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Ed.G.E. Initiative FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the California Education for a Global Economy (Ed.G.E.) Initiative.

The California Education for a Global Economy (CA Ed.G.E.) Initiative, otherwise known as Proposition 58, took effect July 1, 2017, and the corresponding regulations took effect July 1, 2018. These frequently asked questions are intended to assist local educational agencies in implementing the provisions in the California Education Code (EC) and California Code of Regulations (5 CCR). This collection represents frequently asked questions, and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible questions.

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  1. What is the purpose of the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative?
  2. What changes were made to EC by the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative?
  3. Are there regulations in place to support the implementation of the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative?
  4. What are LEAs?

Instructional Programs

  1. What are language acquisition programs?
  2. Can native English speakers and/or non-English learner students participate in language acquisition programs?
  1. What are Dual-Language Immersion programs or Two-Way Immersion programs?
  1. What are Transitional Bilingual programs?
  2. What are Developmental Bilingual programs?
  1. What is Structured English Immersion?
  2. Do language acquisition programs include Integrated and Designated ELD instruction?
  3. What is Designated ELD?
  1. What is Integrated ELD?
  2. What are language programs?

Parental Notice

  1. How will parents know what types of language and language acquisition programs are offered in an LEA?
  2. Who receives the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative parent notice?
  3. When does an LEA translate the CA Ed.G.E. Initiative parent notice?

Parent Choice and Requests

  1. Are parents of English learners required to waive from English classroom placement in order to enroll their child in a multilingual program?
  2. May a parent choose a particular language acquisition program for their child?
  3. How does a parent request to establish a new language acquisition program at a school?
  4. When do parent requests to establish a new language acquisition program trigger a response from the LEA?
  5. How does an LEA respond to parent requests to establish a new language acquisition program?
  6. What happens when an LEA determines it is possible to implement the program requested by parents?
  7. What happens when an LEA determines it is not possible to implement the program requested by parents?
  8. What can I do if I do not agree with the LEA's decision?

Parent and Community Engagement

  1. How might parents participate in the selection of language acquisition programs and language programs in their LEA?
  2. Where can LEAs find information about developing evidence-based programs for linguistically and culturally diverse students?
Questions:   Lorrie Kelling | | 916-319-0386
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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