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TUPE Acceptance of Funds Guidance

Guidance regarding acceptance of Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) funds or materials from the tobacco industry or from entities receiving funds or materials from the tobacco industry.

The California Department of Education (CDE) is aware of incidents involving the receipt or use of materials and funding from the tobacco industry or entities associated with the tobacco industry by local educational agencies (LEAs). The acceptance of such items by LEAs is counter to the CDE’s guidelines for Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) as presented in the TUPE Competitive Grants Request for Applications.

These guidelines prohibit any LEA currently accepting or applying for CDE TUPE funds from also accepting educational materials or funding from the tobacco industry or from entities that receive educational materials or funding from the tobacco industry for the purpose of educating youth. These guidelines were established recognizing the conflict of interest inherent in the acceptance of tobacco industry funds and materials while educating youth to make positive choices leading to a healthy and productive life.

LEAs are encouraged to examine the appropriateness of entering into a partnership with an outside agency, organization, or industry and whether the proposed collaboration is consistent with the LEAs’ missions and priorities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed Guidance for Collaboration with the Private Sector External link opens in new window or tab. that, while directed towards the CDC’s Centers, may also assist LEAs in this endeavor.

While the decision to enter into such partnerships lies with the local Board or Governing Council, they should be aware that LEAs in California that choose to participate in educational partnerships with the tobacco industry or with entities receiving funds or materials from the tobacco industry may be ineligible to receive current TUPE funding or to apply for future TUPE funding from the CDE.
Questions: Sarah Planche | | 916-319-0193 
Last Reviewed: Thursday, November 21, 2024