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Information about the Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL), a resource to support educators in monitoring and evaluating language use of English learner (EL) students.

The California State Board of Education (SBE) unanimously approved the Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL) on November 8, 2023, as the statewide standardized protocol for reclassification Criterion 2 (teacher evaluation of English learner [EL] students) and Criterion 3 (parent opinion and consultation) with recommended thresholds of Level 3 or above on expressive and receptive OPTEL ratings for reclassification.

Designed to promote equity in the reclassification process, the OPTEL is an observation protocol designed to support educators in monitoring and evaluating the academic language use of EL students, per the requirements of California Education Code (EC) Section 313.3 External link opens in new window or tab.. Successful implementation of the OPTEL will help move California closer to statewide standardization of reclassification criteria required per Title III, Part A, Section 3111(b)(2)(A) of the Every Student Succeeds Act.

OPTEL General Information

The design of the OPTEL ensures:

  • Ease of use by all (content area and specialized) teachers at all grade levels.
    • Teachers use the OPTEL to:
      • Provide evidence that contributes to reclassification decisions for all EL students, including those with Individualized Education Plans who take the Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
      • Evaluate student use of English while engaging in academic content learning, including interactive academic language use with peers
      • Assess language practices across a range of proficiency levels
  • Alignment with the English language development standards and the ELPAC performance levels.

The OPTEL can also be used:

  • As a formative assessment tool to support student progress toward English proficiency
  • In consultation with parents of EL students regarding their progress toward proficiency
  • By institutions of higher education that prepare educators in teacher preparation programs

A field test and validation study were conducted to ensure the usability of the OPTEL for widespread use. Findings demonstrate that the protocol appropriately:

  • Assesses the intended target language constructs
  • Demonstrates a meaningful relationship to the performance levels for the ELPAC
  • Assesses classroom language use
  • Reflects student progress toward attaining targeted constructs

OPTEL Tool and User Guide

Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL) (PDF)

Available Translations of the OPTEL

OPTEL User Guide (DOCX)
This user guide supports educators using the OPTEL tool to observe and evaluate EL students’ English language proficiency.

OPTEL Resources for Implementation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The above link provides frequently asked questions regarding the OPTEL.


Sample Parent Script
The above link provides an optional sample resource for using the OPTEL in parent consultation meetings to discuss student progress toward reclassification.


Re-Launching Reclassification: Introducing the OPTEL External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 55:00)
This webinar was recorded on January 30, 2024. It includes an overview of the OPTEL and its purpose, the design per EC Section 313.3, and an introduction to implementation for local contexts. The link document that includes resources referenced throughout the webinar is available below.

Re-Launching Reclassification: Introducing the OPTEL Webinar Slides (PDF)
The slides above are from the Introducing the OPTEL webinar. This presentation can be used to introduce district or school site staff, parents, students, and other interested parties to the OPTEL.

OPTEL Development

OPTEL Advisory Committee

The California Department of Education (CDE), in collaboration with the contractor, consulted with the OPTEL advisory committee (OAC). The OAC, comprised of educators and English language development (ELD) experts from across California, included content area teachers at different grade levels, ELD teachers, bilingual teachers, special education teachers, and experts with demonstrated experience in observing and documenting pupil academic language practices as well as in developing and administering assessments for EL students.

OPTEL Timeline

On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a State of Emergency in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The subsequent school closures resulted in a considerable delay of the field test and validation study. California Assembly Bill 181, signed by the Governor on June 30, 2022, extended the timeline to complete the field test and validation study to December 31, 2023.

The OPTEL was brought before the SBE in November 2023 and was unanimously approved as the statewide standardized protocol for Criterion 2 (teacher evaluation of EL students) and Criterion 3 (parent opinion and consultation) for the purpose of reclassification.

Below is a high-level history of the OPTEL’s development timeline:

December 2018: Contract to co-develop, pilot, and validate an observation protocol to support reclassification decisions for EL student reclassification Criteria 2–3 with WestED.

April–August 2019: OAC convened to participate in the initial prototyping study, CDE and WestED collected additional comments from interest holders, including: teacher focus groups, expert English language development (ELD) coaches and trainers, the Regional EL Specialists, state and federal programs directors, the Migrant Education State Parent Advisory Council members, the Bilingual Coordinators Network (BCN), the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee, representatives from the Association of California School Administrators, and the California Teachers Association.

August-October 2019: The OPTEL pilot study took place, and OAC members convened again to review the initial study's results.

February 2020: Field test activities began.

March 2020: Field test halted due to COVID-19 school closures.

June 2020: Project completion date extended to December 2022 and field test postponed until 2021–22 school year.

January 2022: Field test activities postponed until 2022–23 school year due to circumstances caused by COVID-19 school closures.

June 2022: Project completion date extended to December 2023.

July‒December 2022: Recruitment/training for field test.

Spring 2023 (January–April): Spring field test.

May 2023: OAC Meeting (virtual) held to review initial analytic data set from field testing, a summary of OAC discussion, and recommended edits to the OPTEL.

August 2023: CDE received feedback and recommendations from participants of the BCN regarding the statewide rollout and implementation of the OPTEL.

October 2023: SBE October 2023 information memorandum included the validation study and results, and draft OPTEL tool.

November 2023: Presented the final analytic data set, validation study report, and draft OPTEL tool to the SBE with recommendation for approval as the statewide standardized protocol for Criterion 2 (teacher evaluation of EL students) and Criterion 3 (parent opinion and consultation) for the purpose of reclassification. SBE unanimously approved the use of the OPTEL during the November 2023 meeting.
Questions:   Language Policy & Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, January 07, 2025
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