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Transcript: Grade Seven Science Integrated ELD

Grade Seven Science Integrated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade Seven Science Integrated English Language Development: Explain How Rocks are Formed

Introductory Slides (00:00–02:27)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve video series.

Narrator: Science with Integrated English Language Development in Grade Seven: In this lesson, the students have an opportunity to observe and discuss different types of rocks and hypothesize how they were formed. The students are developing critical content knowledge for what they will do later in the unit of study: create models that illustrate the flow of energy that drives the process of rock formation.

Narrator: The California Next Generation Science Standards Driving the Lesson: The Science Performance Expectation is Middle School, Earth and Space Science 2, Sub-item 1: Earth's Systems, where students who demonstrate understanding can develop a model to describe the cycling of Earth's materials and the flow of energy that drives this process. Watch for how this California science standard is addressed throughout the lesson.

Narrator: The Supporting California English Language Development Standards Used in Tandem with the Science Standards. The English Language Development Standards at the Bridging Level are Grade 7, Part I, Standard 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas, where students contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing key ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback; and Grade 7, Part 1, Standard 12a: Selecting Language Resources, where students use an expanded set of general academic words, domain-specific words, synonyms, antonyms, and figurative language to create precision and shades of meaning while speaking and writing. Watch how students move from early levels of proficiency toward the bridging levels of these English Language Development Standards throughout the lesson.

Narrator: Watch how the teacher structures activities that prepare students to engage in effective small group conversations about the formation of rocks and promote the students' oral language vocabulary and writing development.

Teacher Introduces the Lesson (02:28–03:46)

Teacher: First thing. This is on your table for a reason. Please use it. You will notice that you just follow arrows. You can see it gives you some idea of what's going on in the rock cycle, particularly with your rock. You can go backwards. You can go forwards. You will look at the words like "weathering and erosion," "cooling" when you get to the describing of your rock type, okay? So, use this this. This— you're gonna use this. Facilitator, please put this in front of you for a second. I want you just to look carefully at it. So, facilitator, when you pass the rock to student number four—and I'm going to go through this in just a second—you’re going to ask them and say, "I will be g—", "What do you observe?" Number four will say, "I observe—."  Then facilitator, when the rock gets passed to the next person you will ask them, "What do you observe?" and they will share, "I observe—." Okay so, facilitator, you're asking these questions. Are there any questions on that? We're good? Facilitator, put the rock in your hand. Now you know who you're going to hand it off to and you know what question you're going to ask them. Please go!

Students Discuss in Groups (03:47–06:28)

Group A

Student 1: I observe a rock that is hard and that is big with a lot of different colors.

Student 2: Now pass it to the left.

[Background conversation from other groups.]

Student 3: Okay.

Student 2: What do you observe?

Student 3: I observe like a rock that has like sunshine-y crystals if you really pay attention to it and it has like three different—no wait—four different type of colors around it.

Student 4: (In Spanish) ¿Qué es lo que observo? Yo observo que tiene varios tipos de colores.

Student 2: I observe a lot of small crystals in this rock and that how it changes color and how all the really small crystals are a part of this rock.

Group B

Student 5: Okay. What do I say? So, I… I wondered how long did it take, um, the rock for it to get its form? Amy?

Student 6: Um, I wonder why it takes so long for a rock to form its layers.

Student 7: Yeah. I wonder how long it took, um, the weathering to make all these layers and how many years it has been on this land.

Student 5: I wonder…

Student 7: What do you wonder?

Student 8: I wonder... what type of rock is it?

Group C

Student 9: What do you think about what you see?

Student 10: I think that this is maybe an igneous rock.

Student 11: Okay, I'm good.

Student 9: What do you think about what you see?

Student 11: I think the rock took, like, years to get in this shape.

Teacher: Oooh, nice. It took years.

Student 9: What do you think about what you see?

Student 12: Okay. Um, I agree with what Shylee said and I also think it is an igneous rock.

Teacher Provides Additional Instructions (06:29–07:16)

Teacher: When I'm walking around and I'm listening to you, you are talking like scientists. I am thoroughly impressed with what you're doing. Speakers, please raise your hand again. Nice. Remember, you're going to share out to the class in about four minutes what the group came up with. Everybody, please use this tent in front of you to ask, "Could you clarify what you mean by that?" "To expand on what Amy said, I'd like to add —." This is that academic language we want to start using more and more, so please use this.

Students Discuss in Groups (07:17–09:24)

Group B

Student 8: ... sedimentary rock 'cause over there I see a diagram of the rocks in the picture.

Student 7: Brian. Clarify what you mean by you think it's a sedimentary rock.

Student 5: I think it's a sedimentary rock because of the layers that it has on there.

Student 6: I believe it's a sedimentary rock because, um, of the layers and they're just sitting there.

Student 7: I agree with everybody and I think it is a sedimentary rock because of the layers and the sediments happened there, however many years, so I think it's a sedimentary rock.

Group C

Student 9: What rock type do you think it is?

Student 10: I think this rock type is igneous because igneous is not that really dusty, but like it has little, you know, little crystal in it. That's what I think.

Student 11: I think its igneous rock too, because it has, like a lot of, what is that, like crystals in it, and it's like kind of shaped like a igneous rock.

Student 9: What kind of rock do you think it is?

Student 12: Um, I also, um, I agree on what Ofelia and Shylee said because, like, um, Shylee said, it has a lot of small crystals and, um, it's not as dusty, and it probably was made again, because it melted from the magma and then it was formed again.

Student 9: I think this is a igneous rock because of the crystals inside of it and because of the shape.

Whole Class Debrief (09:25–10:20)

Teacher: Okay, so, Penguins—I know that our speaker at the Penguins table right now is going to be Fernando, so Fernando please hold up your rock. Show them what rock you have—a little higher? Can everybody see that all right? Go ahead and explain what your group came up with.

Student 2: So, our group explain how this rock was a igneous rock and how because, like, how the, the crystals of tiny minerals of the crystals formed this rock and how long it took to form it.

Teacher: How long do you think it took to form?

Student 2: Millions of years.

Teacher: Millions of years. What was the process behind that forming? What, what are we talking about there, if it's igneous?

Student 2: So, this used to be a metamorphic rock, but how it melted into magma and how the magma cooled down for a lot of years and how the crystals formed this igneous rock.

Teacher: Two claps.

[All students clap twice.]

Teacher: That was awesome.

Closing Slides (10:21–11:32)

Narrator: Reflection and Discussion. Reflect on the following questions: First, how did you observe the following focal content standards and supporting English language development standards being implemented in this grade seven integrated English language development lesson? Earth and Space Science 2, Sub-item 1: Earth's Systems; English language development Part 1, Standard 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas; and Part 1, Standard 12a: Selecting Language Resources. Second, what features of integrated English language development did you observe in the lesson? Now pause the video and engage in a discussion with colleagues.

Narrator: The California Department of Education would like to thank the administrators, teachers, and students who participated in the making of this video. This video was made possible by the California Department of Education in collaboration with WestEd and Timber Films.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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