CSI Planning Summary
Resource to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in meeting Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) planning requirements.The CSI Planning Summary was developed to support LEA school planning efforts for single school districts, charter schools, and LEAs with Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Community of Practice schools eligible under the CSI Low Graduation Rate criteria. The table below explains how to utilize the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to meet CSI planning requirements.
CSI Requirements | LCAP Requirement | Where in the LCAP the CSI Requirement May Be Addressed |
Partner with the school and educational partners in the development of the CSI plan | LEAs must consult with educational partners in the development of the LCAP and must provide descriptions of the consultation process and the impact that the feedback provided had on the plan. | LEAs may address this requirement in Prompts 2 and 3 of the CSI section in the Plan Summary and/or in the Engaging Educational Partners section. |
Based on a school-level needs assessment | LEAs are required to use available state and local data, including input from educational partners to identify successes and areas of need. LEAs must identify the areas of identified need in the Plan Summary of the LCAP. LEAs may also address identified needs within the Engaging Educational Partners section, the explanation of why the LEA developed a goal, and in the Increased or Improved Services section of the LCAP. | LEAs may address this requirement in the Reflections: Annual Performance section of the Plan Summary, in the second CSI prompt within the Plan Summary, and/or, in the explanation of why the LEA has developed a particular goal. |
Be informed by all State indicators | Within the goals included in the LCAP, LEAs must include measures of progress for each of the State Priority areas, as applicable to the LEA. LEAs may also include additional measures of progress. | LEAs may address this requirement in the Measuring and Reporting Results section of the applicable goal(s). |
Include evidence-based interventions | LEAs are required to identify actions that are being used to make progress towards the goal. | LEAs may address this requirement in the Descriptions of Actions within the Goals and Actions section. The LEA is encouraged to note action(s) funded with CSI funds in the description. In addition, LEAs must analyze the effectiveness of the actions in the Goal Analysis section of the applicable goal(s). |
Identify resource inequities and address those inequities through implementation of the plan | As previously noted, LEAs are required to use available state and local data, including input from educational partners to identify successes and areas of need. LEAs must identify the areas of identified need in the Reflections: Annual Performance section of the Plan Summary of the LCAP. | LEAs may address the requirement to identify resource inequities in the Reflections: Annual Performance section of the Plan Summary, in the second CSI prompt within the Plan Summary, and/or, in the explanation of why the LEA has developed a particular goal. LEAs may address the requirement to address those resource inequities in the plan within the actions in the Goals and Actions section. |
California Department of Education (CDE) Continuous Improvement Resources web page
CDE Dashboard Alternative School Status web page
CDE Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) web page
CDE ESSA Assistance Status Data Files web page
CDE Local Control and Accountability Plan web page
CDE September 2022 State Board of Education meeting, Item 3 (DOCX)
For additional information on CSI, please visit the CDE Comprehensive Support and Improvement web page.