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Title III, Part A, LCAP Addendum Reviewer Criteria

Reviewer criteria to meet the provisions of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum Title III, Part A – Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students section.

Title III Professional Development | Enhanced Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Children and Youth | Title III Programs and Activities | English Proficiency and Academic Achievement


The following provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) must be addressed by the local education agency (LEA) with a narrative response within the LCAP Federal Addendum. Addendum reviewers will evaluate whether the LEA met the criteria below for each provision by providing a check mark next to each criteria the LEA addressed. There is no standard length for responses.

Title III Professional Development

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3115(c)(2): Provide a description of the LEA’s effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • The LEA’s effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.

Ensure all of the following are met:

  • Did the LEA address professional development activities, specific to ELs/Title III purposes and supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible, that are:

    • designed to improve the instruction and assessment of English learners;
    • designed to enhance the ability of such teachers, principals, and other school leaders to understand and implement curricula, assessment practices and measures, and instructional strategies for English learners;
    • effective in increasing children's English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of such teachers; and
    • of sufficient intensity and duration (which shall not include activities such as 1-day or short-term workshops and conferences) to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers' performance in the classroom?

Enhanced Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Children and Youth

(for LEAs seeking immigrant subgrants per ESSA Section 3114[d][1])

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3115(e)(1): Provide a description of how the LEA provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.

Ensure all of the following are met:

  • Did the LEA describe the activities implemented, supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible, that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth?

Title III Programs and Activities

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3116(b)(1): Provide a description of how the LEA develops, implements, and administers effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, to help English learners increase English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA develops, implements, and administers effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, to help English learners increase English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.

Ensure all of the following are met:

  • Did the LEA address the effective language instruction programs specific to English learners?
  • Did the LEA address activities focused on English learners and consistent with the purposes of Title III that enhance the core program and are supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible?

English Proficiency and Academic Achievement

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3116(b)(2)(A–B): Provide a description of how the LEA ensures that elementary schools and secondary schools assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and meeting the challenging state academic standards.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA ensures that elementary schools and secondary schools assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and meeting the challenging state academic standards.

 Ensure all of the following are met:

  • Did the LEA address how sites will be held accountable for meeting English acquisition progress and achievement goals for English learners?
  • Did the LEA address site activities that are supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible?
Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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