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Kiwi Fruit

Department of Defense fact sheet containing nutritional information for kiwi fruit.

Product Description

Good-quality kiwifruit will be fairly large and plump with thin "fuzzy" brown skin. The flesh should be emerald green with tiny black edible seeds radiating from the center and have a mild, sweet flavor. Choose kiwifruit that is free of wrinkles. Wrinkles are an indication that water has been lost and, with it, both quality and nutrients have been affected. Additionally, choose kiwifruit that are free of soft spots, cuts, and bruises. Unripe fruit will be firm to the touch; ripe fruit will give to gentle pressure.

Peak Growing Season

Domestic kiwi is available October through May, but California crops peak in December and January.


Eat raw or in fruit salads.


Wash fruit prior to serving. To peel kiwifruit, cut off one end with paring knife and peel in a spiral manner. Kiwifruit may be served with or without peel.


Store unripe and ripened kiwifruit at 32–35 degrees Fahrenheit. To ripen, hold fruit at room temperature in a loosely closed paper bag, for two to three days and avoid unusual heat and direct sunlight. Once kiwifruit is ripe and yields to the touch, it should be refrigerated until ready for use. Do not store kiwifruit near other ethylene producing fruits (apples, avocados, bananas, pears, tomatoes) which can trigger further ripening.

Best If Used By

Ripe kiwifruit will last five to ten days in refrigeration. Very firm kiwifruit can be kept in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Nutrition Facts

Legend: kcal = kilocalorie; g = gram; mg = milligram; RAE = retinol activity equivalent; IU = international unit

A 1/2 cup serving of kiwifruit provides:

Calories 55 kcal
Protein 1.03 g
Carbohydrate 13.19 g
Fat 0.47 g
Saturated Fat 0.026 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Iron 0.28 mg
Vitamin C 83.4 mg
Vitamin A 3 RAE
Calcium 31 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Dietary Fiber 2.7 g

Sources of Information

Questions:   Food Distribution Program |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 11, 2024
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