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Meeting Minute Summary October 2013

Advisory Commission on Special Education October 2013 Meeting Summary.

Item 1–Common Core State Standards and Assessment Update

Kristen Brown, Education Programs Consultant, Policy and Program Services Unit, Special Education Division (SED), California Department of Education (CDE); and Diane Hernandez, Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division, CDE, reported on the status of the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and the National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) assessment program for students with disabilities. Discussion and public comment ensued. It was moved, seconded, and passed:

That the Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) prepare a letter to the State Board of Education (SBE) supporting the implementation of the National Center and State Collaborative assessment program for students with disabilities.

Item 2–Title 5 Proposed Regulations

Allison Smith, Education Programs Consultant, SED, presented an update on the status of the proposed Title 5 regulations, which will come before the SBE for consideration at its November meeting. Discussion and public comment ensued. It was moved, seconded, and passed:

That the ACSE recommend that the SBE support the proposed Title 5 regulations as presented, with the caveat of continuing the discussion on addressing clarifications on content related to the assessment and identification of students with specific learning disabilities, behavioral interventions and definitions, and the translation of individual education plans to parents’ home language by forming a workgroup to further review these areas of concern.

Items 3 and 4–ACSE Strategic Plan Update

Sara McClellan, Strategic Planning Consultant with WestEd, presented the draft strategic plan and core committee work plans developed at the last meeting for review and discussion. Work group meetings were held, with public participation, to further define key priorities and assign tasks, and committee reports were presented to the Commission.

Item 5–Completion of any Unfinished ACSE Business

There was no unfinished business to address.

Item 6–Strategic Plan Unfinished Business

The Commission reviewed and discussed the written action plans of the three strategic planning work groups. Doug McDougall, Education Programs Consultant, SED, reviewed the meeting requirements of the Bagley-Keene Act to ensure compliance with the Act if any committee work is conducted prior to the next regular ACSE meeting. Discussion was held regarding the role of the Policy and Legislative Committees in light of the new core committee structure. It was agreed that the duties of these committees will be incorporated into the core committees, with ad-hoc committees to be established as necessary.

Item 12–Commissioner Liaison Activities and Representation Structure

Discussion was held on the process for Commissioner reports, content area activities, liaison work, and representation of ACSE outside of regular Commission meetings. Commissioners provided areas of interest for liaison work, which will be used to coordinate liaison assignments.

Item 8–Legislative Members and Liaison Reports

Carl Cohn, Member, SBE, and SBE ACSE Liaison, provided a report noting that the local control funding formula (LCFF) will be a major focus at the November SBE meeting. He encouraged Commissioners to watch the meeting as it will be a significant change in education across the nation once California implements the program.

Gina Plate shared a report on behalf of Senate Member Carol Liu highlighting recent activity related to the LCFF and the transition to the Common Core State Standards.

Item 7–Legislative Report

Jennifer Moreno, CDE Legislative Representative, presented a report of special education related bills.

The Chair welcomed Karen Stapf-Walters, SBE Executive Director, who provided a brief report on her activities as the Governor’s Educational Policy Advisor, as well as the key items that the SBE will be addressing at its upcoming meeting, including the LCFF and assessment revisions.

Item 14–Special Education Division Director’s Report

Fred Balcom, Director of Special Education, submitted a narrated PowerPoint presentation that included an announcement that he has been elected as the President of the National Association of State Directors of Special Education and the advantages this role will bring to special education in California. He also reported on the status of the Behavior Intervention Plan workgroup, the state Annual Performance Report, the California Transition Alliance and Secondary Transition Community of Practice, alternate performance assessments, the new Special Education Task Force, and the proposed Title 5 Regulations.

Item 9–Public Comment

Comment was received from the public and organizational representatives.

Item 10–Annual Performance Report

Shiyloh Duncan-Becerril, Education and Research Consultant, SED, provided an executive summary of the 2013 Annual Performance Report. She noted that while all targets may not have been met, improvement was achieved in most areas. After discussion, it was moved, seconded and passed:

That the ACSE recommends that the 2013 Annual Performance Report be forwarded to the SBE for approval at the November meeting, with final submission to the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education.

Item 11–Secondary Education

Jill Larson, Education Programs Consultant; and Sue Sawyer, Executive Director, California Transition Alliance, provided a report on the newly developed document Transition Planning: The Basics that provides evidenced based best practice and guidance information related to secondary transition.

Item 13–State Special Schools Director’s Report

Scott Kerby, Director, State Special Schools, shared a video on the services and students at the California School for the Deaf at Riverside. The school provides comprehensive diagnostic services for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing free of charge.

Item 15–Future Agenda Building

Vice Chair Gina Plate encouraged Commissioners to provide recommendations for the January agenda to her prior to December 1, 2013.

Item 12–Commissioner Reports

Commissioners provided brief reports on activities conducted on behalf of their constituents and the ACSE.

Questions:   Special Education Division | | 916-445-4602
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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