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Transcript: Grade Four Integrated & Integrated ELD

Grade Four English Language Arts (ELA) Social Science Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade Four English Language Arts and Social Studies Integrated and Designated English Language Development

Introductory Slides (00:00–00:35)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Video Series. This video is used by permission of the owner, Sobrato Early Academic Language Program, a California nonprofit corporation. Copyright 2019, Sobrato Early Academic Language Program. All rights reserved.

Title Slide: SEAL: Sobrato Early Academic Language Model

Title Slide: Integrated & Designated ELD, Fourth Grade Classroom

Setting up the Context for Designated ELD (00:36–04:51)

Teacher: Can I have Jordan, Shyla, Jason, Metzly, Jocelyn and Yarelli, can you come on over.

Jennifer Diehl (Director of Innovation and Strategic Design, SEAL): The Common Core Standards, and most specifically the ELA/ELD Framework have put on us the rigorous demands to meet the needs of English learners in the context of the regular curriculum, and the way in which we do that is through both integrated ELD and designated ELD.

Teacher (Jenny): Share your opinion as to whether this source is trustworthy or not. Don't forget to use evidence... say “evidence.”

Students: Evidence

Teacher: [Provides anchor charts with the graphic organizer] Okay, so we've been working on boxes, and bullets and the box is your what...

Students: Opinion

Teacher: Your opinion, and right now we're gonna call it "reason", everybody say “reason.”

Students: Reason

Teacher: The "R" is for reason, and any time you see these bullets, what does that mean? You're gonna, give your…

Students: Evidence

Teacher: Okay, so I'm just gonna write an "E"… for every bullet point. Okay? So, reasons and evidence. And so that's what we're going to work on today... because later on, we're going to go over a mini lecture and you're going to learn about a whole story. And you're going to have to give reasons, and evidence. Okay, so this is our academic process journal that we're going to work on together. Do you see this? See how it's the same boxes and bullets: reasons and evidence, yes!

Jennifer Diehl: So, designated ELD and integrated ELD are meant to work synergistically. Whatever is done during designated ELD, should be related to, what's happening during the rest of the day, integrated ELD.

Teacher: Thumbs up if you agree with the principal's policy to shorten recess or thumbs down if you disagree. Thumbs up or thumbs down...

Students: [Show the gesture of thumbs up or down]

Jennifer Diehl: In this situation Jenny was in the middle of a larger unit on journalism with a group of fourth and fifth grade students.

Teacher: So, if you don't want to shorten recess... What do you... what do you use recess for?

Student 1: To play

Teacher: To play... okay, so I'm gonna write that down, "play"... everybody say “play.”

Students: Play

Teacher: Okay what else do we use recess for?

Student 2: I talked about that we have more time to eat.

Teacher: Time to eat, okay.

Jennifer Diehl: She needed to front load some of the higher order thinking. Specifically, she was going to be asking the whole class to be taking notes, using graphic organizers, and so she wanted to be sure that the English learners in the class understood, how to use those graphic organizers. She practiced with content that would be familiar to the kids, so that they weren't grappling with both a higher order thinking skill, and new content, and she modeled.

Teacher: So, I have play, I have eat... What else, Jocelyn?

Student 3: Because we need to take a break.

Teacher: Yeah you need a break, you need to rest your brain, right! Yeah okay, and then last one...

Student 4: Exercise?

Teacher: Hmm?

Student 4: Exercise

Teacher: Ahh exercise. Yeah you need time to exercise.

Jennifer Diehl: She then released part of that group back to their seats to join their classmates in a lesson they were working on, while she held back a smaller group of English learners, who needed additional support, in this case, front loading of content and vocabulary, so that they were able to access the content of the lesson in the whole group instruction.

Teacher: [Shows pictures] When they went to school and they wore these armbands they got punished for it, they got suspended! Can you believe that? Were they doing anything wrong?

Students: No.

Teacher: No… they got suspended for… do you know what “suspended” means? What does “suspended” mean?

Student 1: “Suspended” means that you get out of school…

Teacher: Yeah you get like big trouble... they don't want you to come to school for a few... like for them it was a week, okay. So, they got suspended and then they decided that they were gonna continue... to... to not to fight, like, physical fight…  they were going to still stand up for their right to freedom of speech. So, they decided this... they went to court and so this decision went all the way up to the Supreme Court, say “Supreme Court.“

Students: Supreme Court

Teacher: Do you know what Supreme Court is?

Student 1: It's... it's the court that is the highest court.

Jennifer Diehl: That set those kids up then to be able to join the whole class for the mini lecture.

Integrated ELD Whole Group (04:52–07:44)

Teacher: So, we're gonna actually specifically be focusing on freedom of speech right now, in our mini lecture. Okay? In 1965, President Johnson increased military troop presence in the Vietnam war.

Jennifer Diehl: One of our goals with designated ELD is to ensure that English learners are set up for success. So, we always want to be thinking about what's coming for them, and where do we need to provide them some supports, some scaffolds, so that in the context of a regular lesson, they're able to gain the knowledge and participate along with their peers.

Teacher: What does it mean when you suspend someone?

Student 4: When you do something bad, but then the principal punish you... punishes you...

Teacher: And what do you have to do?

Student 4: You have to leave school and not come back for about five or three days.

Teacher: Yeah, you have to leave school and not come back.

Jennifer Diehl: Often times, the happy consequence is that not only are they successful during regular instruction, but they're also shining as leaders in understanding the content with their peers.

Teacher: What I want you to think about right now... because we're going to do a think-pair-share, so you're going to talk amongst your table or talk with your partners. Why do you think the principal of the schools did not want the students to participate in the protest? Okay? That's what you're going to think about. Go ahead and turn and talk to a neighbor.

Jennifer Diehl: So, we know that English language learners are grappling with two things during any whole class lesson. They're grappling with the content demands: what is the information that they're supposed to be learning? And they're grappling with language demands.

Student 5: So, the principal... the principal didn't want any problems.

Teacher: [Listens to a group of students] Yeah!

Jennifer Diehl: So, using think-pair-share, as a way to listen in on how the students are doing and use that as a formative piece of assessment, to guide your instruction, are all critical pieces that make the content and the language accessible for our English learners.

Teacher: Why did the principal not want those peaceful protests to happen?

Student 5: So, the principal didn't want to deal with... um... any problem.

Teacher: [Adds information onto a chart] Ah, so yeah, the principals wanted to... they didn't want any problems. Do you know what we call that? We say, avoid controversy... say “avoid controversy.”

Students: Avoid controversy

Jennifer Diehl: What we saw very clearly was how that small amount of support, gave those kids enough of a head start, or a step up, in order to not only successfully participate in the lesson, but in many places be the leaders at their table group and in the whole class.

Student 2: They wrote a letter to the President and wore wristbands and they wrote a let... they got suspended 'cause they wore wristbands at school.

Designated ELD Small Group (07:55-11:59)

Teacher: [Provides an example of the graphic organizer with information] What we need to do is, we need to create complete sentences, and... use something called transition words. Can you say “transition words”?

Students: Transition words

Teacher: Yeah, say “transition words.”

Students:  Transition words

Teacher: Yeah, that's a long word.

Jennifer Diehl: Subsequently, following the lesson, she knew that she had a couple of other things that she really wanted to work on with a couple of groups of kids.

Teacher: You could say, “for example.” Say that with me.

Students: For example

Teacher: Or you can say, “for instance.”

Jennifer Diehl: She wanted to work on developing their use of transition words and this shows up for us in the ELD Standards around cohesion. And so, when we're thinking about being able to articulately express evidence as it relates to reasons or opinions, having those transition words like “for instance” or “moreover” are critical pieces of academic language that the kids need to have, and they need explicitly taught to them, so that they're able to not only produce that orally and in writing, but also access that and make meaning when they come across it in text.

Teacher: [Provides sentence strips with examples and a graphic organizer with notes] Would somebody like to pick one? Metzly.

Student 1: For example

Teacher: For example. Okay so, which one would you like to talk about?

Student 1: For example, you can play with your friends.

Teacher: Okay, so “For example you can play with your friends.” Can we all say that together?

Teacher and Students: For example, you can play with your friends.

Student 5: Furthermore, you… you… have time to eat snacks...

Teacher: Ah, can we say that together?

Teacher and Students: Furthermore, you have time to eat your snacks.

Teacher: And... then... can you pick the last one?

Student 3: For instance, you can do exercise.

Teacher: Ah... “For instance, you can exercise.” Yes, okay, so let's do it again.

Teacher and Students: For instance, you can exercise.

Teacher: So, we're gonna start with you, and then we're gonna go down this way. Okay? So, let's start with this one.

Teacher and Students: [Points to the notes] I disagree with the principal's policy to shorten recess because it's important.

Student 3: For instance, you can do exercise.

Student 5: Furthermore, um you have time to eat your snacks.

Student 1: For example, you can play.

Student 4: Another reason is you can get a brain break.

Jennifer Diehl: A teacher's ability to adapt, to be flexible, to pull different groups, different sizes of groups, different clusters of groups for different purposes, is what makes it incredibly powerful. And when we're thinking about our English learners first, and giving them a leg up, so that they can find success in their classroom, that yields dividends down the road.

Teacher: How many of you speak Spanish?

Students: [All raise hands]

Teacher: All of you! Oh, all of you, except for me! Okay, so I have a sentence, that I want you all to help me translate, okay? So, the sentence is, “I eat healthy foods, so that I can be strong.” Can you translate that into Spanish for me?

Jennifer Diehl: In the ELD Standards, there's actually a part three, that calls for the use of students’ foundational skills in their primary language.

Teacher: I eat healthy foods…

Students: [In Spanish] Yo como comida saludable...

Teacher: …so that I can be strong.

Students: [In Spanish] … para que yo pueda ser fuerte.

Teacher: Be strong, what is it? So that I can be strong...

Students: [In Spanish] Para ser fuerte.

Teacher: Okay. So, in Spanish it directly translates to “para ser”... yes... but in English we don't say, “I eat healthy foods for I can be strong.” We say, “I eat healthy foods so that I can be strong,” or “in order for me to be strong.”

Jennifer Diehl: What we saw beautifully done today with Jenny, a teacher who does not speak Spanish, in an SEI classroom was to still find ways to provide an opportunity for students to access their primary language as a way to deepen their English.

Teacher and Students: [Reading from colored sentence strips] For instance, we need more recess time in order to play with friends.

Teacher: Do you see how you need this, "in order to"? It doesn't sound right if it's—if you add "for."

Students: Ahhh!

Small Group Work During Designated ELD Small Group (12:00–13:16)

Students: [Working in small groups with colored sentence strips] We need more recess time, another reason... ah, it does not sound good… so that... so that... we can… play...

Teacher: Ah, you need your transition word, yes. Go ahead and try to read it together.

Students: Furthermore, we need more recess time so that we can play.

Students: [Another group of students reads the sentence they created] For example, we need more recess time in order to play with friends.

Jennifer Diehl: We saw the kids come alive in that moment where they were able to access their linguistic resources, and it really honored what they brought to the table and provided a rich environment for that to happen, but also deepened their English as a consequence.

Teacher: You have all done a fantastic job, thinking about our content using critical thinking skills, to think about our reasons and opinions and our evidence, and you're using sophisticated language—I really appreciate it! Give yourselves a pat on the back! Thank you!

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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