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Information Required on Menu Production Records

This is the information required on the Menu Production Records (MPR).
MPRs: Required Information

MPRs must provide certain information as required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Production Record Description

Date and Site(s)

The date the menu was served and the site or sites where it was served

Menu or food items

All planned items, including all choices, types of milk, dessert, and substitutions; listed menu shows that all food components/items are present

Offer versus Serve (OVS): Yes or No

Indicate whether OVS is in effect for this MPR

Recipes and/or products

Specific recipes and food products; name of the food and form; recipe number if USDA; if processed, brand name and code number

Grade group of students served

The grade group being served. Adjusted portion sizes for grade group specified must be shown for menu items, recipes, and products

Portions or serving sizes, both planned and prepared

Portion size served must be the same as planned. If portion size is adjusted for a grade group, a separate line must be used

Contribution to the meal pattern (unless documented in another system. Documentation must show daily and weekly requirements are met)

The contribution to the meal pattern for each food, including vegetable subgroups

Total projected servings

Forecasted or predicted approximate number of servings needed for each menu item

Total amount of food actually prepared for each food item or menu item used

Verifies that the planned menu was actually prepared and served and must be recorded in common units of measure, e.g., number, size, weight or volume and be traceable to itemized receipts with the purchase unit such as #10 can or pound

Actual number of servings prepared

Document the number of servings of each item prepared for students, adults, and as a la carte sales


A record of leftovers and how the leftovers will be used or discarded

Condiments or extras

All condiments served as part of the reimbursable meal, including gravy, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, relish, ketchup, mustard, salad dressing, meat/meat alternates, and starchy vegetables offered as extra food at breakfast.

Substitutions Document all substitutions made to make sure that all daily and weekly requirements are met


Menu Production Records

The USDA requires sponsors to maintain MPRs documenting that the meals as planned, prepared, and served meet the meal pattern requirements. Sponsors must keep the records up to date and on file for a period of three years following the end of the applicable fiscal year. Each food that is used to meet the food component requirements for any meal pattern must be documented as to its contribution to the food components. In addition, sponsors must have itemized receipts for foods purchased. Maintaining the MPR is the responsibility of the school site staff. It is important that the person responsible for producing a food item be responsible for completing the part of the record that refers to the food that he or she has prepared or portioned. Sponsors are encouraged to have a place on the MPR for each person who completes a part of the MPR to either sign or initial their work.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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