Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Status: Active Pending Only Schools that Offer a Multilingual Program
Showing 1226 - 1250 of the 1353 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Imperial Brawley Elementary J. W. Oakley Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Inyo Bishop Unified Bishop Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Santa Clara Berryessa Union Elementary Cherrywood Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Santa Clara Berryessa Union Elementary Sierramont Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Berkeley High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Longfellow Arts and Technology Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Martin Luther King Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Sylvia Mendez Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Bellflower Unified Bellflower Adult Education Center Adult Education Centers Public No Active
Los Angeles Bellflower Unified Intensive Learning Center Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Bellflower Unified Mayfair High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Bellflower Unified Washington Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Sonoma Bellevue Union Kawana Springs Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Beaumont Unified Beaumont Senior High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Beaumont Unified Palm Innovation Academy Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Beaumont Unified San Gorgonio Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Beaumont Unified Starlight Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Bassett Unified Sunkist Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Bernardino Barstow Unified Challenges Community Day District Community Day Schools Public No Active
Riverside Banning Unified Banning High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Banning Unified Central Elementary Elementary Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Banning Unified Nicolet Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Baldwin Park Unified Baldwin Park High High Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Baldwin Park Unified BP STEM Academy Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Baldwin Park Unified Charles D. Jones Middle Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public) Public No Active
Showing 1226 - 1250 of the 1353 Schools found (Page 50 of 55)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317