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EWIG: Effective Language Acquisition Programs

The Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG): Effective Language Acquisition Programs (ELAP) & four grantees focused on providing free learning opportunities for all interested teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, & school counselors.

In recognition of the need to build capacity throughout the state to implement effective language acquisition programs for English learner (EL) students, the California Legislature authorized an additional $10 million through fiscal year 2024–25 for the 2022 EWIG: ELAP Grant as a follow-up to the 2019 EWIG EL Roadmap Policy Implementation Grant.

Statutory Authority

Assembly Bill 185, Chapter 571, Statutes of 2022, Section 55 of the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill for the 2022–23 California State Budget provides $10 million for the EWIG: ELAP. The EWIG: ELAP Professional Learning Grant provides funding to successful applicants for use within the grant period of August 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025.

Request for Applications

EWIG: ELAP 2022 Request for Applications (RFA) web page
Note: The due date for the RFA has passed. This page is for reference and administration of funding.


EWIG: ELAP grantees will collaboratively work within the Statewide System of Support to build the capacity of local educational agencies (LEAs) across the state by providing high-quality free professional learning opportunities for all interested teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, and school counselors in the area of implementing effective language acquisition programs for EL students, which may include:

  • Integrated language development within and across content areas, i.e., integrated English Language Development (ELD), designated ELD, or language development in a language in addition to English to benefit EL students.
  • Development of bilingual and biliterate proficiency.
  • Building and strengthening capacity to implement EL Roadmap policy.

Grantee Activities Include:

  • Developing and delivering free of charge to LEAs statewide, professional development and professional learning opportunities that are publicly available, content focused, standards and research-based, incorporate active learning, support and promote collaboration, use models of effective practice, provide coaching and expert support, offer feedback and reflection, and are of sustained duration.
  • Leveraging and using expertise and resources already identified, developed, and available, including expert leads within the Statewide System of Support External link opens in new window or tab..
  • Providing ongoing coaching and training for school staff that supports the professional learning opportunities provided.
  • Designing and developing professional learning opportunities to include early educators.
  • Working within the statewide system of support to provide professional development and professional learning opportunities.
  • Providing ongoing training to develop mentors and coaches that support school staff in high-need settings.

Awarded Grantees

In August 2023, the California Department of Education (CDE) awarded EWIG: ELAP grants of $2.5 million each to four county offices of education (COEs) consortia. Each grantee leads a non-geographic zone based on the number of EL students served. Any interested LEAs may participate in professional learning through EWIG: ELAP free of charge. There are four Zones throughout the state. They are:

Zone A Lead Grantee: Sacramento County Office of Education

Consortium Members: Contra Costa County, Santa Clara County, Tehama County, Californians Together (CalTog), California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)

Additional COE Partners: Alameda, Butte, Amador, El Dorado, Glenn, Sonoma, and Yolo

All Counties Supported by Zone A: Alameda, Alpine, Butte, Amador, Calaveras, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Marin, Mendocino, Modoc, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Santa Clara, San Francisco, San Mateo, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tuolumne, Yolo, and Yuba

Zone B Lead Grantee: San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools

Consortium Members: Fresno County, Kern County, San Joaquin County, Tulare County, CalTog, CABE, California State University (CSU) San Bernardino

All Counties Supported by Zone B: Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Monterey, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, Stanislaus, and Tulare

Zone C Lead Grantee: Los Angeles County Office of Education

Consortium Members: Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, CalTog, CABE, CSU Fullerton; National Resource Center for Asian Languages (NRCAL); Loyola Marymount – Center for Equity of English Learners (LMU-CEEL); Stanford University Center to Support Excellence in Teacher and Understanding Languages (CSET-UL); University of Southern California

All Counties Supported by Zone C:  Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara

Zone D Lead Grantee: Orange County Department of Education

Consortium Members: Imperial County, Riverside County, San Diego County, CABE, CalTog, LMU-CEEL, Sobrato Early Academic Learning

All Counties Supported by Zone D:  Imperial, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego

EWIG Legislative Reports (Statutes of 2022)

Executive Summary: EWIG 2023 Legislative Report: Special Education and Effective Language Acquisition Programs Professional Learning
EWIG 2023 Legislative Report: Special Education and Effective Language Acquisition Programs Professional Learning (DOCX)

Multilingual Education

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | | 916-319-0854
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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