Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Status: Active Pending
Showing 13676 - 13683 of the 13683 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Marin Ross Valley Elementary Star Academy Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified The Mirman School for Gifted Children Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Alameda Alameda Unified The Phillips Academy Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
San Diego San Diego Unified Urban Skills Center Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Orange Saddleback Valley Unified VanDamme Academy Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Alameda Berkeley Unified Via Center Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Ventura Conejo Valley Unified Westlake Montessori School Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
San Mateo San Bruno Park Elementary Wings Learning Center Ungraded Schools (Private) Private No Active
Showing 13676 - 13683 of the 13683 Schools found (Page 548 of 548)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317