Resources for Homeless Children and Youth
Resources related to homeless students' rights to enroll and participate fully in school.Resources
Elementary and Secondary Education provisions as they relate to homeless education.
Resources Listserv
Join the Homeless Children and Youth Resources listserv to receive information and updates relating to the education of homeless children and youth.
Title I, Part A Reservation Funds for Homeless Education (DOCX)
This overview is a reminder to local educational agencies (LEAs) regarding the legislation and strategies for implementing the allowable uses of these funds for students experiencing homelessness.
Suggested program strategies to assist with the implementation of homeless education provisions in the areas of transportation, identification, Title I, enrollment, preschool, and special education.
New Identification Strategies and Resources in Response to Coronavirus (DOCX)
Identification strategies and resources for LEAs in response to Coronavirus for students experiencing homelessness in one easy to access page.
California Department of Social Services' Housing and Homelessness Programs
Governor Newsom announces Project Roomkey
designated to target hotels in counties with significant homeless populations that are also experiencing high concentrations of Coronavirus transmission.
Reopening School for Students in Foster Care and Students Experiencing Homelessness
This letter reminds local educational agencies that when reopening schools, special populations such as students in foster care and children and youth experiencing homelessness must be considered.
Educating Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Letter
The California Department of Education (CDE) reminds local educational agencies of the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act's Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) Program.
Dispute Resolution Letter (DOCX; Updated Mar-2020)
This letter outlines the law and steps to ensure that disputes are resolved promptly while safeguarding the rights of all parties.
Training Modules
Supporting Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Using Title I, Part A: Requirements, Reservations, and Uses (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation will address the federal and state requirements as they relate to Title I, Part A reservation funds for children and youth experiencing homelessness. It provides LEAs with strategies to determine set-aside amounts, the allowable uses of these funds, and state reporting requirements.
Back to School Webinar (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation briefly addresses identification and enrollment for children and youth experiencing homelessness. It also offers LEAs information on data collection for the 2022–23 school year, as well as support and services that are available to them and the students they serve.
Transportation and Homeless Education (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the laws pertaining to transportation of children and youth experiencing homelessness. It also includes strategies to better implement those laws.
Transportation and Homeless Education (PDF)
This PDF is the same presentation as the PowerPoint presentation above; however, it contains a certificate of completion for participants to print out for their training records.
Transportation Agreement (PDF)
This is a sample transportation agreement between two local educational agencies who are responsible for providing and/or arranging transportation of a child or youth experiencing homelessness.
Overview of Homeless Education (PPTX; Updated 21-Sep-2022)
This PowerPoint presentation has been updated and provides a high-level overview of the educational rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness under Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as well as an addresses statute.
Identifying Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
This National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) brief summarizes the key provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act related to the identification of children and youth
experiencing homelessness, and provides an overview of implementation strategies at the state and local level.
Housing Questionnaire: Legislation and Guidance (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the legal requirements and use of the housing questionnaire as outlined in state statute along with the importance of the identification of children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Housing Questionnaire and Instructions (PDF)
Local educational agencies (LEAs) should use this sample housing questionnaire at least annually to assist with the identification of children and youth experiencing homelessness. The document also instructs LEAs how to customize the housing questionnaire to be use at the local level.
Guidance for Completion of Housing Questionnaire (DOCX)
Guidance for local educational agencies (LEAs) on how to administer the housing questionnaire to all students, at least once a year.
Additional translations of the Housing Questionnaire and Instructions/Template are available via email in the following languages:
Arabic, Armenian, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Punjabi, Russian, Samoan, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Please send an email with your request of the DOCX or PDF version of the template to
Housing Questionnaire Frequently Asked Questions (DOCX)
This resource addresses frequently asked questions about the housing questionnaire and its implementation. For additional resources and support please contact the CDE ’s Homeless Education program at
Enrolling Homeless Children and Youth (PPTX; Updated 21-Sep-2022)
This PowerPoint presentation has been updated and provides enrollment personnel an understanding of the legal guidelines for the immediate school enrollment of children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Enrolling Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness in School
This NCHE brief explains the key provisions in the McKinney-Vento Act related to the school enrollment of students in homeless situation, including sections on enrollment barriers, immediate enrollment, school selection, and full participation in school.
Identification Strategies for Homeless Children and Youth (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation provides in depth strategies for identifying students who may be experiencing homelessness. This is for all personnel at the LEA and school site levels to learn and implement strategies as required by law. The presentation follows the above module series and should be taken once understanding the definition, role and requirements of the LEA under the law.
Identification Strategies for Homeless Children and Youth Video
Video recording of the Identification Strategies for Homeless Children and Youth PowerPoint.
Identification Strategies for Homeless Children and Youth Transcription
Homelessness in the Classroom (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of how teachers can support the education of homeless children and youth in the classroom with concrete strategies for attendance, behavior, and academics.
Homeless Education and School Counselors (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation will to equip school counselors to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement to support students experiencing homelessness in their college and career readiness.
Homeless Education and Early Education (PDF)
This PowerPoint presentation provides information and suggests best practices to facilitate collaboration between schools, service provider agencies, and early childhood programs, and to increase the enrollment of and provision of services to families with young children experiencing homelessness.
List of Head Start Agencies and COE’s Homeless Liaisons
This resource is designed to allow Head Start staff and county office of education homeless liaisons to easily access each other to refer families for complimentary services. Some Head Start programs serve multiple counties and may be listed more than once.
Administrator's Role to Increase Academic Achievement and Performance Among Students Experiencing Homelessness (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation provides leadership strategies to support increases in academic and performance achievement, including as part of differentiated assistance, for students who are experiencing homelessness.
Health and Wellness for Students Experiencing Homelessness (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation offers information for stakeholders including nurses, social workers, counselors, and all other stakeholders who support the health and wellness of students experiencing homelessness.
All About Data and Homeless Education (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation will walk participants through the various California Department of Education data points (Consolidated Application and Reporting System, California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, etc.) as it relates to homeless education, including how to evaluate and analyze an LEA's homeless education data.
Collaboration with Community Partnerships and Service Providers to Support Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)
The benefits of collaboration for both LEAs and students experiencing homelessness are far reaching. This PowerPoint presentation will support the LEA with a step-by-step process
to build relationships with local community agencies, organizations, and non-profits.
Someone to Turn To: School Site Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness (PPTX)
This PowerPoint presentation encourages LEAs to implement the best practice of designating a school site liaison to assist with identification and support of homeless students.
Someone to Turn To Video
Video recording of the Someone To Turn To: School Site Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness PowerPoint.
Someone to Turn To: School Site Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness Transcript
Designating Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness (DOCX)
This guidance shares relevant laws, key considerations for designation, and duties of both LEA liaisons and school site liaisons.
Sample Protocol for LEA Liaison and School Site Liaison Coordination (DOCX)
This protocol is designed to promote effective and efficient implementation of federal and state laws.
Training Module Certificate
Training Module Certificate (PDF)
This certificate of completion should be filled out and printed by participants for their records upon completion of any of the above training modules.
Sample Documents
- Declaration for Missing Enrollment Documentation (English) (DOC)
- Shared Residence Affidavit (English) (DOC)
- Student Services Questionnaire (English) (DOC)
- Transportation Agreement (English) (DOC)
The "You Can Enroll in School" poster provides public notice of the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness, including school enrollment which is guaranteed by federal and state law regardless of housing.
- Guidance for Disseminating Educational Rights (DOCX)
This guidance provides educational agencies with best practices and strategies for disseminating educational rights for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Interagency Data Disclosure: A Tip Sheet on Interagency Data Sharing
Tip Sheet to help local educational agencies, homeless education programs, community agencies, and organizations serving homeless families, children, and youth better coordinate their services by sharing data and information.
Homeless Education - CalEdFacts
California Department of Education's information and media guide about education in the State of California. For information on other topics, visit the full CalEdFacts.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
A national grassroots membership association that connects educators, parents, advocates, researchers, and service providers to ensure success for children and youth in homeless situations.
National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE
Educational organization that promotes continuous improvement of educational opportunities for all learners.
National Homelessness Law Center
A legal resource center that provides legal assistance.
SchoolHouse Connection
SchoolHouse Connection is a national non-profit organization working to overcome homelessness through education.
The John Burton Advocates for Youth
The John Burton Advocates for Youth has developed an online training that offers a series of brief lectures on topics such as creating a college-going culture, application, enrollment and financial aid, all through the lens of special considerations for students who have experienced homelessness.
The lectures are accompanied by optional quizzes and activities to support retention of the material.
The training is designed to be used not only by Local Educational Agencies personnel but also those working with homeless students in other contexts such as non-profit organizations or other government programs.