Summary of Self Evaluation Findings
- Agency Name
- Agency Address
- Agency County
- Contract Number
- Contract Amount
- Vendor Number
- Agency Representative Name
- Agency Representative Title
- Agency Representative Phone Number
- Review Date Start
- Review Date End
- Program Year
- Educational Code (EC) Section 8279.3 and 8499.5(b) Involvement in Local Priority Setting Process
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.5 Governance and Administration
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.5 Funding
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.3 Standards, Assessment, and Accountability
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.3(f),(g) Staffing and Professional Development
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.5(3) Opportunity and Equal Educational Access
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
- EC Section 8499.5(4),(5),(6),(7),(8) Collaboration Activities
- Compliant or Noncompliant
- Explain examples of compliance or noncompliance findings
Early Learning and Care Division
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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