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CDMIS Update #30

Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) Update regarding the CDMIS Maintenance and Optimization (M&O) Contract Phase 2 Upgrades

Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) January 18, 2023

CDMIS M&O Phase II Updates

As mentioned in CDMIS Update #28, the Early Education Division (EED) at the California Department of Education (CDE) has been contracting with Capitol Tech Solutions (CTS) to perform the work outlined in the Maintenance and Optimization (M&O) Contract since Summer 2021. Updates made in Phase I included:

  • Username Recovery
  • Password Recovery
  • Account Reactivation

The CDMIS Support Team is happy to announce the final phase of CDMIS M&O upgrades are ready for rollout. Below are the upgrades that will be available for use on January 18, 2023:

Update Agency Information

Historically, CDMIS users were not able to submit agency update documentation via the CDMIS. This documentation typically would be sent via email from agencies directly to their Program Quality Implementation (PQI) consultant.

In the Phase II upgrade, users are able to upload corresponding agency update files, including permits for site supervisors, program directors, and other staff, and files necessary for making agency address or name changes.

Viewing User Account History

Historically, Super Users in the CDMIS were only able to view information on dates a CDMIS account was registered, last accessed, and deactivated (if applicable), and the account activation status or deactivation reason.

In the Phase II upgrade, a newly added feature will allow users to view the user account history within your own CDMIS account. CDMIS Super Users will also have the ability to view the account history of all users within your agency.

Viewing Options to CDD-801A Submittal Status

Historically, correspondence between the CDMIS Support Team and CDMIS users has been through email only. Notifications, including lock notifications, outstanding report notifications, and other mass communications have been sent via email, and is not always successfully delivered or inclusive of all necessary users.

In the Phase II upgrade, there are additional viewing options to check their CDD-801A report submittal status, including whether a report is being considered a late submission. The home page of the CDMIS also now has a dashboard with messages to users that can now be found directly within the CDMIS and be sent to specified groups, or all CDMIS users in whole.

Transaction History of CDMIS Reporting

Historically, in order to check on the status of their CDMIS reports (CDD-801A, CDD-801B, and Subsidized Provider Report), users would have to navigate to the report specific screen to confirm whether a report was successfully submitted. There was no previous screen that explicitly stated whether a report was successfully received for a reporting period.

In the Phase II upgrade, there is now a feature called the Account Transaction History, which allows users to view a dashboard that allows all CDMIS users to view a report’s submittal status. The user can also select specific parameters to view specific reports and dates of transactions.

Electronic File Processing

Historically, electronic files submitted to the CDMIS live site would only process once a day for results. The CDMIS test site was created to allow users to view whether or not their file would successfully pass on the live site; however, this separate site still processed files at an average of four hours.

In the Phase II upgrade, electronic CDD-801A files are now able to process instantaneously. User can access their CDD-801A file status right after uploading their file to the CDMIS. As a result, the CDMIS test site is no longer needed.

Overall to the CDMIS User Experience

Overall changes made to the CDMIS webpage include:

Visual and Design
  • Use of full screen display layout
  • Improved use of typography, in size and selection
  • Shaded containers that contain instructional information
  • Use of buttons to indicate an action will occur.
  • Self-managed password reset, reactivation of user account and username​
  • Improved visualization of the status of submissions, including input/edit status, submittal status, errors and successful processes.

CDMIS M&O Phase II Technical Assistance Webinar

An upcoming webinar will be held to review all of the CDMIS M&O Phase II upgrades. All active CDMIS users will be invited to this webinar, held by the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), via email from the CDMIS Support Inbox. For more information, please email

Questions:   CDMIS Support Team |
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 8, 2024
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