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Summer Meal Programs

Federal meal programs for children from low-income areas during vacation and off-track periods.


Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Applications

Effective October 1, 2019, the CDE will require that all new SFSP applicants and returning sponsors submit complete and correct SFSP application packets through the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) no later than 30 calendar days prior to the first SFSP meal service day, or May 15, whichever comes first. These deadlines do not apply to sponsors applying to serve in areas impacted by an unanticipated school closure during the period from October through April (or at any time of the year in an area with a continuous school calendar).

For more information regarding the new application deadlines please view the Summer Food Service Program Application Deadlines management bulletin.

To learn more about how to apply to the SFSP, please view the Summer Food Service Program Information web page. Scroll down to view the tabs and select the New Sponsors tab to review the application process.


  • Summer Food Service Program Information
    Administrative and operational information and guidance for organizations that participate in the program. USDA policy guidance and SFSP Management Bulletins can be found under the Resources tab.

  • Seamless Summer Option
    Information on how to apply for SSO, meal pattern requirements, resources, Frequently Asked Questions, and contacts for SSO program operators.

Summer Meal Locations

Provides parents and referral agencies with a list of locations where children may receive free nutritious meals during school vacation and off-track periods.

  • Summer Meal Service Sites
    California state map with county by county listings of sponsors and meal service sites.

  • Find Summer Meal Sites with Your Phone
    The CA Meals for Kids mobile application helps you find nearby California Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs Sites through your iOS, Android, or Microsoft devices.

Follow @CDENutrition on Twitter.

Questions:   Summer Meals Unit | 916-324-6153
Last Reviewed: Thursday, April 13, 2023
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  • Summer Food Service Program Information
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  • Summer Meal Service Sites
    Provides parents and referral agencies with a list of locations where children may receive free nutritious meals during school vacation and off-track periods.
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