CLRT Topic 3.5 - Key Ideas and Questions
Engaging in Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching (CLRT): Key Ideas and Questions.These key ideas and questions are designed to support you as you engage in the practice of culturally and linguistically responsive teaching.
Cultural Awareness and Cultural Competence
- The United States has individualism as its deep national cultural archetype, while many migratory students have collectivism as their cultural archetype.
- What opportunities can I create today to incorporate aspects of the deeper levels of our students’ and families’ cultures from an asset-orientation?
Neuroscience and Implications for Learning
- Zaretta Hammond’s computer metaphor: The physical structures of the brain are its hardware, while a person’s cultural understandings are the software they use to interpret the world.
- What opportunities can I create today to incorporate aspects of the deeper levels of our students’ and families’ cultures from an asset orientation?
Social–Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Warm, positive interactions and strong, trusting relationships are the foundation for learning.
- What opportunities can I create today to support students in five SEL outcomes: relationships, self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, self-concept, and critical thinking?
Critical Consciousness
- Within my sphere of influence, what will I do today to be aware of and interrupt inequitable practices at my site and beyond?
- Have I taken the opportunity to listen to my students and their families today? How am I building strong, trusting relationships?
- How am I critically examining my own assumptions?
Building Equitable Systems
- How have I modeled and advocated for asset-orientation within my school or office?
- What opportunities can I create within my school or county to examine student disproportionality and work to understand how embedded beliefs and practices are inadvertently contributing to disproportionality?
- How have I prioritized student and family voices in my systems change efforts?
Migrant Education Office | 916-319-0851
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 2, 2024
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