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Guiding Principles for Implementing the Vision

These guiding principles are meant to be applied comprehensively throughout the school facilities planning, design, and implementation process. The order of presentation does not reflect any prioritization.

The siting and design of educational facilities will:

  1. Reflect the Local Educational Agency's board-adopted facilities master plan and educational specifications.
  2. Result from an open, community-based, and comprehensive planning process including all stakeholders and early dialogue with all involved planning agencies.
  3. Accommodate a complete facility supporting the delivery of the adopted educational program, be accessible to all, and adaptable to future demographic, educational, and community needs.
  4. Support students, parents, teachers, and staff in closing achievement gaps, and preparing students for the workforce, post-secondary education, and lifelong learning.
  5. Consider the full spectrum of community facilities and support opportunities for joint-use and educational partnerships.
  6. Ensure safety from existing and potential hazards and incompatible land uses.
  7. Provide a secure environment with a focus on supervision.
  8. Create comfortable, attractive, and stimulating environments that support collaboration and diverse learning styles and opportunities.
  9. Promote sustainable practices that conserve natural resources, limit greenhouse gas emissions, optimize construction and life cycle costs, and encourage walking and bicycling.
  10. Incorporate superior acoustics, indoor-air quality, and natural lighting.
  11. Respond to current and future information, communication, and technology needs.
  12. Support student health, nutrition, and physical fitness.
Questions:   Molly Stitt | | 916-322-6249
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 4, 2024