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Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School

Participating in a renewable energy activity

Located in California's arid Coachella Valley, Roosevelt provides an education program that helps its students be environmentally conscious, civic-minded, healthy, and college and career-ready. Since 2014, the school has participated in the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program, which informed and inspired their Wellness Policy. The school's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) program focuses on renewable energy sources and ecological design to reduce carbon's impact on the environment. In 2020, the school began work with the United States Green Building Council's Building Learners program. The program teaches students and staff to use the Arc online sustainability benchmarking platform to evaluate the school for resource efficiency opportunities. As a culminating event, students will present sustainability recommendations to the City of Indio and the Desert Sands Unified School Board.

Application External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)

Questions:   California Green Ribbon Schools | | 916-322-2470
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 04, 2024