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2005 STAR Research File Layout

The research file layouts for the 2005 Standardized Testing and Reporting data.


Type Description
 T   Alphabetic text (letters only)
 A   Alphanumeric text (letters and numbers allowed)
 N   Number (numbers only)
 SA   Alphanumeric with left-filled spaces
 AS   Alphanumeric with right-filled spaces
 ZA   Alphanumeric with left-filled zeroes
 AZ   Alphanumeric with right-filled zeroes
 ZN   Numeric with left-filled zeroes
 NZ   Numeric with right-filled zeroes
 SN   Numeric with left-filled spaces
 4Y   4-digit year

Entities File

The file created is comprised of state, all tested counties, districts, and schools in California
DataType Length Start Position End Position
County CodeZN 2 1 2
District CodeZN 5 3 7
School CodeZN 7 8 14
Charter NumberZN 4 15 18
Test Year ZN 4 19 22
Type ID
‘04’ = State
‘05’ = County
‘06’ = District
‘07’ = School
‘09’ = Independent Charter School
‘10’ = Dependent Charter School
ZN 2 23 24
County NameAS 50 25 74
District NameAS 50 75 124
School NameAS 50 125 174
Zip CodeZN 5 175 179

Test Data File

Data/Column HeadingType Length Start Position End Position
County CodeZA 2 1 2
District CodeZA 5 3 7
School CodeZA 7 8 14
Charter NumberZA 4 15 18
Test Year - '2005'4Y 4 19 22
Subgroup ID (Detailed listing provided Below – Table A)ZN 3 23 25
Test Type
*CST = 'C'
*CAPA = 'P'
*CAT/6 = 'N'
A 1 26 26
CAPA Assessment Level (Table D)N 1 27 27
Total STAR EnrollmentSN 7 28 34
Total Tested at Entity LevelSN 7 35 41
Total Tested at Subgroup LevelSN 7 42 48
Grade (values 02 – 13) - Table BZN 2 49 50
Test ID (Detailed listing provided below – Table C)ZN 2 51 52
STAR Reported Enrollment/CAPA EligibleSN 7 53 59
Students TestedSN 7 60 66
Percent TestedSN 5 67 71
Mean Scaled ScoreSN 5(999.9) 72 76
CST/CAPA Percentage AdvancedSN 3 77 79
CST/CAPA Percentage ProficientSN 3 80 82
CST/CAPA Percentage At or above ProficientSN 3 83 85
CST/CAPA Percentage BasicSN 3 86 88
CST/CAPA Percentage Below BasicSN 3 89 91
CST/CAPA Percentage Far Below BasicSN 3 92 94
Mean PR (NPR for Average Student Score)SN 3 95 97
PAC75 (Percent Scoring above 75th NPR)SN 3 98 100
PAC50 (Percent Scoring at or above 50th NPR)SN 3 101 103
PAC25 (Percent Scoring above 25th NPR)SN 3 104 106
* Note: Data will be blank if it is not applicable to that test.

Table A

Subgroup SubGroup ID
All Students 1


Subgroup SubGroup ID
Males 3
Females 4

English-Language Fluency

Subgroup SubGroup ID
Fluent-English Proficient and English Only 6
Initially Fluent-English Proficient (I-FEP) 7
Redesignated Fluent-English Proficient (R-FEP)  8
English Only 180
English Learner 160
English Learners Enrolled in CA Public Schools Less than 12 Months 120
English Learners Enrolled in CA Public Schools 12 Months or More 142

Economic Status

Subgroup SubGroup ID
Economically Disadvantaged 31
Non-Economically Disadvantaged 111

Students with Disabilities

Subgroup SubGroup ID
Students with Disability 128
Students with No Reported Disability 99


Subgroup SubGroup ID
African American 74
American Indian or Alaska Native 75
Filipino 77
Hispanic or Latino 78
White (not Hispanic) 80
Asian 76
Chinese 129
Japanese 130
Korean 131
Vietnamese 132
Asian Indian 133
Laotian 134
Cambodian 135
Other Asian 136
Pacific Islander 79
Native Hawaiian 137
Guamanian 138
Samoan 139
Tahitian 140
Other Pacific Islander 141
Ethnicity -- Declined to State 999

Parent Education

Subgroup SubGroup ID
Not a High School Graduate 90
High School Graduate 91
Some College (Includes AA Degree) 92
College Graduate 93
Graduate School/Post Graduate 94
Parent Education -- Declined to State 121

Special Program Participation

Subgroup SubGroup ID
Class Size Reduction Option 1 24
Class Size Reduction Option 2 25
Migrant Education 28
Indian Education 29
Gifted and Talented 30
>ESEA Title 1 School wide 146
>ESEA Title 1 Targeted 147
English Learner in ELD 108
English Learner in ELD and SDAIE 165
English Learner in ELD and SDAIE with Primary Language Support 166
English Learner in ELD and Academic Subjects with Primary Language Support 167
English Learner in Other Program 170
English Learner in None 171

Table B - Grade

02 2nd Grade
03 3rd Grade
04 4th Grade
05 5th Grade
06 6th Grade
07 7th Grade
08 8th Grade
09 9th Grade
10 10th Grade
11 11th Grade
12 12th Grade
13 End of Course

Table C - Test

Test ID Test Name
01 CAT/6 Reading
02 CAT/6 Mathematics
03 CAT/6 Language
04 CAT/6 Spelling
05 CAT/6 Science
07 CST English-Language Arts Standards
08 CST Mathematics
09 CST Algebra I
10 CST Integrated Math 1
11 CST Geometry
12 CST Integrated Math 2
13 CST Algebra II
14 CST Integrated Math 3
15 CST High School (Summative) Mathematics (Grade 9-11)
18 CST World History
19 CST U.S. History
20 CST Biology/Life Sciences
21 CST Chemistry
22 CST Earth Science
23 CST Physics
24 CST Integrated/Coordinated Science I
25 CST Integrated/Coordinated Science II
26 CST Integrated/Coordinated Science III
27 CST Integrated/Coordinated Science IV
28 CST General Mathematics (Grades 6 & 7 Standards)
29 CST History - Social Science Grade 8 Cumulative
30 CAPA English-Language Arts
31 CAPA Mathematics
32 CST Grade 5 Science

Table D - CAPA Levels

CAPA Levels Corresponding Grade-Spans
Level I Students in grades 2-11 (those with the most complex/profound disabilities)
Level II Students in grades 2 and 3
Level III Students in grades 4 and 5
Level IV Students in grades 6-8
Level V Students in grades 9-11
Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 22, 2022
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