance
General guidance for outside resources for schools regarding air quality and potential school closures due to wildfires and other hazards.
- Smoke Advisory – Unhealthy Air Quality Declared
County of Los Angeles Public Health News Release.
- Memo: Get Smart about Wildfire Smoke Guidelines for Schools and Wildfire Smoke (PDF)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Reduce Your Smoke Exposure
Additional Resources
School Disaster and Emergency Management
Guidance, grants, training, and resources for LEAs related to the management of natural disasters and emergency hazards.
California School Employees Association (CSEA) Assistance Fund
Los Angeles wildfire relief for CSEA members.
California Teachers Association (CTA) Disaster Relief Fund
Los Angeles wildfire relief for CTA members.
Public Safety Power Shutoff
A Public Safety Power Shutoff is a preventative system that utility companies use when they predict extreme weather conditions that could cause a fire.
Disaster Guidance for Child Nutrition Programs
Includes claiming and reimbursement information, policy guidance, resources, and contacts for all disasters that affect the Child Nutrition Programs (CNP).
School Emergency Reporting System (SERS) Local Educational Agency Logon
The SERS web application for LEAs is utilized by the CDE to track school statuses during disasters.
California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) Executive Office Memorandum
California Wildfires and Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)/California Dream Act Application (CADAA) Deadline Postponement for Impacted Areas.
News Releases, Letters, and Declarations
- Superintendent of Public Instruction Launches Aid for Wildfire-Affected Schools (Posted 02-Jan-2025)
- Governor Gavin Newsom Proclamation of a State of Emergency
- Governor Gavin Newsom Executive Order N-3-25
- Governor Gavin Newsom Executive Order N-6-25
- Governor Gavin Newsom Executive Order N-17-25
- Governor Gavin Newsom Executive Order N-19-25
- Governor Gavin Newsom Executive Order N-20-25