Resources from Other State Agencies
The following resources from other state agencies address frequently asked questions related to emergency response and recovery.-
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), October Wildfires Resources & Information
The Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) is the state of California’s agency for providing emergency support and response to disasters. Cal OES works with county officials and other local municipalities to distribute state and federal disaster response and grant funding, including resources from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The Cal OES Resources & Information Web pageincludes a number of resources, including an interactive fire map, list of local assistance centers, emergency proclamations and declarations, and links to various federal assistance programs.
Division of the State Architect, (DSA) Assistance For Disaster Damaged School Facilities
The Division of the State Architect (DSA) has policies and procedures to expedite the repair or reconstruction of school facilities damaged or destroyed by natural or manmade disasters.
DSA recommends school districts contact their respective DSA regional office for assistance and guidance in repairing or replacing damaged structures or for placement of temporary emergency facilities.
DSA can assist building owners and design professionals with:- Site evaluation and damage assessment.
- Repair or reconstruction plan development.
- Presubmission meetings to define timeline and scope for review and approval.
Expedited Plan ReviewDSA expedites plan review for any repair or reconstruction of a project damaged or destroyed by natural or manmade disaster. To qualify for the expedited review, plans must be submitted to DSA within six months of the disaster that caused the damage or destruction.
Immediate Use of Portable Facilities
DSA Policy (IR A-1.16) allows immediate use of specified portable classroom facilities prior to securing approval from DSA to house displaced students. These facilities can be placed on the existing site or on the site of another public school facility.
Pre-Check Approvals (PC)
DSA’s PC approval process streamlines and expedites plan review by providing approval for commonly used structures, such as portable facilities, prior to the submittal of plans to DSA.
- Site evaluation and damage assessment.
California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA)
CalEPA’s Fire Response and Recovery Web page
provides resources and information relating to air quality issues, debris cleanup, and water protection. Protecting Public Health from Home and Building Fire Ash
summarizes safe methods of ash cleanup.
The Information on Smoke and Current Wildfires Web page
from the California Air Resources Board provides resources for information about current air quality conditions, smoke advisories and forecasts, major fire incidents, and current fire conditions.
Wildfire Smoke - A Guide for Public Health Officials
(PDF) is designed to help local public health officials prepare for smoke events, take measures to protect the public when smoke is present, and communicate with the public about wildfire smoke and health.
The debris left after a major disaster such as an earthquake, fire, or flood can be massive and can create its own set of public health and safety problems. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) is committed to assuring that solid waste is properly managed in the event of a natural disaster or emergency. CalRecycle’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Web page
provides resources and contacts for local governments regarding handling of disaster waste and debris.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) provides tips for choosing indoor air cleaner for effective indoor smoke removal in California in this October 26, 2017 News Release