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Good Standing Status for SNP Grants

If an agency is currently participating in any of the federal child nutrition programs1, they must be in good standing in the operation of those programs administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) and in compliance with all related regulations during the application process and anytime during the course of the grant period. This means that an agency cannot be documented as having an open serious deficiency in its operation of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) or the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and cannot have an active reimbursement hold in the School Nutrition Programs (SNP) related to nonsubmission of or unacceptable corrective action documentation (Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations [7 CFR], sections 226.6[c][3][iii], 225.11[c], and 210.24 respectively).

If an agency knowingly submits false information on its grant application or invoices, the CDE may deny or collect the agency’s grant funding.

The following criteria are considered when making grant award determinations. Any of the factors below may affect your agency’s eligibility to receive grant funding:

  1. Open serious deficiencies in the CACFP or SFSP (7 CFR, sections 226.6[c][3][iii] and 225.11[c])

  2. SNP reimbursement holds (7 CFR, Section 210.24)

  3. Failure to attend mandatory training (CACFP, SFSP, and SNP) (7 CFR, sections 226.16[l][2][viii], 225.7[a], and 210.24)

  4. Failure to report or submit required documents (CACFP, Food Distribution Program [FDP], SFSP, and SNP) (7 CFR, sections 226.16[b], 240.11[a], 250.12[c], 225.6[c], and 210.15[a])

  5. Outstanding account receivables (that are not currently being offset) and have aged beyond 30 calendar days (CACFP, FDP, SFSP, and SNP) (7 CFR, sections 226.14, 225.12, and 210.19[c]; California State Administrative Manual – Nonemployee Accounts Receivable – Section 8776.6; and Management Bulletin NSD-FDP-01-2011)

  6. Fiscal accountability findings identified during the agency’s most recent annual update completed via the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS), review or audit (CACFP, SFSP, and SNP) (7 CFR, sections 226.6[b][2][vii][A][1], [2], and [3]; 226.6[m][3]; 226.8; 225.7[d][2]; 225.10[a]; and 210.19[a][1])

  7. Administrative capability findings identified during the agency’s most recent annual update completed via the CNIPS, review or audit (CACFP and SFSP) (7 CFR, sections 226.6[b][2][vii][B], 226.6[m][3], 226.8, 225.7[d][2], and 225.10[a])

  8. Excess net cash resources (CACFP, SFSP, and SNP) (Management Bulletin NSD-CACFP-07-2011; FNS 796-2, Rev. 4, page 7, Section [IV][D]; and 7 CFR, sections 226.15[e][13], 210.9[b][2], 210.14[b], and 210.19[a][1])

1Afterschool meal supplements, At-risk afterschool meals, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Food Distribution Program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, Special Milk Program, National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Seamless Summer Feeding Option, Summer Food Service Program;  throughout this section, citations to applicable federal regulations are listed in the order that the programs are identified in the text

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Recently Posted in Nutrition