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August 2020 Parent Signatures on Attendance

Email guidance on August 2020 Parent Signatures on Monthly Attendance

Subject: Guidance on Parent Signatures on Monthly Attendance Records

Attention: Executive Directors and Program Directors of All State Subsidized Early Learning and Care Programs

The California Department of Education (CDE), Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) would like to thank local partners and programs for all of your efforts in supporting children and families during this incredibly difficult time. We acknowledge each and every one of you who are continuing to support the children and families of California. Whether you are currently open, preparing to open, or preparing for distance learning, the ELCD acknowledges your need for guidance at this time. We appreciate your efforts and continue to work with the Legislature and the Administration in order to provide the direction you need.

To address concerns regarding parent signatures on monthly attendance records for alternative payment providers, the CDE, ELCD engaged with the Legislature and the Administration on a solution to modify the requirements for parent signatures on the monthly attendance record/invoice that are provided by Education Code (EC) Section 8221.5. Further, the CDE understands the Administration and Legislature plan to address the monthly attendance record/invoice issue in August Budget Actions.

Pursuant to the Superintendent’s authority provided by EC Section 8209, effective July 1, 2020, contractors should not withhold reimbursement to providers on the basis of attendance records and/or invoices not having a parent or guardian’s signatures if:

  1. The provider attempts to collect a signature on the monthly attendance record or invoice, and
  2. The parent or guardian is unable to sign due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Providers must continue to submit attendance records and/or invoices in accordance with current reporting policies.

Any attendance record received without parent signature must include documented attempts made to contact the parent. The documentation must include:

  • The date and time of the contact(s)
  • The name of the parent or other authorized adult contacted
  • The specific information provided or discussed with the parent or other authorized adult
  • If the attempts to contact the parent or other authorized adult were unsuccessful, the documentation must include if a message was left and when a follow-up call will be made

The ELCD will be revising Management Bulletin (MB) 20-15 to include this clarification. Until that MB is released, the guidance in this listserv should be utilized when making payments to providers.

The CDE, ELCD understands the urgent need for information and appreciate your patience as we work hard to implement Management Bulletins (MBs) based on the Fiscal Year 2020–21 Budget Act.

Please visit our Early Learning and Care Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) web page for the latest updates.

If you have questions regarding the information in this email, please contact your assigned Program Quality Implementation Regional Consultant on the ELCD Consultants Regional Assignments web page.

Questions:   Early Learning & Care Division |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 05, 2025
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