Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Status: Active Pending
Showing 13626 - 13650 of the 13683 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Riverside Alvord Unified Summit Secondary Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Contra Costa Mt. Diablo Unified Sunrise (Special Education) Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Riverside Unified Sunshine Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Sutter Sutter County Office of Education Sutter County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Sven Lokrantz Special Education Center Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Tehama Tehama County Department of Education Tehama County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles El Monte City Thompson Elementary Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Diego San Diego Unified TRACE Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Ventura County Office of Education Triton Academy Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Tuolumne Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools Tuolumne County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Joaquin Lodi Unified Turner Academy at Tokay Colony Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Solano Vallejo City Unified Vallejo Adult Transition Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Ventura Ventura County Office of Education Ventura County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Riverside Corona-Norco Unified Victress Bower School for Exceptional Students Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Diego Vista Unified Vista Adult Transition Center Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Joaquin Stockton Unified Walton Development Center Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Sonoma West Sonoma County Union High West Sonoma County Consortium Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Glendora Unified Williams Educational Center Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Los Angeles Palmdale Elementary Yellen Learning Center Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Yolo Yolo County Office of Education Yolo County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Fremont Unified Young Adult Program Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda Oakland Unified Young Adult Program Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Yuba Yuba County Office of Education Yuba County Special Education Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
San Bernardino San Bernardino City Unified Yvonne Harmon Special Education Schools (Public) Public No Active
Alameda California School for the Blind (State Special Schl) California School for the Blind State Special Schools Public No Active
Showing 13626 - 13650 of the 13683 Schools found (Page 546 of 548)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317