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TK Multilingual Students FAQs

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about transitional kindergarten (TK) multilingual students regarding the Home Language Survey, English Language Acquisition Status, assessment, funding, accountability, language services, & compliance & monitoring.

These FAQs are intended to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in implementing changes to California Education Code (EC) sections 60810 and 313 as a result of Assembly Bill (AB) 2268, which exempts TK students from the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) effective in the 2024–25 school year. Applicable legal citations are included.

  1. Introduction
  2. Home Language Survey (HLS)
  3. English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS)
  4. Assessment
  5. Funding
  6. Accountability
  7. Language Services
  8. Compliance and Monitoring


  1. What changes occurred in EC sections 60810 and 313 as a result of AB 2268?
    1. Effective June 14, 2024, AB 2268, amends California EC sections 60810(b) and 313 to exempt TK students from both the Initial and Summative ELPAC and the Initial and Summative Alternate ELPAC. The new law affects the testing of TK students beginning with the 2024–25 school year. Although existing federal and state laws require LEAs to identify and assess all students who may be English learners upon initial enrollment in a California school, per EC Section 313(h), “initial enrollment” does not include enrollment in a TK program.
    2. Effective immediately, state ELPAC requirements will no longer apply to TK students (EC Section 60810[b][3]).
    3. Once these students enroll in kindergarten, they will be eligible to be tested with the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC. Upon completion of testing in kindergarten, the students’ ELAS of English learner or Initial Fluent English Proficient will be determined.
  2. Does the California Department of Education (CDE) have an FAQs for Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) and TK?
    Yes. The CDE maintains FAQs regarding California state law relating to UPK and TK, which are located here: Universal Prekindergarten FAQs.

Home Language Survey (HLS)

  1. Should the HLS be conducted during TK enrollment?

    Per the Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing, LEAs should continue to conduct the HLS during TK enrollment to identify whether the primary or native language of a student is a language other than English.

  2. Do LEAs need to provide English language development (ELD) based solely on the responses of the HLS?

    The CDE strongly encourages LEAs to provide language development services for multilingual learner TK students. These students would be identifiable by their “To Be Determined (TBD)” status in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System based on the results of the HLS. This services-first approach would align with the State Board of Education (SBE)-adopted English Learner Roadmap Policy: Educational Programs and Services for English Learners and support English language acquisition as part of a high-quality TK experience. More information can be found in the SBE June 2024 Memorandum (DOCX).

  3. Does the LEA send out annual notifications to TK students?

    To assist LEAs with parent and family engagement, the CDE has created an optional sample letter for LEAs to communicate with parents and families of multilingual TK students. The letter recognizes students with multilingual experiences based on responses indicating a language other than English on the HLS. A letter such as this sample can also inform parents and families that their student will be assessed for English language proficiency upon enrollment in kindergarten. LEAs may customize this optional letter to suit their local needs. The sample letter for Multilingual Learners in TK can be found under the “What’s New” section of the Multilingual Learners web page.

  4. When can parents make changes to the HLS?

    The HLS is completed once by the parent or guardian at the time the student is initially enrolled in a California public school. If the HLS is completed incorrectly by the parent or guardian, the parent or guardian may make a request to revise their responses prior to the LEA administering the ELPAC, specifically the Initial ELPAC or the Initial Alternate ELPAC. However, once a student is identified as an English learner on the basis of the results of the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC, and the student has been administered the Summative ELPAC or Summative Alternate ELPAC, revising or correcting the HLS is no longer allowable unless there was an administrative error. More information can be found in the Correction of Classification Process at a Glance (PDF).

  5. What will LEAs do with the information from the HLS?

    The information from the HLS will serve as an indicator for districts, schools, and classrooms that a child has multilingual experiences and may benefit from additional language support. ​Administering the HLS will also help LEAs ensure the HLS requirement is met by the kindergarten year.

  6. What are the procedures for TK children who are also enrolled in a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) for Extended Learning and Care?

    Effective June 14, 2024, AB 2268 amends EC Section 60810(b) to exempt TK students from both the Initial ELPAC or the Alternative ELPAC and the Summative ELPAC/Alternate ELPAC.

    1. As a result, for TK children who are dually enrolled in the CSPP for Extended Learning and Care around their TK program day (under the provisions of EC Section 48000[l]), until further notice, contractors must conduct the Family Language Instrument to determine the Dual Language Learner (DLL) status of the child enrolled in CSPP. Using English learner (EL) status for DLL identification of those enrolled in both CSPP and TK is no longer an option.
    2. Determinations made for preschool DLL status based on the results of the Family Language Instrument are distinct from the EL designation in the kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) system. DLL identification in CSPP does not establish EL designation or secure EL services. Students enrolled in TK-12 will need to go through the completion of their district’s HLS, and for K-12 the EL identification process, including the ELPAC upon entry to kindergarten, as required by state and federal law.

English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS)

  1. How should we handle the ELAS field for TK students in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)?

    As per the Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing letter, populate the ELAS field with “To Be Determined (TBD)” if the HLS indicates a primary language other than English or American Sign Language on any of the first three questions of the HLS when submitting enrollment records to the CALPADS, when applicable.

  2. What happens if a student enrolls in TK, completes the HLS, and then moves to another district for kindergarten?
    If the HLS is completed digitally, it must be printed and placed into a student’s cumulative file before transfer. For districts that collect the HLS in hardcopy form, it should also be placed in the cumulative file prior to transfer.


  1. How should LEAs identity TK students needing additional language support?

    Per the Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing letter as well as the State Board of Education June 2024 Memorandum (DOCX), LEAs should continue to conduct the HLS during TK enrollment to identify whether the primary or native language of a student is a language other than English. The CDE strongly encourages LEAs to provide language development services for multilingual learner TK students. These students would be identifiable by their “To Be Determined” status based on the results of the HLS. This services-first approach would align with the State Board of Education-adopted English Learner Roadmap Policy: Educational Programs and Services for English Learners and support English language acquisition as part of a high-quality TK experience.

  2. Is there a required ELD assessment for TK students whose primary language has been identified as a language other than English?

    No, but there are several examples that are listed in the State Board of Education June 2024 Memorandum (DOCX) that may be appropriate with multilingual TK students as formative tools. LEAs need to determine what is best for their students.

  3. What should be done if a student moves from kindergarten to TK after being assessed?
    1. Placement of TK students into grade level kindergarten has become more critical due to a recent change in state law regarding when students are assessed for English language proficiency. This is an issue because the CALPADS sends student enrollment data to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) on a nightly basis. The TOMS generates reports of student participation and test completion and provides access to test results when they become available. This means that any TK students inappropriately enrolled in grade level kindergarten in CALPADS will show up in TOMS the next day as needing to take the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC. LEAs can avoid this problem by ensuring that TK students are appropriately placed in grade level TK (Grade level TK was introduced in 2023–24).
    2. LEAs should contact your LEA ELPAC coordinator immediately and inform them NOT to test any TK students who were inappropriately placed in grade kindergarten (or who were knowingly placed in kindergarten but will be moving back to grade level TK). These students will appear in TOMS as needing to be tested, and the resolution steps are simpler if these students are not tested.
    3. Beginning with the 2024–25 school year, CALPADS Flash #286 provides steps and scenarios for resolving issues that are created when TK students are initially enrolled in grade level kindergarten and are in TOMS. The scenarios include:
      1. TK students inappropriately placed in kindergarten and who have not started the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC.
      2. TK students inappropriately placed in kindergarten and who have already started or completed the Initial ELPAC or Initial Alternate ELPAC.


  1. How will the changes to English learner identification affect LEA funding?

    The impact on funding will depend on each LEA’s enrollment and eligibility. LEAs may refer to the State Board of Education June 2024 Memorandum (DOCX), which contemplates potential implications on Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Funding and Federal Title III Funding.

  2. Are multilingual TK students with a “To Be Determined (TBD)” status in CALPADS eligible for participation in the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)?
    1. ELOP participation requirements depend on the LEA's unduplicated pupil percentage (UPP):
      1. For LEAs with less than 75% UPP: The LEA must offer and provide access to ELOP for all students who are:
        1. English learners
        2. Eligible for free or reduced-price meals
        3. Foster youth
      2. For LEAs with 75% or higher UPP: The LEA must offer and provide access to ELOP for ALL students.
    2. For more information on the ELOP, please visit the CDE Expanded Learning web page. You may also contact the Expanded Learning Division at 916-319-0923 or with any questions.


  1. How does EC sections 60810 and 313 (AB 2268) affect the classification and reporting of Long-Term English Learners (LTEL) on the Dashboard?

    For more information about the Dashboard and the inclusion of LTEL students, please visit the CDE LTEL Definitions web page. You may also contact the Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division at

  2. How will changes in the English learner (EL) identification affect the California School Dashboard reporting?
    Through the 2024 Dashboard, TK students who were assessed and identified as EL students are included within the EL student group for the Suspension Rate and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators. Beginning with the 2025 Dashboard, only students with an active EL designation will be included in the EL student group; therefore, TK students will not be included. They will, however, still be counted in the overall school and district indicators and among all other eligible student groups for those two indicators.

Language Services

  1. Should TK students with a "TBD" indicator in ELAS receive designated ELD services?

    In accordance with the SBE June 2024 Memorandum (DOCX), the CDE strongly encourages LEAs to provide language development services for multilingual learner TK students. These students would be identifiable by their “TBD” status based on the results of the HLS. This services-first approach would align with the State Board of Education-adopted English Learner Roadmap Policy: Educational Programs and Services for English Learners and support English language acquisition as part of a high-quality TK experience. “TBD” is solely applied as an indicator of ELAS in CALPADS, and students should not be called “TBD students.” It is appropriate to refer to these young learners as multilingual TK students.

  2. What professional development opportunities are available for teachers to learn best practices for ELD in TK?

    Teachers looking to enhance their skills in ELD for TK have several professional development opportunities available. The CDE offers a variety of resources and toolkits designed to support educators in this area. For more information and to access these resources, please visit the CDE’s Multilingual Learners web page, the Educator Workforce Investment Grant: EL Roadmap Policy Implementation web page, and the ELD Standards web page. Additionally, teachers can use the Preschool/TK Learning Foundations (PTKLF) to guide their observations and set learning goals for children and plan developmentally appropriate, equitable, inclusive practice, including how to design learning environments and create learning experiences that promote children's learning and development in the Language and Literacy Development Domain.

  3. How can we ensure proper communication with parents about their child’s language support needs?
    1. To assist LEAs with parent and family engagement, the CDE has created an optional sample letter for LEAs to communicate with parents and families of multilingual TK students. The letter recognizes students with multilingual experiences based on responses indicating a language other than English on the HLS. A letter such as this sample can also inform parents and families that their student will be assessed for English language proficiency upon enrollment in kindergarten. LEAs may customize this optional letter to suit their local needs. The sample letter for Multilingual Learners in TK can be found under the “What’s New” section of the Multilingual Learners web page.
    2. The CDE also has a Parent Toolkit for Multilingual Education. The Parent Toolkit includes PowerPoint presentations and printable parent guides about the benefits of multilingual education, multilingual programs, and how to become involved in their children's education.
  4. What are the key developmental milestones for TK students in terms of language acquisition, and how is progress monitored?
    The California English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework identifies foundational guidelines for language development for TK students. The Preschool/TK Learning Foundations (PTKLF), which updated the California Preschool Learning Foundations referenced by the California ELA/ELD Framework, outline key knowledge and skills in the Language and Literacy Development domain, including both home language and English language development.​ Educators should draw on the California ELA/ELD Framework and the PTKLF to support TK students’ progress toward the Kindergarten California Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and, as appropriate, the California ELD Standards.

Compliance and Monitoring

  1. How will the changes in the EL identification impact federal program monitoring?

    For 2024–25, no findings will be issued regarding ELPAC and TK students. Reviewers will provide technical assistance when needed.

Questions:   Language Policy & Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Thursday, February 13, 2025
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