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Resources for Parents of English Learner Students

Information and resources for parents about establishing language proficiency in English, types of language acquisition programs, and many other resources.

Resources for Parents of English Learner Students Home | How To... | Survey, Assessments, Programs, & Reclassification

This web page serves as a centralized location for parents of English Learner students to access information and learn about the different resources available through the Multilingual Support Division, other divisions within the California Department of Education (CDE), and external organizations. The goal of this web page is to connect parents of English Learner students to critical information to help them navigate the California education system. This page also aims to equip parents with important information to empower themselves to play an active role in their child’s education.

Note: Throughout this web page as well as the web pages listed below in the Resources sections, the term “parents” is used to describe a student’s family unit, which may include parents, guardians, sponsors, or other relatives (e.g., grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.).


The resources below are organized into separate web pages. Each web page includes information and links to additional resources. To return to this main web page, click the home web link titled “Resources for Parents of English Learner Students Home” that is located on the top of each web page.

This list of resources is not exhaustive. Additional information and guidance will be added as it becomes available. For the latest updates from the Multilingual Support Division, subscribe to the Multilingual Parent Newsletter listserv by sending a blank email to

  • How To... For Parents of English Learner Students
    This web page connects parents to resources available within the CDE (e.g., school data and statistics, nutrition and food programs, assessment, early learning and care, etc.) as well as external organizations (e.g., other state agencies, advocacy organizations, etc.).
  • Survey, Assessments, Programs & Reclassification
    This web page explains the multi-step process of determining and assessing a student’s English language proficiency, identifying appropriate programs and services, and reclassifying an English learner (EL) student from EL to reclassified fluent English proficient (RFEP) status:
    • Home Language Survey is a survey of the language first spoken by the student as well as the language(s) most frequently used at home.
    • English Language Proficiency Assessments for California is a test used initially to assess English proficiency for students whose home language survey indicated a language other than English. For those identified as EL students, this assessment is given annually until the student reclassifies to fluent English proficient status.
    • Programs for English Learners are required to be offered by local educational agencies (LEA) to assist EL students in overcoming language barriers and ensure they meet the LEA’s content and performance standards for their respective grade levels within a reasonable amount of time.
    • Reclassification is the process an EL student completes once achieving fluent English proficiency in order to change from the EL to RFEP status.
Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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