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Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions

Recognitions Provided to Students on the Path to Biliteracy or Multiliteracy.

Why was this program created?

  1. To encourage students to study languages, continue their language study, and become multilingual.
  2. To raise awareness about the State Seal of Biliteracy requirements and ensure that multilingual students have the information they need to meet these requirements and earn the State Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation from high school.
  3. To certify progress toward biliteracy.
  4. To prepare students with twenty-first century skills.
  5. To recognize and promote world language instruction in public schools.
  6. To strengthen intergroup relationships, affirm the value of diversity, and honor the multiple cultures, histories, and languages of a community.
  7. To implement principles one and four of the English Learner Roadmap Policy by creating an aligned and articulated pathway to multilingualism that embraces students’ home and community languages and cultures as assets.

Who is eligible?

The Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions are established to recognize preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school students who have demonstrated progress toward proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English.

What recognitions are available?

  1. Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition
    The Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition is available to students enrolled in programs leading to biliteracy in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. As a participation recognition, this award is provided to all students enrolled in the program and is not based on the student’s proficiency. This recognition is an entry on the path to biliteracy or multiliteracy.

  2. Home Language Development Recognition
    The Home Language Development Recognition is available to emergent bilingual students with a home language other than English in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. This recognition is provided to students who demonstrate that they are continuing to develop the home language by engaging in age-appropriate activities in the home language. This recognition is an entry on the path to biliteracy or multiliteracy.

  3. Biliteracy Attainment Recognition
    The Biliteracy Attainment Recognition is available to students at the end of elementary school (the grade level depends on the program model, usually either grade five or six), and the end of middle school (the grade level depends on the program model, usually grade eight). This recognition is based on proficiency and is awarded to students who meet specific proficiency criteria in English and one or more languages in addition to English. This recognition is aligned with the State Seal of Biliteracy requirements and is an indication that if a student continues on this path in high school they will be prepared to meet the requirements to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy.

Students are awarded a certificate for receiving any of these recognitions.

Who awards these recognitions?

The school or school district awards the Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions to eligible students. Any California school or school district may participate in the program. The school or school district that wishes to participate can visit the web page below for more information and to access the participation form.

This is an optional program—schools or school districts may choose to participate and which recognition(s) to offer. They may also choose to create their own local recognitions.

How can I encourage my Child’s school to participate?

Share this information and the web pages linked below with a teacher, counselor, or administrator at your child’s school. The web page below includes information about how schools can participate in the program and contact information.

Where can I learn more?

For more information on this program, visit the California Department of Education (CDE) Biliteracy Pathways Recognitions web page.

For more information on the California State Seal of Biliteracy, awarded in grade 12, visit the CDE State Seal of Biliteracy web page.

Questions:   Multilingual Support Division | | 916-319-0938
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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