Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Status: Active Pending Only Schools that Offer a Multilingual Program
Showing 1 - 25 of the 1353 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Ventura Oxnard San Miguel Preschool Public No Active
San Francisco San Francisco Unified Presidio Early Ed. Preschool Public No Active
Riverside Palm Springs Unified Virtual Pre Preschool Public No Active
Los Angeles El Rancho Unified Early Learning Program Preschool Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Infant and Preschool Program Preschool Public No Active
San Mateo San Mateo-Foster City San Mateo-Foster City Special Education Preschool Preschool Public No Active
Riverside Alvord Unified Summit Secondary Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda California School for the Deaf-Fremont (State Special Schl) California School for the Deaf-Fremont State Special Schools Public No Active
Riverside California School for the Deaf-Riverside (State Special Schl) California School for the Deaf-Riverside State Special Schools Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Sylvia Mendez Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Burbank Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Cherryland Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Glassbrook Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Harder Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Longwood Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Palma Ceia Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Park Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Schafer Park Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Hayward Unified Tyrrell Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Livermore Valley Joint Unified Junction K-8 Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Newark Unified August Schilling Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda New Haven Unified Searles Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda New Haven Unified Guy Jr. Emanuele Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Bridges @ Melrose Academy Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Esperanza Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Showing 1 - 25 of the 1353 Schools found (Page 1 of 55)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317