CCSS Mathematics Resources
Resources to support the teaching of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics.Resources for
Mathematics | English Language Arts | English Language Development | Literacy
- 2013 Mathematics Framework
Guidelines for implementing the content standards adopted by the California State Board of Education that are developed by the Instructional Quality Commission.- Executive Summary
(PDF; 4MB)
The executive summary highlights essential information and guidance in the Mathematics Framework and is intended to introduce the reader to the wealth of information and support for teachers, administrators, and parents/guardians it provides.
- Executive Summary
- 2014 Mathematics Instructional Materials Adoption (K–8)
Programs adopted by the State Board of Education on January 15, 2014.
- Common Core State Standards Initiative
The multi-state initiative released the CCSS on June 2, 2010. The initiative site includes information about the development and research behind the standards, appendices, the states that have adopted the CCSS, and frequently asked questions.- Mathematics Standards - Appendix A
Designing High School Mathematics Courses Based on the CCSS.
- Mathematics Standards - Appendix A
- Mathematics Resources for Parents and Guardians
Information and resources for parents and guardians that explain mathematics instruction used today and provide suggestions for supporting their child's academic success.
- Achieve the Core
Free, high-quality resources compiled by Student Achievement Partners, writers of the CCSS, for educators implementing the CCSS, including professional learning modules, handouts, presentations, sample lessons, lesson videos, and much more.
- The Illustrative Mathematics Project
The project aims to illustrate each of the standards using high quality reviewed tasks from teacher leaders. The site provides guidance to all stakeholders implementing the CCSS by illustrating the range and types of mathematical work that students will experience, and other implementation tools. The Web site is under development, with illustrated standards added on a regular basis. Contributors and advisors to the project include CCSS authors William McCallum, Jason Zimba, and Phil Daro.
- Inside Mathematics
This site features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into students learning, tools for mathematics instruction, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site. Their expanding list of resources include connecting to the CCSS for mathematics. To illustrate the CCSS for mathematical practice, links are provided for each individual practice standard correlated to excerpts of mathematics lessons, demonstrating examples of successful strategies to launch and sustain the practice of standards in the classroom.
- The Mathematics Common Core Toolbox
The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin and Agile Mind, Inc. have created a resource designed to support districts working to meet the challenge and the opportunity of the new standards. Here you will find tools and instructional materials that help to better understand and implement the CCSS for Mathematics.
- Math Common Core Coalition
The Mathematics Common Core Coalition works to provide expertise and advice on issues related to the effective implementation of the CCSS for mathematics. Members of the coalition include National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM), the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), and the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM),
The MARS Mathematics Assessment Project
The Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS), a collaboration between the Shell Center team at the University of Nottingham and the University of California, Berkeley, is working to design and develop assessment tools to support U.S. schools in implementing the CCSS for Mathematics, including lessons, tasks, tests, and professional development.
- Education Development Center Implementing the Mathematical Practice Standards
Learn more about the CCSS for Mathematical Practice and how they can be connected to the content standards. Use illustrations, centered on student dialogues, to see the Mathematical Practices in action.
More mathematics resources are available. Use the keyword search and filters to find specific resources at
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Resources for
Mathematics | English Language Arts | English Language Development | Literacy
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Last Reviewed: Tuesday, August 06, 2024
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