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Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions: Attainment

California Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions: Biliteracy Attainment Recognition.

California Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions:

Biliteracy Attainment Recognition

California Department of Education
Multilingual Support Division

Program Overview

For an overview of the Biliteracy Pathway Recognition Program, including information on purpose, equity, recognitions offered, multilingual programs, logistical information, and terminology, please visit the Biliteracy Pathway Program Overview web page.

Elementary Biliteracy Attainment Recognition

The Elementary Biliteracy Attainment Recognition certifies attainment of a developing level of proficiency by an elementary student in one or more languages, in addition to English, and certifies that the student completing this grade level (the grade level when the recognition is administered is a local decision, typically at the end of elementary school) meets all of the following criteria:

Elementary English Guidance

Growth in English proficiency demonstrated through one of the following methods:

Method One: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
  • Attain the level demonstrating grade-level proficiency on the CAASPP English language arts in any grade 3–6. Or demonstrate growth toward proficiency on the CAASPP ELA during the year the Elementary Biliteracy Attainment Recognition is awarded.
Method Two: Local Assessment
  • Attain the level demonstrating reading, writing, listening, and speaking proficiency in English, or progress towards proficiency, as measured by a district-approved assessment.
Method Three: English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
  • Attain the level demonstrating English proficiency on the ELPAC, or any successor English language proficiency assessment, in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades 1–5. Or demonstrate growth toward proficiency on the ELPAC during the year the Elementary Biliteracy Attainment Recognition is awarded.
Method Four: Portfolio
  • Demonstrate grade-level proficiency or growth toward proficiency in English by submitting a portfolio that includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. The portfolio requirements are determined by the school, district, and/or county office of education.
    • The portfolio could include a speech, discussion or debate, oral presentation of an original piece of poetry or creative writing, or a persuasive or informative presentation on a grade-level topic, etc. This could be completed through a combination of a written portfolio and performance/discussion element or may be completed digitally and recorded (for example, an original podcast, TED Talk, film, etc.).

Elementary World Language Guidance

Growth in proficiency in the world language in addition to English, demonstrated through either of the following methods:

Method One: Local Assessment
  • Reading, writing, listening, and speaking proficiency in a language in addition to English, or progress towards proficiency, as measured by a district-approved assessment.
    • Note: For languages that do not include all of the modalities of communication (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) the student should pass an assessment that includes the modalities that exist in the language. For ASL the assessment should include signing and interpreting signed language.
Method Two: Portfolio
  • Demonstrate proficiency or growth in a language in addition to English by submitting a portfolio that demonstrates grade-level proficiency or growth toward proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking (or all of the modalities that exist in the language). The portfolio requirements are determined by the school, district, and/or county office of education.
    • The portfolio could include a speech, discussion or debate, oral presentation of an original piece of poetry or creative writing, or a persuasive or informative presentation on a grade-level topic etc. This could be completed through a combination of a written portfolio and performance/discussion element or may be completed digitally and recorded (for example, an original podcast, TED Talk, film, etc.).

Middle School Biliteracy Attainment Recognition

The Middle School Biliteracy Attainment Recognition certifies attainment of a developing level of proficiency by a middle school student in one or more languages, in addition to English, and certifies that the student completing this grade level meets all of the following criteria:

Middle School English Guidance

Growth in English proficiency demonstrated through one of the following methods:

Method One: CAASPP
  • Passing the CAASPP for English language arts, or any successor test, administered in grade eight, at or above the “standard nearly met” achievement level, or at the achievement level determined by the Superintendent for any successor test.
Method Two: English Language Arts Coursework
  • Completing all English language arts requirements for grade eight with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or above in those classes.
Method Three: ELPAC
  • Attaining the level demonstrating English proficiency on the ELPAC, or any successor English language proficiency assessment, in middle school. Or attain a score that demonstrates an increase of one level or more from the score earned during the previous year on the ELPAC in middle school.
Method Four: Portfolio
  • Demonstrate grade-level proficiency or growth toward proficiency in English by submitting a portfolio that includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking in English. The portfolio requirements are determined by the school, district, and/or county office of education.
    • The portfolio could include a speech, discussion or debate, oral presentation of an original piece of poetry or creative writing, or a persuasive or informative presentation on a grade-level topic etc. This could be completed through a combination of a written portfolio and performance/discussion element or may be completed digitally and recorded (for example, an original podcast, TED Talk, film, etc.).

Middle School World Language Guidance

Growth in proficiency in the world language in addition to English, demonstrated through either of the following methods:

Method One: Local Assessment
  • Reading, writing, listening, and speaking proficiency in a language in addition to English, or progress towards proficiency, as measured by a district-approved assessment.
    • Note: For languages that do not include all of the modalities of communication (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) the student should pass an assessment that includes the modalities that exist in the language. For ASL the assessment should include signing and interpreting signed language.
Method Two: Portfolio
  • Demonstrate proficiency or growth in a language in addition to English by submitting a portfolio that demonstrates grade-level proficiency or growth toward proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking (or all of the modalities that exist in the language). The portfolio requirements are determined by the school, district, and/or county office of education.
    • The portfolio could include a speech, discussion or debate, oral presentation of an original piece of poetry or creative writing, or a persuasive or informative presentation on a grade-level topic etc. This could be completed through a combination of a written portfolio and performance/discussion element or may be completed digitally and recorded (for example, an original podcast, TED Talk, film, etc.).


The criteria above are guidance and may be adapted for all grade levels as established by the school district or county office of education.

Questions:   Multilingual Support Division | | 916-319-0938
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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