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Private Cooperatives as Single Entities

Nutrition Services Division Management Bulletin
Purpose: Policy, Beneficial Information

To: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foods Processors, Private Cooperatives, Food Service Directors

Number: NSD-FDP-04-2011

Attention: U.S. Department of Agriculture Foods Manager/Specialist

Date: October 2011

Subject: Private Cooperatives as Single Entities for Accountability for and Reporting of U.S. Department of Agriculture Foods Activity

Reference: Assignment of U.S. Department of Agriculture Donated Food Agreement; U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Distribution Policy Memorandum FD-067

This Management Bulletin establishes each privately managed cooperative (co-op) as a single entity for the purposes of accountability for and reporting of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foods activity.

As stated in the Assignment of USDA Donated Food agreement, the lead district for each private co-op is responsible for the ordering, receiving, storing, and distribution of all USDA Foods on behalf of the school food authorities (SFAs).

According to USDA Food Distribution Policy Memorandum FD-067, USDA Foods requirements that apply to a single SFA also apply to a privately managed co-op of SFAs. Food Distribution Program (FDP) policies, such as policies regarding USDA Foods inventory at processors, apply to individual SFAs and to privately managed co-ops.

The USDA requires the FDP to oversee USDA Foods inventory with processors. In order for the FDP to effectively monitor USDA Foods inventory with processors, processors must report USDA Foods activity occurring within a privately managed co-op as a single entity to the FDP. For example, on Monthly Performance Reports, processors must report all activity and inventory involving a privately managed co-op’s SFAs in one account identified with the privately managed co-op’s name.

If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact the Food Distribution Program Office by phone at 916-323-0865 or by email at

Questions:   Food Distribution Program | 916-323-0865
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
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