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Transcript: Grade Eleven ELA Designated ELD

Grade Eleven English Language Arts (ELA) Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade Eleven English Language Arts Designated English Language Development: Understanding Argumentative Text

Introductory Slides (00:00–03:25)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Video Series.

Narrator: Designated English Language Development: Building Into and From English Language Arts in Grade Eleven. In this lesson, students are learning how to analyze and exchange ideas about argumentative texts. They intentionally listen, speak, read, and write in order to build language and discuss how argumentative texts work. Students will use these language resources to accurately demonstrate their understanding of argumentative texts so that when they return to their content area classes they can be successful readers and writers of the genre.

Narrator: The Focal California English Language Development Standards Driving this Lesson. The English Language Development Standards at the Bridging Level are: Grades 11 and 12, Part 1, Standard 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas, where students contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, sustaining conversations on a variety of age and grade-appropriate academic topics by following turn-taking rules, asking and answering relevant, on-topic questions, affirming others, and providing coherent and well-articulated comments and additional information. And Grades 11 and 12, Part 2, Standard 1: Understanding Text Structure, where students apply analysis of the organizational structure of different text types to comprehending text and to writing clear and cohesive arguments, informative and explanatory texts, and narratives. Watch how students move from early levels of proficiency toward the Bridging levels of these English Language Development standards throughout the lesson.

Narrator: The Supporting California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Used in Tandem with the Focal English Language Development Standards. The English Language Arts standards are: Grades 11 and 12, Reading Standards for Informational Text, Standard 1, where students read closely to determine what the text says explicitly, cite textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Grades 11 and 12, Reading Standards for Informational Text, Standard 8, where students evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. And Grades 11 and 12, Speaking and Listening, Standard 1, where students prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Watch for how these California standards are addressed throughout the lesson.

Narrator: Watch how the teacher leads the students through a series of activities that allow them to analyze the structure of an argumentative text and use academic language and vocabulary to make meaning of an argument. The students first read an argumentative text and analyze the language of the text to identify the claim, the supporting evidence, and the counterargument.

Teacher Introduces the Lesson (03:26–04:37)

Teacher: In your own words, how, what would you say the objective is for today's lesson? Will you share, Alejandro, what one of the objectives, in your words, is?

Student 1: The objective is to identify what is the claim and support the claim with evidence, counterargument.

Teacher: Yeah, that's one of the objectives. What's another objective, Cynthia, in your own words?

Student 2: I think it's mostly to understand the different types of text and know how to organize them.

Teacher: Yes. Nice. Well said both of you. So, read paragraph two, three, four, and five and what are we looking for your Yahaira?

Student 3: Evidence and counterargument.

Teacher: Yeah, and Ernesto, if I find evidence what do I do to the evidence part?

Student 4: For the evidence we are gonna use the brackets.

Teacher: The brackets, good.  And for counterarguments, what am I gonna use for counterarguments, Cynthia?

Student 2: Highlight. Circles.

Teacher: Circles right. So that you have a feel for how, what the difference between the claims, the evidence, and counterarguments. Are we good?

Students Discuss in Pairs (04:38–06:50)

Student 4: There is different type of, that things of different people because it says drinks disagree with the group. So, groups meaning more than one person.

Teacher: Yeah so when you look at your text organizer, what you shared right was part of evidence, right.

Student 2: Um hmm.

Teacher: What you just mentioned right now, here you said that they disagree, right, Ernesto? Where are we on the graphic organizer? Are we on evidence? Or are we on counterargument?

Student 4: Counterargument.

Teacher: What made you say counterargument?

Student 4: Because it is option of people's thoughts.

Teacher: Yeah. What do you think?

Student 2: I think it's the point of the, of the author.

Teacher: Of the author? So, is this text is the— so when we look at this text, the claim: Who made this claim that we should limit sugary drinks for teenagers? Who claimed that?

Student 4: The author.

Student 2: No.

Student 2 and Student 4: The American Academy.

Teacher: Yes, right. That was their claim. You are right. There's an author right and he wrote the claim, right. When you look at this, and they talk about that they disagree with the group: What does “manufacturers” mean? “The manufacturers of these sugary drinks disagree with the group's position.”

Student 4: Um, the companies.

Teacher: Yeah, that makes them. Right.

Student 4: The people who make the drinks.

Teacher: So, do they agree or disagree?

Student 4: Um, yeah. They are disagree because they gonna lose more money.

Teacher: Good. Good comment. Good thought.

[Camera shifts to another partnership.]

Student 3: Claim and evidence. Like this the claim, want to see health drinks. Why? Because, because, because it's affecting childrens of many low-income communities.

Student 1: Yes, I agree with you but we are looking for...

Student 4: Codes?

Student 1: Evidence to support our claim.

Whole Class Debrief (06:51–08:19)

Teacher: More evidence? Anybody else found some more evidence?

Student 1: Yeah, in the paragraph four, like it says that consuming too much sugar, especially from short drinks like sport drinks, energy drinks lead to obesity of childrens and teens. Also increase the risk of numerous healthy problems like for example heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes.

Teacher: Yup.

Student 1: That support the claim.

Teacher: It does support the claim. Because I think this is important for you guys to understand. Anyone find a counterargument? Will you say it one more time a little bit louder so everyone can hear it, Ernesto? And we circle it, guys.

Student 4: The manufacturer of this drink disagree with the group's position about to added sugar and the health concerns its may cause.

Teacher: “Cause.” What made you say, Ernesto, that that was the counterargument?

Student 4: Because there's different types of view from different people.

Teacher: It is a different type of view from different people.

Student 4: People who are agree and disagree with the healthy choices.

Teacher: OK. Is there anything else that we can tie to this counterargument that Ernesto shared?

Student 5: Yes, so the trader group of American Publishers Association point out that fifty percent of all the beverages all contain no sugar, and they that they are working to cut a number of beverages calories consumed by 20 percent by 2025.

Looking Deeply at Classroom Instruction (08:20–08:34)

Narrator: Watch how the teacher leads the students to contribute to a discussion about the structure of an argumentative text. The students then use the learn language structures and academic vocabulary to write about what they have learned.

Teacher working with a Student (08:35–09:16)

Teacher: So, will you read that for me because I think it is really important.

Student 2: Um.

Teacher: Just that part. “I can use...”

Student 2: I can use today's learning to know how to communicate with my peers and know the parts of an argumentative text.

Teacher: Um-hm. So, it's good to see that it helps you communicate with other people about it because that's exactly what you guys have been doing in English Language Arts, and feel free to use these. I think they might have something like it in that class, too, just so that you are using the parts, the vocabulary when it comes to citing evidence or when it comes to during the claim. Good job. Nice job.

Reflection and Closure (09:17–10:45)

Teacher: Share, part of what you learned today.

Student 3: First, argument text helps me organize my information when I— when I'm gonna read something. I know what's the evidence, the claim and... what I learned today is this learning will help me in other classes, like for example, history, because we read a lot. And biology too.

Teacher: Sounds good. Lei. Share something from either questions, something you'd like to highlight that part of your learning today.

Student 5: I said what I learned today is more help me is that I can read an argument text more like better in the right way.

Teacher: Okay.

Student 5: It's I just like reading normally and I don't know what, like, what part’s what and I learned like this structure of the text and that can help me in a lot of different classes.

Teacher: So, what is the structure? How would you say in your own words? Like when we look at an argument text, what is the structure? Like how is it built?

Student 5: I would say at beginning so the author wrote usually the position of the text, usually a set of claims and supporting themselves with few evidence, followed by and before the end you should give a counterargument. And you are, you will, I see the counterargument is like a part of like the evidence that would support this position better.

Teacher: Um-hmm.

Student 5: And that, and I would say they conclude the whole thing and just restate the evidence. Uhh, restate the claims again.

Teacher: Yeah.

Beyond the Lesson (10:46–11:13)

Narrator: Beyond the Designated English Language Development Lesson: Building Into and From Content Instruction. By engaging and designated English language development lessons such as this one, the students are better prepared and more confident to express their growing understanding of the organization of argumentative texts by identifying claims, evidence, and counter arguments with diminishing supports.

Small Group Discussion (11:14–11:46)

Student 6: I guess my strongest point would be, like, identifying the central or what not. Like it's kinda easy for me to uh understand that, or like finding that one sentence that accomplishes the main idea of the article or what not. And I just, like, it helps me like understand how to connect the evidence together.

Student 4: Um, for me it was read by myself and try to find the claim and how I gonna support with evidence from the text.

Reflection and Discussion (11:47–13:03)

Narrator: Reflection and Discussion. Reflect on the following questions: First, how did you observe the following focal English language development standards and supporting content standards being implemented in this grade eleven designated English language development lesson? English Language Development, Part 1, Standard 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas. Part 2, Standard 1, Understanding Text Structure. English Language Arts, Reading Standards for Informational Text, Standard 1 and Standard 8. And Speaking and Listening, Standard 1. Second, what features of designated English language development did you observe in the lesson?

Narrator: Now pause the video and engage in a discussion with colleagues.


Narrator: The California Department of Education would like to thank the administrators, teachers, and students who participated in the making of this video. This video was made possible by the California Department of Education, in collaboration with WestEd and Timbre Films.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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