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Local Planning Council Forms

Local Planning Council Form 2935 Questions Preview.

Summary of Self Evaluation Findings

  1. Agency Name
  2. Agency Address
  3. Agency County
  4. Contract Number
  5. Contract Amount
  6. Vendor Number
  7. Agency Representative Name
  8. Agency Representative Title
  9. Agency Representative Phone Number
  10. Review Date Start
  11. Review Date End
  12. Program Year
  13. Educational Code (EC) Section 8279.3 and 8499.5(b) Involvement in Local Priority Setting Process
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  14. EC Section 8499.5 Governance and Administration
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  15. EC Section 8499.5 Funding
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  16. EC Section 8499.3 Standards, Assessment, and Accountability
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  17. EC Section 8499.3(f),(g) Staffing and Professional Development
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  18. EC Section 8499.5(3) Opportunity and Equal Educational Access
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
  19. EC Section 8499.5(4),(5),(6),(7),(8) Collaboration Activities
    1. Compliant or Noncompliant
    2. Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
Questions:   Early Learning and Care Division
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 19, 2024
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