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CNAC Minutes for the January 7, 2019, Meeting

Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC).

Members Present

Caroline Danielson, Kim Frinzell, Nori Grossmann, Lawrence Herrera, Clell Hoffman, Barbara Rohrer, Patrick Traynor, Cody Williams, Colby Bladow

Representative for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Stephanie Papas

Members Absent

Dena Boortz, Maria Galleher, Helen Chang

Also Present

Mike Danzik

Call to Order

Clell Hoffman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

There was no public comment. One member of the public attended the meeting, Angela Ash, teacher at Roseville High School.

Approval of Agenda

Clell Hoffman, chair, moved to approve agenda for September 2019

Approval of Minutes for September 2018

Cllel, Hoffman, chair, moved to approve the September 2018 meeting minutes, with the addition of Colby Bladow being added as a student member.

Agenda Items

Item 1

Subject: Update from Lisa Melhouse

From Nutrition Services Division (NSD), Lisa Melhouse, Nutrition Education Administrator

The topic of discussion: Federal shutdown and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Final Rule.


  • The federal government shutdown continues. The USDA has provided the quarterly allocations.

  • The Federal Final Rule on Child Nutrition Meal Programs: Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements was released on December 12, 2018.

Item 2

Subject: NSD Director's Update

From NSD, Kim Frinzell, Director

The topic of discussion: Transition to the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) and what is next for CDE based off the new leadership?


  • The new SSPI, Tony Thurmond, is supportive of nutrition which aligns with his priorities. Keeping schools safe by reducing gun violence.

  • Providing school-based mental and physical health services to ensure that students get the care they need and come to school healthy, alert, and ready to learn.

  • Expanding access to early education and after school programs to help reduce the achievement gap.

  • Making college and career pathways accessible to all students.

  • Alleviating the teacher shortage so that all schools have highly trained and certified teachers.

  • Improving the type of student data available to allow better research and analysis of student learning.

  • Renewing our commitment to helping English learners acquire the language skills they need rapidly, while retaining their native language

11:00 a.m. Lunch

Reconvened meeting at 12:11 p.m.

Item 3

Subject: Health Education Framework Draft

From CDE Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division, Constantino Silva, Education Administrator I, and Lindsay Weiss, Education Programs Assistant, Jennifer Bentley.

The topic of discussion: Update on comments; next steps


  • Mr. Silva, Ms. Weiss, and Ms. Bentley provided handouts and a PowerPoint presentation regarding Health Education Framework comments.

  • Discussed second 60-day public comment period. CNAC member comments from the first round of public comments received were submitted for review, and all but two comments were included in the new draft. There is a 500-page limit and it is currently over that limit, so more comments may be cut in future.

  • Mr. Silva discussed eight overarching health content standards for each different grade level.

  • Suggestions were made by CNAC members for additional proposed comments or changes to previous comments.

  • Ms. Bentley put out a call to participate as an instructional materials reviewer. Applications to participate will go live on April 1, 2019.

  • Action item: Craft a letter with new comments from this CNAC meeting and send to the Health Education Framework Instructional Quality Commission (IQC).

The frameworks updated a template that will include a summary of public comment policy and guidelines that the IQC uses to make their decision regarding which public comments to include in the framework. The emphasis is citation of peer-reviewed research.

Item 4

Subject: Agenda topics for next meeting

From CNAC, Clell Hoffman, Chair

The topic of discussion: Brainstorming for agenda items


  • Next meeting is March 11. Agree on future meeting dates for 2020.

  • Possibly have SSPI introduce himself to the council.

  • Discuss any recently introduced legislation.

    • Action item: Get a list of introduced bills to send out in advance of the meeting (Mr. Danzik).

Clell Hoffman, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 04, 2024
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