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Economic Impact Aid

Repository archive entry for the Economic Impact Aid (EIA) program in the Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) Section of the CDE Web site.

Added to Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) on May 29, 2015.

This information is for historical purposes only and it is possible that information contained here may not be current.

Time Period
  • Funded through 2012–13
  • Effective 2013–14, EIA was subsumed into the local control funding formula (LCFF).
Carryover Funds
  • As of May 2018, LEAs with carryover EIA funds were mandated to transfer such funds into their general, unrestricted funds (SACS Source Code 0000).
  • EIA carryover funds must be used as originally purposed for English learners and educationally disadvantaged youth. The categorical intent continues to be in effect for EIA program funds allocated in the 2012–13 fiscal year and prior, pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 54000 et seq. and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 4200.
  • The LCFF FAQ Web page provides additional information on the requirements for carryover funding.
Applicable Statutes/Regulations
  • EC sections 54000–54028
Source of Appropriation/Budget Act Item
  • Budget Act Item 6110-128-0001
Program Description
  • EIA provided supplemental funds for kindergarten through grade twelve to support additional programs and services for English learners and compensatory education services for educationally disadvantaged students, as determined by the local educational agency applicant. Prior to 2010–11, EIA funding was available to school districts that requested participation using Part I of the annual Consolidated Application. Commencing with 2010–11, funding was made available to both school districts and county juvenile court schools. Also commencing with 2010–11, English Language Acquisition Program funds were rolled into EIA and beginning in 2011–12 could only be used for EIA purposes.
  • Annual funding for school districts was based on the district per pupil rate times the sum of: 1) prior year English learner count, 2) current year Title I formula child count, and 3) weighted concentration factor. Annual funding for county juvenile court schools was based on the statewide average rate times the sum of these three items with one exception; county juvenile court schools did not have a Title I formula child count, and instead used the adjusted free meal eligible count.
  • A school was required to use EIA funds to support programs and activities designed to assist English learners achieve proficiency in the English language and to support programs and activities designed to improve the academic achievement of educationally and economically disadvantaged pupils. Allowable expenditures included the purchase of supplemental materials and expenses that supported paraprofessionals, supplemental resource teachers, and the operation of English learner advisory committees. EIA funds supplemented and did not supplant existing resources at the school site.
SACS Resource/Revenue Codes
  • 7090, 7091 / 8311
Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 07, 2023
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