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Transcript: Grade One ELA Integrated ELD

Grade One English Language Arts (ELA) Integrated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade One English Language Arts Integrated English Language Development: Learning About Firefighters

Grade One ELA Integrated ELD Video Transcript (DOCX)

Introductory Slides (00:00–03:29)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Video Series.

Narrator: English Language Arts with Integrated English Language Development in Grade One. The students are in the middle of a unit in which they are learning about community helpers. In this lesson, the students are reading, discussing, and writing about firefighters. After reading and discussing their text in small groups and with the whole class, they write and illustrate an informational flyer about firefighters and why they are important.

Narrator: The California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts Driving the Lesson. The English Language Arts standards are: Grade 1, Reading Standards for Informational Text, Standard 2, where students identify the main topic and retell key details of a text; Grade 1, Writing, Standard 2, where students write informative and explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure; and Grade 1, Speaking and Listening, Standard 1, where students participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade one topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups: they a) follow agreed-upon rules for discussions; b) build on others' talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges; and c) ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion. Watch for how these California English Language Arts Standards are addressed throughout the lesson.

Narrator: The English Language Development Standards at the Bridging Level are: Grade 1, Part 1, Standard 1: Exchanging Information and Ideas, where students contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by listening attentively, following turn-taking rules, and asking and answering questions; Grade 1, Part 1, Standard 2: Interacting via written English, where students collaborate with peers on joint writing projects of longer informational and literary texts, using technology where appropriate for publishing, graphics and the like; and Grade 1, Part 1, Standard 10: Writing, where students write longer literary texts and informational texts collaboratively with an adult, with peers and independently. Watch how students move from early levels of proficiency toward the Bridging level of these English Language Development Standards throughout the lesson.

Narrator: Watch how the teacher leads the students toward accurate expression of their knowledge about firefighters by providing opportunities for them to read informational text, listen to the language they will be using, speak with their peers using learned language structures and vocabulary, and write to describe what they have learned.

Teacher Reviews and Introduces the Lesson (03:30–05:51)

Teacher: So, we've just finished our informational texts. We have taken our annotation. Let's kiss our brain. Good job! Let's see if we can recap what they have.

[The teacher points to the topic sentence located on a chart for students to read.]

Teacher: Are we ready to read our topic sentence?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: Read.

Students: [choral response] “Firefighters are people who keep communities safe.”

Teacher: Good. Topic sentence, what is a topic?

Students: What we're talking about...

Teacher: What we're talking about, so that is why we are talking about firefighters and they keep our communities safe.

[The teacher points to the board.]

Teacher: So, we found our “who,” who was our community helper for today?

Students: [choral response] Firefighters.  

Teacher: And now we're gonna talk about what do they…

[The teacher points to the board.]

Students: Do.

Teacher: Good! Who could tell me, “firefighters can [blank]”; Bella.

Student 1: Firefighters can put out fire.

Teacher: Good.

[The teacher writes on the chart.]

Teacher: “Firefighters can put out...” what was that she said?

Students: [choral response] fires.

[The teacher continues to write on the chart.]

Teacher: “fires”, very good. That is a complete thought, so what do I need at the end?

Students: [choral response] period.

Teacher: Very good, and finally, firefighters…

Students: [choral response] have.

Teacher: Good, firefighters [blank].

Students: [choral response] have.

Teacher: What do they have? Who remembers? Dominic.

Student 2: Firefighters have fire trucks that carry water, tools, and firefighters.

Teacher: Good, firefighters have fire trucks that…” do what?

Students: carry water...

[The teacher writes on the chart.]

Teacher: “fire trucks that carry...” What do they carry?

Students: [choral response] water.  

Teacher: This is a complete thought class...

Students: Period.

 Teacher: Thank you, “firefighters have [blank]”? Joana E.

Student 3: Firefighters have... fire trucks that carry ladders for it... they can reach high people.

Teacher: Good job!

[Teacher writes on the chart.]

Teacher: “Firefighters have ladders...”

Students: [choral response] that...

[Teacher writes on the chart.]

Teacher: “to reach who?

Students: [choral response] high…

[Teacher writes on the chart.]

Teacher: “people in high places”. Good job! Period. Very good, kiss your brain class, good job.

Teacher Reviews Small Group Expectations (05:52–07:08)

Teacher: So, we're going to talk about our numbered-head performance task for today. Could we start with our essential question... ready, read.

[Teacher points to the question on a screen.]

Students: “Why are community helpers important?”

Teacher: Good, so we're going to go into our numbered-head groups, and what we're going to do is we're going to create a reason, one reason, why we believe that firefighters are great community helpers. Okay, can we read our sentence frame, ready, read.

[Teacher points to the sentence frame on the screen.]

Students: “Firefighters are important to our community because they [blank].”

Teacher: Good, so let's go over some numbered head norms first before, are we ready?

[Teacher points to a chart on the wall.]

Students: [choral response] Yes.

Teacher: Read, number one.

Students: [choral response] Everyone is talking.

Teacher: Everyone is talking, understood, thumbs up?

Students: [choral response] Yes.

Teacher: Everyone is talking; number two.

Students: Use information from notes and anchor chart.

Teacher: Class, show me your notes.

Students: [Raise notes from the desk to show teacher.]

Teacher: Good, we're using information from our notes. Down. Show me the anchor chart, where is our anchor chart?

Students: [Point to the anchor chart.]

Teacher: Good job, if there's anything that you need to clarify or for the spelling, please use our anchor chart, okay, everyone is...

Students: [choral response] talking.

Teacher: Good.

Students Participate in a Small Group Discussion (07:09–08:05)

[Students transition into small groups.]

Student 4: Firefighters, let's all read the question: “Firefighters are important to our community because they [blank].”

Student 5: You have to add something to that, right, Angelo?

Student 6: Yeah... we need to add something to that...we could...

Student 5: do this in our informational text...

Student 4: Okay, I am going to try it... Okay, firefighters are important to our community because they...have... ahh...firetrucks to carry water, and tools, and firefighters.  

Student 6: Yeah, and pants and boots...

Student 4: Also, does everyone agrees on that?

Student 5: Wait, wait, I have one more... and also special coats and pants...and to protect firefighters from heat and smoke... smoke, for smoke.

Student 4: I guess we will agree on that. So, does everyone agree? Yeah!

Teacher Reminds Students of the Performance Task in a Whole Group (08:06–08:48)

Teacher: This is exciting part, we're going to create a flyer, Bryant, with our partner, and we're going to talk about…

[The teacher gestures along with key words.]

Teacher: Firefighters, “have”; firefighters, “help”; and firefighters “can”... Can we do it again?

Students: [Perform gestures] firefighters “can”; firefighters “help”; and firefighters “have”

Teacher: Are we ready? Good, so we're gonna use our informational text, our notes...Can you show me your notes?

Students: [Raise notes from the desk to show teacher.]

Teacher: Good job, we're gonna draw from our anchor chart... Can you show me the anchor chart?

Students: [Point to the anchor chart.]

Teacher: Good job, okay please make sure you take your notes and your bag with you. Numbered-heads...

Students Complete Performance Task in Small Groups (08:49–10:17)

[Students transition into small groups.]

Student 1: Fires happen...

Student 3:

Student 1: Firefighters put out fires, wherever fire happen...firefighters can...

Student 7: What is this word again?

Student 1: I need my notes...

Student 7: What is this word again?

Student 1: Wherever...

Student 7: I don't even know?  

Student 1: You know how to draw that!  Firefighters put out fires wherever fires happen...then draw it!

Student 2: What about the fires?

Student 8: Firefighters was teaching him, umm...

Student 2:  Firefighters can teach people how to be safe... I am going to help...

Student 8: Firefighters help... people... Firefighters help people...

Student 9: I need black...That is my color.

Closing Slides (10:18–11:37)

Narrator: Reflection and Discussion Reflect on the following questions: First, how did you observe the following focal content standards and supporting English language development standards being implemented in this grade one integrated English language development lesson? Reading Standards for Informational Text Standard 2, Writing Standard 2, Speaking and Listening, Standard 1. English Language Development Part 1, Standard 1, Exchanging Information and Ideas; Part 1 Standard 2, Interacting via Written English; Part 1, Standard 10, Writing. Second, what features of integrated English language development did you observe in the lesson? Now pause the video and engage in a discussion with colleagues.

Narrator: The California Department of Education would like to thank the administrators, teachers, and students who participated in the making of this video. This video was made possible by the California Department of Education in collaboration with WestEd and Timbre films.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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